feed multivariate timeseries data with tf.data.Dataset for data bigger than memory - time-series

I us my custom block of code to format my multivariate data to fit LSTM model.
Now I get too much data to fit my memory GPU so I want to take chunk of my data make all formating as usual and feed my model and prepare efficiently the next chunk by the time my gpu work with the first one and go on.
I see exemple using tf.data.Dataset. like this one: Using a Windowed Dataset for Time Series Prediction
This is the good way with multivariate timeseries?
Can I use my custom code to format data and at the end convert it in tf.data compatible?


Time series Autoencoder with Metadata

At the moment I'm trying to build an Autoencoder for detecting anomalies in time series data.
My approach is based on this tutorial: https://keras.io/examples/timeseries/timeseries_anomaly_detection/
But as often, my data is more complex then this simple tutorial.
I have two different time series, from two sensors and some metadata, like from which machine the time series was recorded.
with a normal MLP network you could have one network for the time series and one for the metadata and merge them in higher layers. But how can you use this data as an input to an Autoencoder?
Do you have any ideas, links to tutorials or papers I didn't found?
in this tutorial you can see a LSTM-VAE where the input time series is somehow concatenated with categorical data: https://github.com/cerlymarco/MEDIUM_NoteBook/tree/master/VAE_TimeSeries
There is an article explayining the code (but not on detail). There you can find the following explanation of the model:
"The encoder consists of an LSTM cell. It receives as input 3D sequences resulting from the concatenation of the raw traffic data and the embeddings of categorical features. As in every encoder in a VAE architecture, it produces a 2D output that is used to approximate the mean and the variance of the latent distribution. The decoder samples from the 2D latent distribution upsampling to form 3D sequences. The generated sequences are then concatenated back with the original categorical embeddings which are passed through an LSTM cell to reconstruct the original traffic sequences."
But sadly I don't understand exactly how they concatenate the input datas. If you understand it it would be nice if you could explain it =)
I think I understood it. you have to take a look at the input of the .fit() funktion. It is not one array, but there are seperate arrays for seperate categorical datas. additionaly there is the original input (in this case a time series). Because he has so many arrays in the input, he needs to have a corresponding number of input layers. So there is one Input layer for the Timeseries, another for the same time series (It's an autoencoder so x_train works like y_train) and a list of input layers, directly stacked with the embedding layers for the categorical data. after he has all the data in the corresponding Input layers he can concatenate them as you said.
by the way, he's using the same list for the decoder to give him additional information. I tried it out and it turns out that it was helpfull to add a dropout layer (high dropout e.g. 0.6) between the additional inputs and the decoder. If you do so, the decoder has to learn from the latent z and not only from the additional data!
hope I could help you =)

How to fit a SARIMAX model to a large dataset? Currently very slow

I have been trying to fit a SARIMAX() model with a series containing 713488 data points.
It takes a long time to load, even over a few days it won't fit. I believe this is down the quantity of input data?
How could one work around this? Is it worth trying with different parameters, would you recommend using less data? Is there a different algorithm you would recommend?
from statsmodels.tsa.statespace.sarimax import SARIMAX
mod = SARIMAX(t, trend='c', order=(2,0,3), seasonal_order=(1,0,0,12),
enforce_stationarity=False, enforce_invertibility=False)

Temporal train-test split for forecasting

I know this may be a basic question but I want to know if I am using the train, test split correctly.
Say I have data that ends at 2019, and I want to predict values in the next 5 years.
The graph I produced is provided below:
My training data starts from 1996-2014 and my test data starts from 2014-2019. The test data perfectly fits the training data. I then used this test data to make predictions from 2019-2024.
Is this the correct way to do it, or my predictions should also be from 2014-2019 just like the test data?
The test/validation data is useful for you to evaluate the predictor to use. Once you have decided which model to use, you should train the model with the whole dataset 1996-2019 so that you do not lose possible valuable knowledge from 2014-2019. Take into account that when working with time-series, usually the newer part of the serie has more importance in your prediction than older values of the serie.

Can the test set of non-image data be augmented?

I have learned the test set of image data can be augmented by a method called Test Time Augmentation
and I am wondering after I researched on it if the test set of structured or non-image data can be augmented too.
If it cannot, why does such a method can perform on image data only?
Thank you in advance
If you are referring to data augmentation in general, then yes you can apply it to non-image dataset.
Data augmentation means increasing the number of data points.
One of the example is generating synthetic samples for the minority class.
SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique) is an oversampling method can be applied to your data through imblearn package for python. It works by creating synthetic samples from the minor class instead of creating copies and you can apply it to any numerical data, not only images (actually I've never seen this method applied to images dataset).
You can go here and here for more detail.

What is the use of train_on_batch() in keras?

How train_on_batch() is different from fit()? What are the cases when we should use train_on_batch()?
For this question, it's a simple answer from the primary author:
With fit_generator, you can use a generator for the validation data as
well. In general, I would recommend using fit_generator, but using
train_on_batch works fine too. These methods only exist for the sake of
convenience in different use cases, there is no "correct" method.
train_on_batch allows you to expressly update weights based on a collection of samples you provide, without regard to any fixed batch size. You would use this in cases when that is what you want: to train on an explicit collection of samples. You could use that approach to maintain your own iteration over multiple batches of a traditional training set but allowing fit or fit_generator to iterate batches for you is likely simpler.
One case when it might be nice to use train_on_batch is for updating a pre-trained model on a single new batch of samples. Suppose you've already trained and deployed a model, and sometime later you've received a new set of training samples previously never used. You could use train_on_batch to directly update the existing model only on those samples. Other methods can do this too, but it is rather explicit to use train_on_batch for this case.
Apart from special cases like this (either where you have some pedagogical reason to maintain your own cursor across different training batches, or else for some type of semi-online training update on a special batch), it is probably better to just always use fit (for data that fits in memory) or fit_generator (for streaming batches of data as a generator).
train_on_batch() gives you greater control of the state of the LSTM, for example, when using a stateful LSTM and controlling calls to model.reset_states() is needed. You may have multi-series data and need to reset the state after each series, which you can do with train_on_batch(), but if you used .fit() then the network would be trained on all the series of data without resetting the state. There's no right or wrong, it depends on what data you're using, and how you want the network to behave.
Train_on_batch will also see a performance increase over fit and fit generator if youre using large datasets and don't have easily serializable data (like high rank numpy arrays), to write to tfrecords.
In this case you can save the arrays as numpy files and load up smaller subsets of them (traina.npy, trainb.npy etc) in memory, when the whole set won't fit in memory. You can then use tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices and then using train_on_batch with your subdataset, then loading up another dataset and calling train on batch again, etc, now you've trained on your entire set and can control exactly how much and what of your dataset trains your model. You can then define your own epochs, batch sizes, etc with simple loops and functions to grab from your dataset.
Indeed #nbro answer helps, just to add few more scenarios, lets say you are training some seq to seq model or a large network with one or more encoders. We can create custom training loops using train_on_batch and use a part of our data to validate on the encoder directly without using callbacks. Writing callbacks for a complex validation process could be difficult. There are several cases where we wish to train on batch.
From Keras - Model training APIs:
fit: Trains the model for a fixed number of epochs (iterations on a dataset).
train_on_batch: Runs a single gradient update on a single batch of data.
We can use it in GAN when we update the discriminator and generator using a batch of our training data set at a time. I saw Jason Brownlee used train_on_batch in on his tutorials (How to Develop a 1D Generative Adversarial Network From Scratch in Keras)
Tip for quick search: Type Control+F and type in the search box the term that you want to search (train_on_batch, for example).
