Bitbucket cloud API - V 2.0, I need to find the the records which are newly created above the datetime given - bitbucket

I'm integrating the bitbucket APIs and I'm calling many APIs from the backend I want data that are created newly and greater than given DateTime so is there any parameter in the APIs to find data according (between two dates)?
List of APIs{workspace}{workspace}/{repo_slug}/pullrequests{workspace}/{repo_slug}/commits
Looking forward to your reply.
Thanking you in advance.
I want data according between two DateTime.


Obtain timezone of a Google Analytics 4 property?

There doesn't seem to be a way to obtain the timezone of a Google Analytics property, or is there?
The Data API ( returns data in the property's timezone but in order for us to interpret it correctly we need to know what timezone the property is in.
Has anyone found a workaround?
The Data API is for reporting purpose only.
For property and other GA related configurations, Admin API should be used.
Here is the property.get method, the response of which has timeZone in it.
The Data API responses now contain a metadata object with "currencyCode" and "timeZone" strings. This is a part of an example response:
More documentation on these fields will come out soon, and these fields will be available in the client libraries (i.e. python) soon.
Thanks, Brett
The Google Analytics Team
In addition to using the Data API response metadata, it is possible to use the Admin API properties.get method to obtain the property's timezone.

List all Airtable tables via API request

Given that user provided his API key, is there a way to retrieve a list of tables in user's AirTable account?
I do know there is a URL for API queries, with base and table encoded there. Also API docs include only info on how to work with a particular table.
My use case is to allow user to choose a table they want to work with.
Airtable now offers a Metadata Api, however access is limited and must be individually requested, at this time.
As part of our ongoing effort to make Airtable more and more extensible, we’re beginning to expand access to the Metadata API 360.
The metadata API gives you read-only access to a list of a user’s bases, as well as the specific schema of each base - things like what tables exist, what fields exist on those tables, etc.
Metadata Api Documentation
Enterprise API also offers endpoints capable of fetching Metadata.
This would be part of the metadata API which does not exist.
See this community post for some non-api workarounds.

Not able to see time zone, place or geolocation of any tweets

I am following two tutorials right now and both are up and running and I've gotten plenty of tweets/sentiment scores from them:
1) Twitter Stream Analytics on Azure
2) Twitter Analysis with Spark Streaming
I am using the free oauth tool provided from
I've tried getPlace, getGeoLocation in the Spark Streaming app and every tweet I get has a null value for those two fields. I have tried filtering for tweets that only have values for getPlace, get GeoLocation and I get null for both (I ran the app for almost 20 minutes).
I've also tried getting TimeZone in the Azure app (so I can get some sort of geography data) and even then I kept getting null values for TimeZone.
Possible Obstacles
1) Does the free twitter api filter out the place/geoLocation information so I end up buying a subscription to a better api?
2) Do I need to explicitly search for tweets that have geoLocation/Places? Rather than getting all tweets and then filtering out ones that have geoLocation/Places? If so, can I execute this search in Spark Streaming?This is the code that I have in Spark Streaming:
val stream = TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, None, filters)
val hashTags = => Tweet(status.getPlace().getName(), classifyTweet(status.getText())))
Thank you for the help!
I've personally used the free Twitter api to get locations and publish them on a a map on PowerBi. So you can rule out the first obstacle.
One thing to note is that location field is only available if the client specifically allows the application to have location, which renders it quite rare to be found. The ratio for data with location in my sample data was about 8%.
Don't have an answer for spark side, just wanted to help you rule out the first possibility.
Hope this helps.

Java -SpringSocial: Getting Twitter data between two dates

I am using spring social to get twitter data for particular tag say #spring.
What I want to achieve is get all data between two dates/timestamp. eg. data between last fetch time and current time. The spring social API allows me to get data betweem two tweetIDs but I failed to find a way where in one can get data between two dates.
Please help.
Ankit Solanki
You can use Spring social twitter advanced search.
It has two parameters since and until. These can be used to retreive based on date / time period.

How do I get all financial records related to a job using IPP v2

My company wants to integrate our app with Quickbooks using IPP v2 API. We would like to retrieve all financial records related to a job. I have been playing around with the API using the API explorer. I see that I have to retrieve the data separately using entities like Bill, Invoice, Journal, etc. However, I didn't seem to find a way to filter the data returned in those entities by job.
Currently, I have to query the entire Bill table for example and to look for JobId under ReimbursableInfo myself. It's not feasible since I have to do the same thing for other tables.
Am I missing something from here?
In docs, JobID is not mentioned as a filterable attribute.
Ref -
You need to do client side filtering.
For Invoice, you can use JobIdSet attribute.
Ref -
