Can't find the supervisor file in Hue folder - hue

I can't find the file 'supervisor' in Hue folder. According to official documentation it should be in the folder $HUE_HOME/build/env/bin. I am doing my operation in Ubuntu server 22.04. My objective to send queries to Impala through Hue.
I run following command as it was written in
then I got "No such file or directory" warning.
I also tried
build/env/bin/hue runserver
and I got the same "No such file or directory" warning because there are no such files there.

Those instructions are written relative to Hue's installation folder, or the parent folder of the build-process output. Your error is simply saying that the relative path you're trying to use doesn't exist... Without more context, the error isn't incorrect
For a more simpler installation, you can try running the HUE docker container.


Problem understanding how to, if at all possible, run my docker file (.tar)

I received a .tar docker file from a friend that told me that it should contain all dependences for a program that I've been struggling to get working and that all I need to do is "run" the Docker file. The Docker file is of a .tar format and is around 3.1 GB. The program this file was setup to run is call opensimrt. The GitHub link to the file is as follows:
The google drive link to the Docker file is as follows:
This program has many dependencies, some big ones to note is that it runs off ubuntu 18.04 and Opensim 4.1.
I'm not a computer scientist by any means, so I've been struggling to even learn to do docker basics like load and run a image. However, I desperately need this program to work. If you have any steps or advice on how to run this .tar I'd greatly appreciate it. Alternatively if you are able to find a way to get opensimrt up and running and can post those steps I'd be more than happy with that solution as well.
I've tried the commands "docker run" and "docker load" followed by their respective tags, file paths, args..etc. However, even when I fix various issues I always get stuck with a missing var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-import-....(random numbers) file. The numbers change every so often when trying to solve the issue, but eventually I always end up getting some variation of this error: Error response from daemon: open /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-import-3640220538/bin/json: no such file or directory.
ps: I have extracted the .tar already and there is no install guide/instruction, .exe, install application. As a result I'm not sure how to get the program installed and running.

Docker containers complain about missing files which exist in their filesystem

I recently moved my code repo from a One drive folder to my C: drive, trying to escape sync issues wiping files (thats another issue). Before doing so both my dev and prod compose files worked as expected (under source control).
Moving the files across (cloning from the repo and checking out to the branch) I ran my dev compose file which worked again as expected however my prod started complaining about "no such file or directory", "not found". I decided to snapshot the filesystem and check and could see the files and could cat the contents. So why is docker complaining?
My compose file does not use any hardcoded file paths, all relative and its evident the files are being copied across.
Compose errors:
exec docker/deployment/folder/scripts/ no such file or directory
/app$ cat docker/deployment/folder/scripts/
As previously mentioned this worked running from a diffirent local dir location. I can't imaging how that would make any diffirence.
Thanks in advance for any support.
Found the issue, vs code had updated the end-of-line sequence to crlf instead of lf.

Unable to configure the Docker daemon with file (Configuration file

I am new to docker and trying to run rootless containers with nvidia runtime. However, I am not able to run it due to the below error as shown in screenshot below
My config file looks like as shown below
I have created a configuration file (config.json) with data root parameter and have placed this file under "config" folder and have updated this path in the 'Taskfile.yml' file. But still for some reason, it throws error as no such file or directory. Can you please help me with this? Am new and just getting my hands dirty with this. The below code indicates the update that I made in Taskfile.yml file
- ./boot/ --config-
I would expect to be able to run the docker server without any error.

How to install properly Stardog on Mac OS High Sierra

I downloaded and unzipped Stardog and I get the instructions on the site but I'm unable to run it and need to understand what I'm missing:
What I did:
export STARDOG_HOME=/data/stardog
I downloaded also the key
cp stardog-license-key.bin $STARDOG_HOME
cp: /data/stardog: No such file or directory
A solution did not work for me I found online:
./bin/stardog-admin server start
STARDOG_HOME directory '/data/stardog' does not exist
It's precisely what the error message says, that /data/stardog does not exist. The instructions assume you have an existing location where you want the home directory to be, Stardog does not create it. So you should either create that directory, or open a new terminal, don't do the first command, and change the second to cp stardog-license-key.bin . That will make Stardog's home directory your current directory, specifically, the root of the binary distribution.

Neo4j start trouble?

I get the following error for all the below mentioned error: What could be problem. Is the problem with java path OR the Neo4j package itself, as some of the stack overflow answer suggest OR linux permission issue?
Starting Neo4j.
./neo4j: line 149: /usr/Neo/neo4j-enterprise-3.0.6/bin/run/ No such file or directory
-bash-4.1$ ./neo4j: line 148: /usr/Neo/neo4j-enterprise-3.0.6/bin/logs/neo4j.log: No such file or directory
For all the below version:
neo4j-community-3.1.0-BETA1 or
neo4j-enterprise-3.0.6 or
If you look closely at the paths, you'll see that it's trying to write files in sub-directories under bin, whereas they are actually next to bin:
Even though you should be able to start Neo4j from inside the bin directory, it seems on your machine it fails to determine the base Neo4j directory. Is bash installed? Or have you set NEO4J_HOME to /usr/Neo/neo4j-enterprise-3.0.6/bin in your shell?
Try starting Neo4j directly from its base directory instead:
cd /usr/Neo/neo4j-enterprise-3.0.6
bin/neo4j start
