Detect the button action in the WebView in iOS swift - ios

how do you know when user clicks the button in the webview iOS swift
when he click the camera button in the remote url provided by backend team asks the permission and upload photo
2)after submit button cliked close the webpage and navigate to native screen
Can you please solve this issue


Detect iOS device's cancel event within Ionic 3 app

Could you tell me how can I Identify the iOS device's Cancel button event?
The use case is this: I need to send the user into a home page when a user clicked the cancel button on Contacts page as shown below. At that time user is in the Contacts page. Here I use Contacts native plugin. I need to detect the iOS phone's cancel button event. Any clue?

Ride with Uber button opens up appstore instead of Uber App

I know how to correctly implement a "RideRequestButton". But when I try to implement the same in my Project, and when I tap on the "Ride With Uber" button, it opens up the App Store. Can anyone help?

Return from Safari to IOS application with UIAlertView

I opened a link in safari browser, its a web page for online Payment, I want to do is that when user press cancel button on webPage then it will show alert view in safari and come back to application and when user press ok then it open iOS application again, I do not have any reviews for this. I need help about this.

iOS camera permission dialog box

I am working on an app for ios and my app uses the camera permission. However the dialog box for the camera permission shows behind the application. This gives the user the impression that the app has frozen. The user then has to press the home button and click Allow then go back to the app.
What can i check to ensure the camera dialog is always on top of the application?

How to send user to Facebook page on button click (Facebook messenger)

I created a game with sprite builder/cocos2d.
How can I send a user to a Facebook Messenger page on button click?
Your button's action needs to open a custom URL that will launch Messenger. The format is fb-messenger://user-thread/{user-id}. See also this answer.
