I'm only learning UV-mapping. I'm learning it in Blender. And I have a question.
If you create a plane (blender will automatically create UV for it) and apply perspective transformations on it (like scaling one of its edges), this will lead to such a problem:
stretching problem of affine texture mapping from wiki
So, how can I achieve the correct version without subdivision or remapping the UV? I've tried using subdivision, and it works perfect (especially if you have one face for one pixel), but in more complex models this will lead to unnecessary complexity. So I'm still searching for the answer. I'm also using texture with resolution of 8x8 pixels and closest interpolation, so simple remapping isn't the answer and I also want my UV to be a perfect square.
I'm currently working on a visual odometry project. Currently I've implemented up to Essential Matrix decomposition stage. But the resulting translation vector is normalized and cannot be able to plot the movement.
Now how can I compute the displacement in some scale? I have seen some suggestions to use planner homography to compute the absolute translation. I didn't got the idea of doing it as, the outdoor environment is not simply planner. At least, by considering the ground as planner, how to obtain, the translation of it. I've seen a suggestion here. Is it possible to use this approach to get the displacement between two frames?
What you are referring to is called registration. This is a vast field. There are methods for linear transformation across the entire image, and per pixel methods ( the two ends of the spectrum). Naturally per pixel methods are far slower typically and have many local errors.
Typically two frames have very little transformation between them and simple Homography will do to find the general scaling between them. Especially if you are talking about aerial photos. If your case is very far from planar then you may want to use something closer to pixel-wise. For example using spline fitting: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/20057-b-spline-grid--image-and-point-based-registration
You cannot recover scale, generally speaking, unless you can recognize in the scene 1 or more objects of known physical size.
Let me describe the problem as follows. I have a robot which moves across a known 2D board. The board is painted with several colors. The paintings are larger squares, circles and lines. The robot has a camera mounted so that it looks down towards the floor. As we can calibrate the camera we can reverse the perspective transformation and by doing so, we are observing a subimage of the whole board image.
Given the subimage (and the board image), what would be the best strategy towards localization? I am asking only about the image processing/computer vision part, so no need to talk about Kalman filter etc. The trivial approach would be two use the subimage as a template, but as we also need rotation invariance we would need to search a 3D space (tx, ty, theta). Scale invariance is not needed as the camera will be on a constant and known height. Some subimages will have it's duplicates, but we still need to known where those duplicates are so the output should either be some probability function ( p(tx,ty,theta) ) or a set of candidates.
The algorithm should be fast, doesn't have to be realtime but should run over 5-10fps on a standard PC.
The board image is abound 6000x6000. The subimage is around 500x500. The colors are solid and known so we can easily threshold/classify them into several (4-5) classes.
I am doing something similar to this problem:
Matching a curve pattern to the edges of an image
Basically, I have the same curve in two images, but with some affine transform between the two. Here is an example of two images:
So in order to get to Image2, you can apply some translation, rotation, scale, etc. to Image1.
Does anyone know how to solve for this transform?
Phase correlation doesn't work because it's not a translation only. Optical flow doesn't work since there's not enough detail to resolve translation, rotation, scale (It's pretty much a binary image). I'm not sure if Hough Transforms will give me good data.
I think some sort of keypoint matching algorithm like sift or surf would work with this kind of data as well.
The basic idea would be to find a limited number of "interesting" keypoints in each image, then match these keypoints pairwise.
Here is a quick test of your image with an online ASIFT demo:
It is probably more suited for normal greyscale images, but nevertheless it seems to work for this data. It looks like the lines connect roughly the same points around both of the curves; plugging all these pairs into something like the FindHomography function in OpenCv, the small discrepancies should even themselves out and you get the affine transformation matrix between the two images.
For your particular data you might be able to come up with better keypoint descriptors; perhaps something to detect the line ends, line crossings and sharp corners.
Or how about this: It is a little more work, but if you can vectorize your paths into a bezier or b-spline, you can get some natural keypoints from the spline descriptors.
I do not know any vectorisation library, but Inkscape has a basic implementation with which you could test the approach.
Once you have a small set of descriptors instead of a large 2d bitmap, you only need to match these descriptors between the two images, as per FindHomography.
answer to comment:
The points of interest are merely small areas that have certain properties. So the center of those areas might be black or white; the algorithm does not specifically look for white pixels or large-scale shapes such as the curve. What matter is that the lines connect roughly the same points on both curves, at least at first glance.
I'm developing an image warping iOS app with OpenGL ES 2.0.
I have a good grasp on the setup, the pipeline, etc., and am now moving along to the math.
Since my experience with image warping is nil, I'm reaching out for some algorithm suggestions.
Currently, I'm setting the initial vertices at points in a grid type fashion, which equally divide the image into squares. Then, I place an additional vertex in the middle of each of those squares. When I draw the indices, each square contains four triangles in the shape of an X. See the image below:
After playing with photoshop a little, I noticed adobe uses a slightly more complicated algorithm for their puppet warp, but a much more simplified algorithm for their standard warp. What do you think is best for me to apply here / personal preference?
Secondly, when I move a vertex, I'd like to apply a weighted transformation to all the other vertices to smooth out the edges (instead of what I have below, where only the selected vertex is transformed). What sort of algorithm should I apply here?
As each vertex is processed independently by the vertex shader, it is not easy to have vertexes influence each other's positions. However, because there are not that many vertexes it should be fine to do the work on the CPU and dynamically update your vertex attributes per frame.
Since what you are looking for is for your surface to act like a rubber sheet as parts of it are pulled, how about going ahead and implementing a dynamic simulation of a rubber sheet? There are plenty of good articles on cloth simulation in full 3D such as Jeff Lander's. Your application could be a simplification of these techniques. I have previously implemented a simulation like this in 3D. I required a force attracting my generated vertexes to their original grid locations. You could have a similar force attracting vertexes to the pixels at which they are generated before the simulation is begun. This would make them spring back to their default state when left alone and would progressively reduce the influence of your dragging at more distant vertexes.
Given an image that can contain any variety of solid color images, what is the best method for parsing the image at a given point and then determining the slope (or Vector if you prefer) of that area?
Being new to XNA development, I feel there must be an established method for doing this sort of thing but I have Googled this issue for awhile now.
By way of example, I have mocked up a quick image to demonstrate what I am trying to do. The white portion of the image (where the labels are shown) would be transparent pixels. The "ground" would be a RenderTarget2D or Texture2D object that will provide the Color array of pixels.
What you are looking for is the tangent, which is 90 degrees to the normal (which is more commonly used). These two terms should assist you in your searching.
This is trivial if you've got the polygon outline data. If all you have is an image, then you have to come up with a way to convert it into a polygon.
It may not be entirely suitable for your problem, but the first place I would go is the Farseer Physics Engine, which has a "texture to polygon" feature you could possibly reuse.
If you are using the terrain as some kind of "ground", you can possibly cheat a bit by looking at the adjacent column of pixels and using that to determine the ground slope at that exact point. Kind of like what Lemmings and Worms do.
If you make that determination at the boundary between each pixel, you can get gradients of rise:run between two pixels horizontally. Usually you just break it into categories: so flat (1:1), 45 degrees (2:1) or too steep (>3:1). With a more complicated algorithm, that looks outwards to more columns, you can get better resolution.