hdf viewer on windows for tables created using pyTables? - hdf5

viTables only seems to work with python 2.5. I have downloaded HDFView, but when I try to open a table I created following this tutorial, I get the following error message:
Failed to open file C:\tutorial.h5
java.io.IOException: Unsupported fileformat - C:\tutorial.h5
Any ideas for getting HDFView to work?
Is there something I need to do when I'm using pyTables from python to make the format more generic?
Any other good HDF viewers?
Btw, I've just discovered PyTables, and I'm really excited about it.

ViTables works for me with python 2.6 on windows. It is supposed also to work with 2.7.
However the version on the official site did not work for me and crashed. In a mailinglist posting I found the link to the berlios ftp server where I got a version that works like a charm.

Have you seen ViTables?


PHPExcel to PHPSpreadsheet migration - Unable to get Rector working

I'm trying to use the Rector tool to migrate an old project which uses PHPExcel to PHPSpreadsheet (PHP 8.1).
I have a Windows server and somehow not able to get the tool working.
Followed the instructions mentioned here : https://github.com/PHPOffice/PhpSpreadsheet/blob/master/docs/topics/migration-from-PHPExcel.md
I've set up rector and rector.php file (https://i.stack.imgur.com/RbSV0.png)
Rector.php looks like this : Rector.php
Tried running rector on my code and nothing seems to happen
Cmd prompt
Cmd prompt
Not sure how to proceed further, Any leads are appreciated. Thanks

React-Native-Vision-Camera Exception when reading a QR-Code

I'm using react-native-vision-camera to build a QR-Code-Scanner for my app. I followed this guide by dynamsoft: https://www.dynamsoft.com/codepool/react-native-qr-code-scanner-vision-camera.html
In the beginning everything worked fine but now I'm always getting an Exception when reading QR-Codes with my camera. Even with the provided example project in the post it's not working properly anymore.
The detected result I get always has asterisks in it like this: [Attention(exceptionCode:-20111)] *ttp*//**ca*h*st*9*02/*entalobje*ts*book**98420*d*6b**-4***-9e***6*d796*0c*55
I already tried reinstalling the library and everything but I can't get it to work.
vision-camera-dynamsoft-barcode-reader has an internal dependency on DynamsoftBarcodeReader SDK and it needs an active license, which I found out in their other examples. In all their examples, public license are used which has an expiration date.
Due to this reason, I made a switch to vision-camera-code-scanner. This was already suggested in Community Plugin List of VisionCamera.
Hope this helps!

Does HHVM support IMAP?

I have a new ubuntu server running HHVM that I just installed my PHP application on. Everything seems to work fine except one aspect.
I have a button that queries an external e-mail box, and downloads the attachments to the server, however when I run that function I get:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function imap_sort()
I know there's usually a module for it, but I don't know how to check for it on this setup.
Any help is appreciated.
The HHVM documentation for imap_sort very loudly proclaims
so no, HHVM does not currently support this function.

Android-eye example Couldn't load Mp3Encoder error

Hi i am trying to stream video to http webpage, I have tried the following applications source code Android-eye project and im getting the following error.
03-23 17:12:47.672: E/AndroidRuntime(27063): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Couldn't load mp3encoder from loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[dexPath=/data/app/teaonly.droideye-1.apk,libraryPath=/data/app-lib/teaonly.droideye-1]: findLibrary returned null
Any help would be gratefully appreciated..
If anyone can suggest a tutorial for streaming live camera android video to VLC or webpage that would be great .
I resolved this issue by rebuild the JNI code for all those beginners like me who are not NDK friendly,
All you need to install the NDK from below URL:
Please make sure that you have set the environment variables like
NDK_HOME -- \android-ndk-r9 {directory must contain `ndk-build` file}
Path -- %NDK_HOME%
open the command prompt go to the directory where JNI code exist, mine under the below path
cd C:{rootpath}\android-eye-master\jni
Then refresh your android project in eclipse and run as Android Application.
Fixed the problem, I didn't have the NDK installed .

Connection issue in JayBird

I am new to Firebird using its Java version Jaybird, But unable to connect from database (.fdb file). The problem comes like this:
org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: GDS Exception. 335544375. unavailable database
java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to initilize Jaybird native library. This is most likley due to a failure to load the firebird client library.
Using following code:
connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:firebirdsql://localhost/3050:C:/XLNKREPOS /FIRBIRDXA.FDB", "SYSDBA", "masterkey");
Having following files in build path of Eclipse project:
Also using the JVM arguments as -Djava.library.path="D:\Shared\Firebird\Jaybird-2.1.5JDK_1.5"
Tell me what is wrong in my approach?
Thanks RRUZ for giving repsonse.
Actually there was no space after "C:/XLNKREPOS" in my connection string, It was a copy past mistake. Again & again I got the following SQL Exception:
org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: GDS Exception. 335544375. unavailable database
And that database is no where used in other program.
Hope my this post makes you understand my problem.
The OP is mixing two jdbc url formats supported by Jaybird.
Either use
{...} used to indicate optional part
I think the problem must be the connection string, there is a blank space after "C:/XLNKREPOS"
Try this
connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:firebirdsql://localhost/3050:C:/XLNKREPOS/FIRBIRDXA.FDB", "SYSDBA", "masterkey");
When I got this error it was because I was using x64 Firebird version instead of the standard x86 version. I thought since I was running a 64bit OS that those embedded binaries corresponded to me... Hopefully that fixes your problem.
Troubleshooting Tips:
I was also able to further diagnose additional Firebird problems by adding the latest log4j jar from apache's site to my project/classpath. I then added a log4j.properties file to my default/root src directory with the following properties set inside:
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=[%c{1},%p] %m%n
log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, stdout
log4j.category.org.firebirdsql=DEBUG, stdout
I also had to set System.setProperty("FBLog4j", "true"); in my code.
Another thing you can do is make sure you're running the latest and greatest from their repository at http://firebird.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/firebird/client-java/?view=tar
Just unzip the tarball and compile it using their supplied build script (build.bat/build.sh). After compilation look in the 'output/lib' directory and you'll find the latest version of the jaybird jar (as of right now it's 2.2.0). You'll also need the latest jaybird dll (as of right now it's 22) which is located in the 'native' directory. I went through a lot of pain trying to figure this crap out. The documentation on Firebird's site is very outdated and poorly written.
I had the same problem, it was caused by those slashes before localhost.
That URL should be:
