PHPExcel to PHPSpreadsheet migration - Unable to get Rector working - phpspreadsheet

I'm trying to use the Rector tool to migrate an old project which uses PHPExcel to PHPSpreadsheet (PHP 8.1).
I have a Windows server and somehow not able to get the tool working.
Followed the instructions mentioned here :
I've set up rector and rector.php file (
Rector.php looks like this : Rector.php
Tried running rector on my code and nothing seems to happen
Cmd prompt
Cmd prompt
Not sure how to proceed further, Any leads are appreciated. Thanks


Permission error for shutils moving png to path

You see I am making a python gui with pysimplegui for my old qrcode generator script so im using shutils for the user to download the file.
I am using the 'default' thing because i want it to save to my users path not mine, do you know some other way I can do that? because i think this is the reason its not working
I tried making it so the user inputs there username such as 'My laptop' so it adds it to the path
src_path = r"D:\Python\QRcode generator\output.png"
dst_path = r"C:\Users\Default\Pictures"
shutil.move(src_path, dst_path)
The code is correct. It wont give any error if you dont use C drive (Where the operating system is installed)
This is mostly due to C drive is protected for windows stability.
If you are using any code editor (Pycharm, VS Code etc.) or running the code in windows command prompt or any terminal etc. Try and run it with administrator rights
It should work.

Electron builder - GitHub Personal Access Token is not set, neither programmatically, nor using env "GH_TOKEN"

I have an electron app for which I want to set up an auto-updater. I followed this blog post and made a small demo, it worked great with some small changes.
Then I tried to implement it with my real project and now I am getting an error.
GitHub Personal Access Token is not set, neither programmatically, nor using env "GH_TOKEN"
I already have electron-builder.yml file and i even tried setting up GT_TOKEN anv variable but it still throws same error.
Forget about that post, I tried to implement it but faced many issues with that.
Try this one.
But take a note that For macOS, you will need a code-signing certificate.
For windows and Linux it works seemlessly.
Just follow the instructions.
For exporting the token, you need to add the export line at the end of the .bashrc or .profile in Linux/Mac. Google it if you don't know how.
Make sure to restart IDE/Terminal to inherit latest env variable.
Well, I found the solution, I set env key in .bash_profile and it worked. I don't know why setting GH_TOKEN in the main.js file and in electron_builder.yml file didn't work. It works in the beginning but then when I added more configuration to package.json file it started throwing this error.

Dart Editor Unable to run current selection - please select a runnable resource

Last year I thought I would give Dart a try, so I downloaded the Dart + Editor zip from the website and got it working on my Ubuntu 12.04 environment. When trying to get the Sunflower demo to run (by clicking the Run button), I got the "Unable to run current selection - please select a runnable resource" error. After exploring Google for answers, I found nothing, so I gave up on Dart at the time, not wanting to spend the time on something that is still buggy. Since then I prepared a completely new Ubuntu 14.04 environment on a new computer and thought I would give Dart another try. So I downloaded and installed it again this year and I am experiencing the exact same problem, still with no answers from Google searches. If this were a bug, I figured something like this would have been resolved after a year, or at least some discussion somewhere on Google about it. Am I doing something consistently wrong?
I extracted the dart zip into /opt/dart
I installed openjdk-7-jre
I executed DartEditor and it runs
I select the Sunflower demo
I click the green Run button
I get the following error: "Unable to run current selection - please select a runnable resource"
Any ideas?
Try the context menu on the entry page file (index.html or sunflower.html) in the web sub-directory and choose Run in Dartium
There is no unique or default entry point in a Dart package and no way to configure one.
You always have to run a specific Dart script file or HTML page that contains a ` tag.
I almost never used the run Button in the toolbar.
When you have for example the menu Run/Always run last launch activated and run an entry point like described above the toolbar run button should work to run the same entry point again.
I guess there are other ways to make this run button work but as I said, I almost never use this one myself.
Context menu Run in Dartium, Run as Javascript for web applications and context menu Run for command line scripts worked always for me.

Addon cannot be installed by an error of not be able to modify the needed file

I developed an addon and it run perfectly on my PC. But when I send it to install on our client, it got an error that say something like this "Your addon cannot be installed because Firefox couldn't modify the needed file".
Anyone know what the reason might be?
Sounds like bug 636268: too long paths to add-on's files. To verify, get the client to create a scratch profile in a directory with a short path, like C:\temp-profile and try installing the extension there.
Does client have Windows or UNIX-like system?
Looks like permission problem with Firefox profile folder (it is read-only). Look here for further details.
Thanks guys! I tried all above suggestions but I finally found the problem was the app ID in package.json was too long, I changed from jid0-1Z6ceODTjCn4TmgrrAo3ARAo5J0 to jid1-EGBMRh2YNRZEIg and then everything work fine. Someone has this problem then can give it a try.

hdf viewer on windows for tables created using pyTables?

viTables only seems to work with python 2.5. I have downloaded HDFView, but when I try to open a table I created following this tutorial, I get the following error message:
Failed to open file C:\tutorial.h5 Unsupported fileformat - C:\tutorial.h5
Any ideas for getting HDFView to work?
Is there something I need to do when I'm using pyTables from python to make the format more generic?
Any other good HDF viewers?
Btw, I've just discovered PyTables, and I'm really excited about it.
ViTables works for me with python 2.6 on windows. It is supposed also to work with 2.7.
However the version on the official site did not work for me and crashed. In a mailinglist posting I found the link to the berlios ftp server where I got a version that works like a charm.
Have you seen ViTables?
