Ride with Uber button opens up appstore instead of Uber App - ios

I know how to correctly implement a "RideRequestButton". But when I try to implement the same in my Project, and when I tap on the "Ride With Uber" button, it opens up the App Store. Can anyone help?


Detect the button action in the WebView in iOS swift

how do you know when user clicks the button in the webview iOS swift
when he click the camera button in the remote url provided by backend team asks the permission and upload photo
2)after submit button cliked close the webpage and navigate to native screen
Can you please solve this issue

CallKit can not open app by social profile at contacts detail page

When I set
config.supportedHandleTypes = NSSet setWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:CXHandleTypePhoneNumber], nil];
I can open my app from iOS contacts by long pressing the call button and choose my app from the menu.
When there is a new social profile named my app name, nothing happens when I tapped it.
I have tried WhatsApp And DingDing and some other apps, they can be opened by tapping the social profile.
Please see the screenshot:

IOS10 app's widgets don't appear when an user open the app, but them can be clicked

I've upload my app(develop by Swift3) into Apple App Store, but there's an user give me a feedback message that when she downloaded my app from Apple App Store and opened it. After pushing the first viewcontroller(I've init a viewcontroller plastereding with an UIImageView. ps:like LaunchScreen) into the navigationController, All widgets which are in the second viewcontroller(My logincontroller,there some UITextFileds and UIButton) didn't show in the screen but she can also click them(they were all right but couldn't appear).
PS:This user can not find my app in her iPhone's settings too.

Open the manage tab on the iMessage App Store from a button in an iOS App?

The title pretty much says it all. I need to explain to the user how to add my iMessage App to their phone, is there a way to simply link them straight to it?

Facebook login in an iOS app

I am wondering how things should work when using facebook login in an iOS app.
I have set up a trial app in order to understand the facebook login process within an iOS app.
I have a “Login with Facebook” button. When I tap it for the first time, it goes asking for permissions, then I tap YES and it comes back to my app.
At this point all is fine, I have a “Log out” button. I tap it, I get logged out as expected and can see the “Login with Facebook” button again.
Now here comes the question. When I tap the “Login with Facebook” button for the 2nd (or Nth) time, it shows me the facebook Confirm page displaying:
“You have already authorized THIS APP”
with a Cancel and an OK button.
Is this the way it should be?
It seems to me that the user knows he has already authorized THIS APP and does not need to be prompted each time.
In other words after tapping the “Login with Facebook” button it should not go through the facebook Confirm page.
Am I wrong?
If NO, why is this happening in my app?
