toStringAsFixed() returns a round-up value of a given number in Dart - dart

I want to get one decimal place of a double in Dart. I use the toStringAsFixed() method to get it, but it returns a round-up value.
double d1 = 1.151;
double d2 = 1.150;
print('$d1 is ${d1.toStringAsFixed(1)}');
print('$d2 is ${d2.toStringAsFixed(1)}');
Console output:
1.151 is 1.2
1.15 is 1.1
How can I get it without a round-up value? Like 1.1 for 1.151 too. Thanks in advance.

Not rounding seems highly questionable to me1, but if you really want to truncate the string representation without rounding, then I'd take the string representation, find the decimal point, and create the appropriate substring.
There are a few potential pitfalls:
The value might be so large that its normal string representation is in exponential form. Note that double.toStringAsFixed just returns the exponential form anyway for such large numbers, so maybe do the same thing.
The value might be so small that its normal string representation is in exponential form. double.toStringAsFixed already handles this, so instead of using double.toString, use double.toStringAsFixed with the maximum number of fractional digits.
The value might not have a decimal point at all (e.g. NaN, +infinity, -infinity). Just return those values as they are.
extension on double {
// Like [toStringAsFixed] but truncates (toward zero) to the specified
// number of fractional digits instead of rounding.
String toStringAsTruncated(int fractionDigits) {
// Require same limits as [toStringAsFixed].
assert(fractionDigits >= 0);
assert(fractionDigits <= 20);
if (fractionDigits == 0) {
return truncateToDouble().toString();
// [toString] will represent very small numbers in exponential form.
// Instead use [toStringAsFixed] with the maximum number of fractional
// digits.
var s = toStringAsFixed(20);
// [toStringAsFixed] will still represent very large numbers in
// exponential form.
if (s.contains('e')) {
// Ignore values in exponential form.
return s;
// Ignore unrecognized values (e.g. NaN, +infinity, -infinity).
var i = s.indexOf('.');
if (i == -1) {
return s;
return s.substring(0, i + fractionDigits + 1);
void main() {
var values = [
for (var v in values) {
Another approach one might consider is to multiply by pow(10, fractionalDigits), use double.truncateToDouble, divide by the power-of-10 used earlier, and then use .toStringAsFixed(fractionalDigits). That could work for human-scaled values, but it could generate unexpected results for very large values due to precision loss from floating-point arithmetic. (This approach would work if you used package:decimal instead of double, though.)
1 Not rounding seems especially bad given that using doubles to represent fractional base-10 numbers is inherently imprecise. For example, since the closest IEEE-754 double-precision floating number to 0.7 is 0.6999999999999999555910790149937383830547332763671875, do you really want 0.7.toStringAsTruncated(1) to return '0.6' instead of '0.7'?


Should I define all values as Double or mixed Double and Float when those values will be calculated frequently?

In my program, there are some decimal values that should be defined float respect to their range.
But, in several calculations (multiply), ranges might be larger than 10^38, so I need to convert them to Double before the calculation.
Say the values are
let a: Float // maximum: 10
let b: Float // maximum: 10^20
let c: Float // maximum: 10^30
and the calculations are like
func multiplyAB() -> Float {
return a * b
func multiplyBC() -> Double {
return Double(b) * Double(c)
let d = multiplyBC()
What bothers me is which one is better performance-wise?
Convert from Float to Double during calculation or define a, b, c as Double?
In other words, is converting from Float to Double a handy job to CPU (like realloc memory, handle precision and sort of things) comparing to calculate all numbers in Double?
BTW, why Apple use Double as the underlying value for CGFloat?
Maximum value for Float is 10^38, which is pretty large respect to iPhone screen sizes and pixels can't be float (10.111 and 10.11 make no difference, right?).
What's the reason behind that?
Double has a precision of at least 15 decimal digits, whereas the precision of Float can be as little as 6 decimal digits. The appropriate floating-point type to use depends on the nature and range of values you need to work with in your code. In situations where either type would be appropriate, Double is preferred."

