Trying to create an application using youtube api - youtube-api

If I was trying to access the video details of a video once a user with my app clicks a video. Is this possible. I see the resource activities goes based on actions. Is a video clicked by a user considered an action? The resource video allows you to access a videos description but I need the description of the video selected by the user at that time.
I thing the resource activities or video will help but I am unsure


Is there a way to know that user changed his video with youtube video editor(add annotations, change audio, etc...)?

What fields i need to save and then check them through API?
Is there any solution to do this?
Is this even possible?
Unfortunately this is not possible.
But you can try:
An activity resource contains information about an action that a particular channel, or user, has taken on YouTube. The actions reported in activity feeds include rating a video, sharing a video, marking a video as a favorite, uploading a video, and so forth. Each activity resource identifies the type of action, the channel associated with the action, and the resource(s) associated with the action, such as the video that was rated or uploaded.
It is not really specific about changes in Youtube video but activities regarding channels and users (rating a video, sharing a video, marking a video as a favorite, uploading a video, and so forth)

Can you/how to get the last Active time on YouTube API V3?

So I was wondering if there was a way to get the last active time of a YouTube channel using YouTube Api V3? Any programing language (Javascript, php, python, eg.). Just asking how to do it if possible.
Not sure if it will get the last active time but you can use:
An activity resource contains information about an action that a particular channel, or user, has taken on YouTube. The actions reported in activity feeds include rating a video, sharing a video, marking a video as a favorite, uploading a video, and so forth. Each activity resource identifies the type of action, the channel associated with the action, and the resource(s) associated with the action, such as the video that was rated or uploaded.
HTTP request
Note: Even though an activity resource can contain information about actions like a user rating a video or marking a video as a favorite, you need to use other API methods to generate those activity resources. For example, you would use the API's videos.rate() method to rate a video and the playlistItems.insert() method to mark a video as a favorite.

Google Play Web Video Player API

Is there an API for the Google Play online video playback of content? Would the YouTube API work?
I am wanting to embed Google Play content into a website I am building.
Thank you,
Joseph Irvine
Google Play movie purchases and rentals do also show up as YouTube videos (with a unique YouTube video ID), and so it is possible; obviously, you'd need to use oAuth2 authentication so when a user logs in, YouTube can verify that the user has the permission to see that film/TV show.
The real trick, however, is getting the right YouTube ID. They show up through search results via the search endpoint (so, for example,{YOUR_API_KEY} would be such a search), but that endpoint only gives you access to the "snippet" content type, which doesn't include the parameter "licensedContent" to let you know if it's a for-pay video (that parameter is found in the "contentDetails" type, which is only available from a video list call).

How does YouTube web start a video playback automatically on mobile Safari without a user's action?

YouTube web version can always play a video automatically on mobile Safari without a user's explicit action to the HTML video element. How does YouTube do this?
YouTube's actually done something quite tricky, if you click a video related to the current one or in the search, it doesn't actually load another page, it uses JavaScript to update the page to look like a different one, and then uses that same click handler to start the video, so the system thinks that it was user initiated. That's why if you enter the URL for a video straight into the address bar when not in YouTube it doesn't auto-start...

Does the Youtube API return list of users that have watched my video?

I'd like to create a Youtube app that rewards users after they have watched a certain number of my Youtube-channel's videos - or that rewards "experience points" based on the amount of time spent watching my channel.
Can I query the Youtube API to see if an authenticated user has watched a specific video associated with the app?
Seems like I can query against "likes" and "dislikes" - but curious if anyone has tracked "watch-time" or just "watched" in general.
My hesitation here is that I don't want access to a user's full history - I'd like a very unobtrusive approach to connecting authenticated users to specific video content.
I'm not seeing an API endpoint for querying or notifying if an associated Youtube video has been seen. Any help you can provide would be very helpful!
Considering user privacy I don't think you can acces this information. If you search through the API, you'll find that Youtube does come with insights, like viewcount and even demographic information.
It might be a solution to embed your videos in your app and then track which users watch that specific video within the app.
Inside your app catch the the onStateChange event to log that a user viewed a video. It will only work for video they view from inside your app.
