How to pass in environment when starting OpenAPISpec published gem? - ruby-on-rails

in my configuration file for a gem I am publishing through OpenAPI, I have
url: "https://abc.def.{environment}",
description: "No description provided",
variables: {
environment: {
description: "No description provided",
default_value: "staging",
enum_values: [
How can I pass in a specific environment (the environment will be one of the enum_values when I am configuring the gem upon publishing? The configuration file does not have an environment variable out of the box. I want to be able to do something like
MyGem.configure { |c| c.environment = 'production' }


How to get the docker host name in azure itoedge enviroment variable

Hi I am trying to get the hostname into my azure module by getting it form the enviroment variables. the module is written in C# and .NetCore 3.1
var deviceId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOST_HOSTNAME");
I have tried to add the variable in de deployment template
"createOptions": {
"Cmd": [
"-e HOST_HOSTNAME=(hostname)"
The result is
deviceId == null
Can you try using "env" in your deployment template? You should add it on the same level as "settings" JSON object. Something like:
"env": {
"value": "<valuehere>"
You can also do this in the Azure Portal. See for example how is done in the tutorial Give modules access to a device's local storage

How to specify an URL in .env file of Gatsby app?

Just in case, I'd like to know against Gatsby app, in case its settings differ from other node based apps.
I want to refactor gatsby-config.js by moving http://localhost:1337 to .env.
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-strapi`,
options: {
apiURL: `http://localhost:1337`,
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-strapi`,
options: {
apiURL: process.env.STRAPI,
and .env as follows didn't work for me:
Create a file in the root of your project named .env.development and .env.production. There, create your variable, just:
STRAPI= "http://localhost:1337"
In your gatsby-config.js add the following snippet (above module exportation):
path: `.env.${process.env.NODE_ENV}`,
Finally, leave the configuration just with:
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-strapi`,
options: {
apiURL: process.env.STRAPI,
By default, Gatsby will take the .env.development or .env.production when running gatsby develop or gatsby build respectively, allowing you to pass the environment variables to the server files (gatsby-config.js, etc).

