Issue with writing script autosave Roblox Studio - lua

I'm currently learning lua/roblox scripting and whenever I open my project I get a message in my terminal that says "Issue writing script autosave" and whenever I edit my code the message multiplies.
I haven't encountered anything strange happening after that message but im just concerned on what it means and how to get rid of it.
I try searching it up on the roblox studio developer forums but can't find anything, a link to a forum about my problem would be appreciated.


Ui Addon shows some error when I run it on G1ANT RPA Studio

I have used the Ui addon and it shows this error, please have look and see what I should do make it correct. This link has error that has occurred when I executed some program using the Ui addon.
Thank You
I also faced the same problem that you are facing initially. To solve this program, run G1ANT studio as administrator, it worked for me. Try it!

Errors starting with basic xtext

Recently I have installed Xtext and tried to run the default Hello world! code using the tutorials available on youtube. However, when I try to run the code I am getting 44 errors.
I am new to using Xtext as well as eclipse. I have tried to reinstall eclipse a lot of times. I have tried with normal version, enterprise version and DSL tools version. But every time I am getting the same errors. Please help me resolve this issue. I tried to find out what these errors meant and how to resolve them over the eclipse community forums but did not find any solution.
All the errors are repetitions of the following two errors.
Description Resource Path Location Type
Duplicate field InternalMyDslParser.FOLLOW_ /org.xtext.example.mydsl.ide/src-gen/org/xtext/example/mydsl/ide/contentassist/antlr/internal line Java Problem
Description Resource Path Location Type
Syntax error on token "?", delete this token /org.xtext.example.mydsl.ide/src-gen/org/xtext/example/mydsl/ide/contentassist/antlr/internal line Java Problem
Please Help me resolve this issue.

interrupt watson studio AI experiment

In watson studio the AI experiment is running from past 11 days. If I press stop the process from running it is giving an error code 500. How to stop this AI experiment ?
code generated by watson AI
Product manager for this offering here. Thanks for opening this question as this is something we are working to fix ASAP. When you see a 500 error for an AutoAI experiment, it has already been stopped; but as you can see there is a UI issue updating this.
To get support on this, please go to the main navigation in the top left of the Watson Studio interface and scroll down to Manage Tickets and open a support ticket describing the situation. This allow us to work closely with you to troubleshoot this issue.
Hope this helps,
I believe the current version already fixed this problem. #Raavibn, can you confirm? Thanks!

Dart Editor Update failed: Unable to shutdown Analysis Server

So after some time of completely letting my Dart project rest, I started Darteditor again. First, I check if the project still runs when I debug it - it does. Secondly, I check for updates:
Now I press the Button "Apply Update" and the following happens.
This is how it looked like before I clicked the button:
And this is after clicking it:
So what is that Analysis Server that is Inactive is my first question. But my more important one is how do I update?
Because pressing "No, I'll do it later" will simply close the error message and "Yes, download again" results in this:
I tried googling the problem and searched it on here - nothing found.
I also tried to find out where the corrupt already downloaded update is stored, so I could try to delete it - but I couldn't find out.
I assume that I am not the only one with this problem, so here I ask. Thank you in advance for your help :)
As of 1.11, Dart Editor is obsolete and no longer supported. We
recommend using DartPad to play with Dart and WebStorm to develop with
Dart. For more information, see the announcement.

Why am i getting this error trying to compile an app using Parallels on my MacBook

I posted a question on the apple site but someone suggested that I might get a better response on stackoverflow directly since its a visual studio related issue.
I installed parallels on my macbook pro and i installed windows 7 iso via a DVD. at first everything looked fine exception now I am now trying to compile an app in visual studio and i get this error over and over
No matter what i click it will eventually progress but this is quite annoying. The same question was asked here but no good answer was given. It almost seems like it think it needs to depend on something from the DVD drive (which it shouldn't)
Can someone please explain why devenv.exe would need the ISO dvd to be connected to my laptop at this point?
after rebooting this problem seems to go away
