There doesn't seem to be a way to obtain the timezone of a Google Analytics property, or is there?
The Data API ( returns data in the property's timezone but in order for us to interpret it correctly we need to know what timezone the property is in.
Has anyone found a workaround?
The Data API is for reporting purpose only.
For property and other GA related configurations, Admin API should be used.
Here is the property.get method, the response of which has timeZone in it.
The Data API responses now contain a metadata object with "currencyCode" and "timeZone" strings. This is a part of an example response:
More documentation on these fields will come out soon, and these fields will be available in the client libraries (i.e. python) soon.
Thanks, Brett
The Google Analytics Team
In addition to using the Data API response metadata, it is possible to use the Admin API properties.get method to obtain the property's timezone.
I'm integrating the bitbucket APIs and I'm calling many APIs from the backend I want data that are created newly and greater than given DateTime so is there any parameter in the APIs to find data according (between two dates)?
List of APIs{workspace}{workspace}/{repo_slug}/pullrequests{workspace}/{repo_slug}/commits
Looking forward to your reply.
Thanking you in advance.
I want data according between two DateTime.
I understand the recommended way to uniquely identify an Outlook meeting is to use the GlobalObjectID (or CleanGlobalObjectId), rather than iCalUID. I am struggling to find a way to extract this value when using Microsoft Graph's CalendarView endpoint
I've read through this page here, and that is what drives my question - MSDN Question on iCalUID vs GlobalObjectId
At present, I am using Microsoft Graph's List CalendarView view date range query params, and $select and $filter OData attributes
While it's true that you should rely on the Event's id, I'm not sure where the concern over iCalUId stems from. Regardless, GloablObjectID is not a property returned from the Outlook APIs.
There is a preview of immutable identifiers for Outlook resources on the beta endpoint but keep in mind that this is not suitable for production use yet.
Given that user provided his API key, is there a way to retrieve a list of tables in user's AirTable account?
I do know there is a URL for API queries, with base and table encoded there. Also API docs include only info on how to work with a particular table.
My use case is to allow user to choose a table they want to work with.
Airtable now offers a Metadata Api, however access is limited and must be individually requested, at this time.
As part of our ongoing effort to make Airtable more and more extensible, we’re beginning to expand access to the Metadata API 360.
The metadata API gives you read-only access to a list of a user’s bases, as well as the specific schema of each base - things like what tables exist, what fields exist on those tables, etc.
Metadata Api Documentation
Enterprise API also offers endpoints capable of fetching Metadata.
This would be part of the metadata API which does not exist.
See this community post for some non-api workarounds.
Can you do that? If so, how? I'm using some of the methods here but I haven't found any information about using time range as an argument.
When I asked that question I had believed you should ask about date range using extra args field so I had felt like I was specific enough. I believe Slack API docs does not document such use cases as getting date range. Good thing is that there is a tester on the page.
To get time ranges you need a method that supports that.
Here is an example of such method:
I'd like to retrieve data from a web site ,which does not provide a API
Can I retrieve data using YQL?
ie: Can I custom the data parse in the target URI with YQL?
Yes, you can. This is one of the most popular use case of YQL. Here is a sample. But it is not working when trying to retrieve data from web-page which is dissallowed for spider access (via robots.txt, for example).
Without knowing what you're trying to do, the only reasonable answer here is…