Webpack hot reload using webpack dev server and rails server

My current application is set up using Ruby on Rails and React/Typescript. I am trying to set up hot reloading.
Here is the current folder structure
Project Root
- app => all the rails code
- frontend => all the react code
- webpack => list of configuration files, like development.js and production.js
This project isn't using react_on_rails or webpacker. The frontend code is kept separate from the backend code. The Rails backend serves up an html
<div id='root' />
and the react code will run off of that.
This is the command I tried to run to get hot reloading to work
node_modules/.bin/webpack-dev-server --config=./webpack/development.js --hotOnly --entry=../frontend/Entry.tsx --allowedHosts=localhost:3000
However, not only is hot reloading not working, the changes I made are not showing up in the browser as well. Everything looks like in the terminal.
My issue here is I technically have two servers running at the same time.
localhost:3000 => Rails server
localhost:8080 => Webpack dev server.
If I change webpack server to point to 3000 as well, the rails app will not work properly.
Is there a way where I can get hot reloading to work using this setup?
here are the webpack version
"webpack": "^4.20.1",
"webpack-cli": "^3.1.1",
"webpack-dev-server": "^3.7.1"
const webpack = require('webpack');
const path = require('path');
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
const ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin = require('fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin');
const CaseSensitivePathsPlugin = require('case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
context: __dirname,
entry: '../frontend/Entry.tsx',
devtool: 'source-maps',
resolve: {
extensions: ['*', '.js', '.jsx', '.ts', '.tsx'],
modules: [
path.resolve(__dirname, '../frontend'),
path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules')
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, `../public/javascripts/`),
publicPath: `/javascripts/`,
filename: '[name]-[hash].js'
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.(t|j)sx?$/,
loader: 'ts-loader',
options: {
// disable type checker - we will use it in fork plugin
transpileOnly: true
enforce: 'pre',
test: /\.(t|j)sx?$/,
loader: 'source-map-loader'
test: /\.css$/,
use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader']
test: /\.scss$/,
use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader', 'sass-loader']
test: /\.(png|svg|jpg|gif)$/,
use: [
loader: 'file-loader',
options: {
name: '[name]-[hash].[ext]',
outputPath: 'images/'
loader: 'image-webpack-loader',
options: {
pngquant: {
quality: '40',
speed: 4
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
'process.env': {
NODE_ENV: JSON.stringify('development')
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
template: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'application.html'),
filename: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'app', 'views', 'layouts', '_javascript.html.erb')
// runs typescript type checker on a separate process.
new ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin({
checkSyntacticErrors: true,
tsconfig: '../tsconfig.json'
new CaseSensitivePathsPlugin()
optimization: {
splitChunks: { chunks: 'all' }
Since you are setting up webpack dev server the first time, the problem is two fold,
Setup webpack dev server
Configure hot reload
Setting up webpack dev server
I presume your app is the api server. Similarly webpack-dev-server too is a http server. Its just a wrapper around expressjs infact.
while using webpack dev server during development, the bundles are served by webpack dev server, and all xhr requests are made to this dev server. In order to route these requests to your app server, you need to add proxy rules to your webpack config.
On a high level the flow would look as follows.
browser ---(xhr requests)-----> webpack-dev-server -----(proxy api requests)--->app server
In order to add a proxy rule to route all api request to your rails server, your api routes should be prepended with /api, eg, /api/customers so that all request matching /api are forwarded to the rails server
A sample config to support the above flow would be something as follows in your webpack config file
module.exports = {
// ...your other configs
devServer: {
contentBase: path.join(__dirname, 'public/'),
port: 8080,
publicPath: 'http://localhost:8080/', // Path of your dev server
historyApiFallback: true, // add this if you are not using browser router
proxy: {
'/api': { // string to look for proxying requests to api
target: 'http://localhost:3000', // Path of your rails api server
// ...your other configs
Setting up Hot reload
In order to setup hot reload, I would recommend to use Dan Abramov's react-hot-loader as its less buggy in hmr patching.
Setting up hmr is easy
Add the dependency yarn add react-hot-loader
Add babel plugin in your .babelrc
"plugins": ["react-hot-loader/babel"]
Mark your root component as hot exported
import { hot } from 'react-hot-loader/root'; // this should be imported before react and react-dom
const App = () => <div>Hello World!</div>;
export default hot(App);
Note: Its safe to add react-hot-loader in your dependencies, because in your production build. Hot reload package will be stripped out.
To start the webpack server in hot mode, you can add a script like below in your package.json.
"scripts": {
"start": "webpack-dev-server --hot --mode development --config ./"

AWS OpsWorks Environment what is it the "my_node" and how add it to my Custom Chef JSON

I am running Rails Application in AWS OpsWorks Environment
I try to add the "whenever" gem to my rails app and I saw that there is "whenever Cookbook".
whenever Cookbook
One of requirements is: "include whenever in your node's run_list:"
"run_list": [
My question: what is it the "my_node" and how add it to my Custom Chef JSON
"adapter": "mysql2"
Thank, Izik.

OpsWorks overriding database.yml / ignoring custom JSON

When I deploy a Rails app with OpsWorks, a new database.yml gets created in the shared directory. It ignores the existing database.yml (which rightfully shouldn't be in the repo), and I've also tried specifying custom JSON but nothing works. Maybe I have the structure wrong?
"deploy": {
"my-app-name": {
"database": {
"adapter": "mysql2",
"encoding": "unicode",
"host": "",
"port": "3306",
"database": "db-name",
"pool": "5",
"username": "username",
"password": "password"
Look also here:
And always remember to examine your stack-json by logging into console of one of your opsworks servers and typing:
opsworks-agent-cli get_json
Using the short name for the app worked (without hyphens). I was using the full name before. See:
