antD configProvider not recognizing theme prop - antd

I have followed the documentation from antD for setting the custom theme using ConfigProvider.
However, in implementation the theme prop is not recognized.
This is the error
I updated the pankod/refine-antd package but still not recognized. Any solutions?

Turns out new version of #pankod/refine-antd has just been created. Update to version 4.7.0 and issue is resolved.


Angular Material - Scrolling issue for select component

I am currently working on an app developed using Angular Material (v 9.2.0) and Ionic Capacitor. On iOS devices I am currently facing an issue with mat-select component.
As seen in the screenshot, once opened, the list of options doesn't scroll with the page.
mat-select issue
Is there a way to fix this issue?
Shardul Sane
If you are using matTooltip directive for mat-option try to delete it. This did a trick for me.
upd. After fixing this issue in my code I've found this reference to the issue.

jsPDF custom page size setting broken in version 1.5.3

I have a code to set custom page size for a pdf document in jsPDF version 1.4.1. I upgraded the jsPDF library to version 1.5.3 and see that the custom page size setting is badly broken.
I found out that there is a commit
that resolves the issue i was talking about. I added that fix in my local jsPDF 1.5.3 code and see that issue is resolved.
We see that the version 1.5.3 is the latest released version and that does not include the fix.
How can we get this fix ?

Highcharts Standalone Framework is empty

I downloaded Highcharts using bower. The file bower_components/highcharts/adapters/standalone-framework.js is empty. I also looked at the CDN version at - it's also empty. Is this intentional?
Since 4.2 version, the standalone-framework is included in the highcharts.js core.
More information you can find here:

Access JSF and Primefaces version numbers programmatically

I use PrimeFaces 3.5.x and Mojarra JSF 2.1.x
I would like to access and show the versions of both libraries programmatically.
I use the versions as maven2 properties, but I hope there is an easier way to get the versions.
I hope to find something like:
A JavaScript based solution would be fine too, since I only want to display the version on a status page.
In PrimeFaces 4.0, Constants.VERSION is removed in favor of;
Also watch out for FacesContext.class.getPackage().getImplementationVersion();, it doesn't work on some app servers like websphere.
For JSF:
//returns the major version (2.1)
//returns the specification version (2.1)
//returns the minor implementation version (2.1.x)
For Primefaces 3.x you can use the Constants class in utils package:
import org.primefaces.util.Constants;
For PrimeFaces, you can use the Constants class:
If you need to get the Version on runtime, there will not be any instance of RequestContext. Therefore you could use the ImplementationVersion of the package:
If the package cannot be resolved, you can try to resolve the version via PrimeFaces class:

sharekit for cordova 2.2.0

I am new to iOS development with phonegap,
im trying to use the sharekit plugin, i followed all the steps mentioned in the Readme (sharekit 2.0), but it is still not working, I have receive following 3 errors:
/..path../Plugins/ShareKitPlugin.m:31:63: Use of undeclared identifier 'SHKURLContentTypeWebpage'
/..path../Plugins/ShareKitPlugin.m:85:63: Use of undeclared identifier 'SHKURLContentTypeWebpage'
/..path../Plugins/ShareKitPlugin.m:102:63: Use of undeclared identifier 'SHKURLContentTypeWebpage'
The problem is that i can't find any sharekit working properly for cordova 2.2.0, as I conclude that the old version of this plugins doesn't support the new cordova 2.2.0.
any suggestion to get the latest plugin? or How to fix these errors?
I had the same problem using phonegap 2.7.0 and the latest sharekit and sharekitplugin from the repo. Add this line below the import statement. It compiles and the plugin works for me. I don't know for sure if this is right though.
#import "SHKMail.h"// Add below this statement
char *SHKURLContentTypeWebpage="text/html";
The plugin has not been updated for 2 years so this is probably an incompatibility with the new Sharekit.
Did not get these errors myself. But just a quick tip. Did you follow the wiki? Don't forget the first step, as downloading the plugin directly from the Github page doesn't include the submodules.