Scale and Precision of NSDecimalNumber value

Let us suppose I have a variable v of type NSDecimalNumber
let v = 34.596904 in its own format.
I want to know the precision and scale of this number, not the default one. I did not find any function in the NSDecimalNumber class which gives these values or maybe someone would like to throw some light on how it works.
precision = 8
scale = 6
precision is count of significant digits in number and scale is count of significant digit after decimal
This extension will give you the specific value for your only example:
extension Decimal {
var scale: Int {
return -self.exponent
var precision: Int {
return Int(floor(log10((self.significand as NSDecimalNumber).doubleValue)))+1
let v: NSDecimalNumber = NSDecimalNumber(string: "34.596904")
print("precision=\((v as Decimal).precision)") //->precision=8
print("scale=\((v as Decimal).scale)") //->scale=6
But I cannot be sure if this generates expected results in all cases you have in mind, as you have shown only one example...
One more, in Swift, Decimal and NSDecimalNumber are easily bridgeable and you should better use Decimal as far as you can.

Generation random (positive and negative) numbers for a quiz

I am writing a Math Quiz app for my daughter in xcode/swift.Specifically, I want to produce a question that will contain at least one negative number to be added or subtracted against a second randomly generated number.Cannot be two positive numbers.
What is (-45) subtract 12?
What is 23 Minus (-34)?
I am struggling to get the syntax right to generate the numbers, then decide if the said number will be a negative or positive.
Then the second issue is randomizing if the problem is to be addition or subtraction.
It's possible to solve this without repeated number drawing. The idea is to:
Draw a random number, positive or negative
If the number is negative: Draw another number from the same range and return the pair.
If the number is positive: Draw the second number from a range constrained to negative numbers.
Here's the implementation:
extension CountableClosedRange where Bound : SignedInteger {
/// A property that returns a random element from the range.
var random: Bound {
return Bound(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(count.toIntMax())).toIntMax()) + lowerBound
/// A pair of random elements where always one element is negative.
var randomPair: (Bound, Bound) {
let first = random
if first >= 0 {
return (first, (self.lowerBound ... -1).random)
return (first, random)
Now you can just write...
let pair = (-10 ... 100).randomPair
... and get a random tuple where one element is guaranteed to be negative.
Here's my attempt. Try running this in a playground, it should hopefully get you the result you want. I hope I've made something clean enough...
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import Cocoa
let range = Range(uncheckedBounds: (-50, 50))
func generateRandomCouple() -> (a: Int, b: Int) {
// This function will generate a pair of random integers
// (a, b) such that at least a or b is negative.
var first, second: Int
repeat {
first = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(range.upperBound - range.lowerBound))) - range.upperBound
second = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(range.upperBound - range.lowerBound))) - range.upperBound
while (first > 0 && second > 0);
// Essentially this loops until at least one of the two is less than zero.
return (first, second)
let couple = generateRandomCouple();
print("What is \(couple.a) + (\(couple.b))")
// at this point, either of the variables is negative
// I don't think you can do it in the playground, but here you would read
// her input and the expected answer would, naturally, be:
print(couple.a + couple.b)
In any case, feel free to ask for clarifications. Good luck !

