Thanks in advance.
I have created one electron application with msi Support using electron forge maker.
"name": "#electron-forge/maker-wix",
"config": {
"name": "XYZ",
"manufacturer": "XYZ",
"appIconPath": "x.ico",
"autoLaunch": true
"ui": {
"chooseDirectory": true
Here is my wix configuration
Installation and desktop shortcut everything working fine. I am able to use the product.
I have 2 question with this regarding installation and uninstallation:
After installation app I not launched automatically. I have manually launch via desktop shortcut or via window search.
While installing the application i am getting below window[enter image description here]
Is that default in electron forge maker or we can able to customize it. I want to launch the application after installation without user interaction and also I want to uninstall the application without restart or reboot machine?
Could anyone pls help on this?
I want to launch the application after installation without user interaction and also I want to uninstall the application without restart or reboot machine?
test framework around latest WebdriverIO v.7
Jenkins on GCP: master - Ubuntu, slave - Windows Server 2022 VM.
connection between Jenkins master and slave is done with GCP jenkins plugin, so Windows slave is being created for test and then dies.
app under test: Electron v14.2.1 based app.
Test - "User can start screenshare"
User start a call.
User select an available screen and start a screenshare.
Electron library can not detect available screen for capturing and sreensharing, because there is no RDP connection opened in test session.
In test logs no sources (screen) found:
2022-08-01 07:40:20:409 -00:00 | info | main-api-handler: - open-screen-picker-window - Properties: {
"cmd": "open-screen-picker-window",
"id": 1,
"sources": []
How can the screen be emulated?
Where the RDP should be established? Should it?
Are there other way than RDP to provide the screen for the Electron app?
The problem was solved by my colleague:
"So the root cause of this issue is that the SSH server which Jenkins uses to configure the node runs as a service, and that means it has problems interacting with desktop apps. Unfortunately, Windows' own SSH server only runs as a service. More explanations here: Starting GUI programs via OpenSSH on Windows?
To resolve this, I installed a separate SSH server (OpenSSH from MSYS2). The machine image is configured to autologin on boot, and sshd is started on logon as the currently logged in user. This gives it access to the desktop, and screenshare tests now seem to work better"
I have an 3-tier app developed using TSocketConnection. It has the client app and the server app, both developed in Delphi XE.
I know when i install the app in a new machine, i have to register the server in command prompt running as Administrator, like this :
myserver.exe -regserver
I always did it and always worked. But somehow, there is a new Windows 10 machine that won't accept this command. I run the command, no message is shown. When i try to run my app, i get this error message :
object not available: {00421208-b759-11d5-a92f-0010dcb08b6c}
It seems something is blocking the access to the registry in this machine.The current user is logged as administrator and i removed all anti-virus and disabled Windows Defender.
Is there another way to register the app server, so i could at least debug what is going on ?
I am developing an app using phonegap and their developer app to help me along the way. However, I cannot connect to the server after running the command
cordova serve
from the root directory. It serves it up on port 8000 (by default) and I set a static IP address on my macbook to be So when I enter into the "Server Address" field in the developer app I get 'Error!' followed by 'Timeout!'
Could someone please provide an explanation of this and how to fix it?
Many thanks!
I think you need to create a .cordova directory in your project directory, then use phonegap serve, because cordova serve doesn't work with the app.
I'm trying to get Jenkins (1.510) running on my MacMini with the latest Mountain-Lion Server OSX installed (10.8.3). On the MacMini-server I've two users: admin, ioscoder and as the ioscoder user I logged-in, opened the jenkins-1.510.pkg and after entering the admin password it installed without problems.
However when the Jenkins-home page should come up, using localhost:8080, I get the following error message in Safari:
Safari can't open the page "http://localhost:8080/" because Safari can't connect to the server "localhost".
After logging in as admin and checking the current running services, being DNS, Open Directory, Websites (PHP- and Python web applications disabled), I also get the same error from above when entering the Jenkins address localhost:8080.
When I switched to the admin-user I saw on the welcome screen a Jenkins-user account, which was created by the jenkins-installer package.
What really puzzles me is that on another iMac, running Mountain Lion (NOT the server version of Mountain Lion), I installed Jenkins in the same way and after the installation finished I immediately got a running Safari which resolved the localhost:8080 to the Jenkins home screen.
Anybody ideas or suggestions why Jenkins is not running on a Mountain Lion Server device?
Google-ing for this specific problem didn't give me any clues yet.
After reading the page where an easy installation was mentioned (java -jar jenkins.war) I remembered that java may not have been installed by default on a clean Mountain-Lion Server.
After activating the terminal and typing:
server:~ ioscoder$ java -v
No Java runtime present, requesting install.
it asked me if I wanted to install java. After accepting this and performing an installation of java, I was happy to see the 'Dashboard [Jenkins]' page in Safari for the localhost:8080.
I created a Windows service and an installer for it. Now I want to run the windows service under account say na\test.\
I am specifieng it in Projectinstaller.
this.serviceProcessInstaller1.Account = System.ServiceProcess.ServiceAccount.User;
this.serviceProcessInstaller1.Password = "pass123"
this.serviceProcessInstaller1.Username = "na\test";
I am installing the above in so many servers.
All the servers might not have the permissions to na\test.
If it doesn't have permissions the installation is getting stopped.
Is there anyway that I can catch that exception and if the user doesnt have permissions, restart the installation with local user account automatically.
If your installer is created using NSIS install packager you can test for appropriate permissions and act on that during the install process, more here:
( look for requestExecutionLevel )
Rather than hard coding the values of the user account, why not test to see if the user has permissions on that machine before trying to install. If they do install using na\test otherwise, install using a local account.