Getting weird value in Double

Hello i made a "Clicker" as a first project while learning swift i have an automated timer that is supposed to remove some numbers from other numbers but sometimes i get values like 0.600000000000001 and i have no idea why.
Here is my "Attack" function that removes 0.2 from the Health of a zombie.
let fGruppenAttackTimer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1, target: self, selector: Selector("fGruppenAttackTime"), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
func fGruppenAttackTime() {
zHealth -= 0.2
if zHealth <= 0 {
zHealth = zSize
pPengar += pPengarut
And here is my attackZ button that is supposed to remove 1 from the health of the zombie
#IBAction func attackZ(sender: UIButton) {
zHealth -= Double(pAttack)
fHunger -= 0.05
fGruppenHunger.progress = Float(fHunger / 100)
Actionlbl.text = ""
if zHealth <= 0 {
zHealth = zSize
pPengar += pPengarut
Lastly here are the variables value:
var zHealth = 10.0
var zSize = 10.0
var pAttack = 1
var pPengar = 0
var pPengarut = 1
When the timer is on and the function is running and i click the button i sometimes get weird values like 0.600000000000001 and if i set the 0.2 in the function to 0.25 i get 0.0999999999999996 sometimes. I wonder why this happens and what to do with it.
In trojanfoe's answer, he shares a link that describes the source of the problem regarding rounding of floating point numbers.
In terms of what to do, there are a number of approaches:
You can shift to integer types. For example, if your existing values can all be represented with a maximum of two decimal places, multiply those by 100 and then use Int types everywhere, excising the Double and Float representations from your code.
You can simply deal with the very small variations that Double type introduces. For example:
If displaying the results in the UI, use NumberFormatter to convert the Double value to a String using a specified number of decimal places.
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 2
formatter.minimumFractionDigits = 0 // or you might use `2` here, too
formatter.numberStyle = .decimal
print(formatter.string(for: value)!)
By the way, the NSNumberFormatter enjoys another benefit, too, namely that it honors the localization settings for the user. For example, if the user lives in Germany, where the decimal place is represented with a , rather than a ., the NSNumberFormatter will use the user's native number formatting.
When testing to see if a number is equal to some value, rather than just using == operator, look at the difference between two values and seeing if they're within some permissible rounding threshold.
You can use Decimal/NSDecimalNumber, which doesn't suffer from rounding issues when dealing with decimals:
var value = Decimal(string: "1.0")!
value -= Decimal(string: "0.9")!
value -= Decimal(string: "0.1")!
var value = Decimal(1)
value -= Decimal(sign: .plus, exponent: -1, significand: 9)
value -= Decimal(sign: .plus, exponent: -1, significand: 1)
var value = Decimal(1)
value -= Decimal(9) / Decimal(10)
value -= Decimal(1) / Decimal(10)
Note, I explicitly avoid using any Double values such as Decimal(0.1) because creating a Decimal from a fractional Double only captures whatever imprecision Double entails, where as the three examples above avoid that entirely.
It's because of floating point rounding errors.
For further reading, see What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic.
Squeezing infinitely many real numbers into a finite number of bits
requires an approximate representation. Although there are infinitely
many integers, in most programs the result of integer computations can
be stored in 32 bits. In contrast, given any fixed number of bits,
most calculations with real numbers will produce quantities that
cannot be exactly represented using that many bits. Therefore the
result of a floating-point calculation must often be rounded in order
to fit back into its finite representation. This rounding error is the
characteristic feature of floating-point computation.

objective c float increment wrong value

I have a query regarding floating value increment in loop.
I have following code
float add = 1.02f;
float counter = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
counter += add;
While executing this loop I am getting following result
Here is expected result
Why i am getting some floating point in loop without adding it.
I need to loop more then 1000 times. And I want the value in float variable.
Thanks in advance.
This happens because float cannot represent the values that you have with exact precision. There are two simple ways of fixing this:
Represent the number as 100 times the target value, and use integers - 1.02 becomes 102, 2.04 becomes 204, and so on.
Use NSDecimalNumber to represent your numbers - Unlike float, NSDecimalNumber can represent all your values with full precision.
Here is how to implement the first approach:
int add = 102;
int counter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
counter += add;
NSLog(#"%d.%d", counter/100, counter%100);
Here is how to implement the second approach:
NSDecimalNumber add = [NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:#"1.02"];
NSDecimalNumber counter = [NSDecimalNumber zero];
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
counter = [counter decimalNumberByAdding:add];
NSLog(#"%#", counter);
Why i am getting some floating point in loop without adding it.
Because float is a binary type that doesn't represent decimal values exactly. Rather than trying to explain completely and correctly, let me point you to the well-known paper What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point Arithmetic.
Floating point number representations in computers are approximations, they are not exact. Sometimes you end up trying to display a number that can't be exactly represented in the computer's floating point number implementation, so it gives you an approximation. Also you get small arithmetic errors from repeated multiplications, additions, etc. of floating point numbers. The best you can do is to use doubles, which have more precision than floats do. In special circumstances, you could also represent your data in a different format and just change how you display it to the user to fit what they expect. For example, when working with dollars and cents, you could just store a total as a number of cents (which would be only an integer) and then format it to be shown as dollars and cents correctly for the user. There's no floating point rounding issues happening then.
Floating point numbers use four bytes = 32 bits.
1 bit for sign
8 bits for exponent
23 bits for mantissa
Precision: The number of decimal digits precision is calculated via number_of_mantissa_bits * Log10(2). Thus ~7.2 and ~15.9 for single and double precision respectively.
That's why you start to see rounding errors on the 7th digit
Source link.
