Whatsapp Media Messages - twilio

In the docs, it is mentioned that only during session images we can send media images. But I know some companies out there are sending media messages if no session starts. How are they doing it? Is there any workaround to send media messages without an active session?
Are there solutions from Twilio?

We refer to this feature as Media message templates. They allow for a variety of different use cases that expand what is possible with text-only messages and require pre-approval by WhatsApp and behave similarly to standard templates.
This feature is currently in private beta. So you can wait until it'll be released (I can't give you an exact timeline here) or ask to be included by opening a ticket with our Ops team (messaging-channels-ops#twilio.com).


Cannot receive media attachment file in Twilio Flex

Project description:
Currently we have our customers using various chat platforms such as whatsapp , and slack where our contact center is forced to use the same. However, we would like to give Twilio flex platform to our contact service team so that they can reply messages coming from whatsapp, slack.
Query regarding media messages:
I use Javascript Client SDK for front end and connect Twilio Flex as an agent. Chat is working fine. I can send / Receive messages. But, when I send media files through SDK, 'Media messages are not supported' is displaying in Twilio Flex. When I use get All Messages from API able to get that media file as message with type = media. Also media SID is created for the uploaded file. But not able to view the same file in twilio flex.
This is a very old OLD question, but there's a bit better answer now.
Twilio Flex Plugin SAMPLE that shows media use with Flex and WhatsApp. Caveat: even the sample is somewhat old at this point, but should at least be educational.
You are correct, Flex does not support media attachments. You could possibly work on some logic to pass in the media URL to the agent via chat, but I have not seen any code examples to share.

How to know when a user complete viewing a video with youtube api?

I currently working on a project where I send a youtube video id and show it to the user. And I want to know if there are a method to know when the video is completely viewed by the user. In my application's client, I send a response to the server when the view is completed, and I want to prevent receiving falsed data from untrusted user. And that's why I want to know if youtube api make a things like that. I have seen other similar topics, but I haven't found a safe way to secure communication between client and server for this problem.
Thank you.
From this SO post, it was mentioned that you can use onStateChange event to log that a user viewed a video. But the general idea here is about safety which I think is more important, from there I don't think you can do this as per the privacy of a user. You can understand more about YouTube Reporting and Analytics here.

Apple iMessage Extension API. Detecting whether recipient is using iMessage

Is it possible to detect (programmatically), from an iMessage app extension: from the sender side: Whether the person you are talking to is using iMessage on their end, or they are an SMS/MMS user (Such as Android or Windows phone)
Basically I need to tailor my delivery experience based on whether they can render the fully rich experience, or a minimized subset of it.
For example, for iMessages, I actually want to deliver in-line video. For MMS/SMS, i maybe only want to show an Image only, or maybe even a Link only, to avoid the recipient's SMS/MMS charges.
No API is available for this. It's a really good idea though. I suggest you file an enhancement request with Apple. [Update: if anyone from Apple happens to see this, I've filed rdar://32773566 to request this.]
One possible workaround-- depending on how your app works with these videos-- is to upload the video somewhere and then send the URL as the message. On iOS, Messages.app will render a nice preview of most videos, if the sender is in the recipient's address book or the recipient has sent messages to the sender in the past.

Send XMPP message element multiple destinations (Facebook Chat API)

I'm using Facebook Chat API in an iOS app. I already can send a message successfully to a Facebook friend. Now I'm wondering if a can send the same message to multiple recipients.
I don't know if it's technically possible or there's any limitation about that.
I know that I can create N messages for N users and send one by one. But depending on the number of Facebook friends that the user can select, it can take a long time until all the messages are delivered. If this is the only case, should I open one different thread for each message that is going to be sent with the XMPP stream?
I appreciate any resolution or clue for this question.
There's an XMPP extension XEP-0033: Extended Stanza Addressing which supports multicasting messages to multiple recipients. The extension has progressed to draft status, however few XMPP servers or clients support it. I doubt Facebook Chat does, and couldn't find any mention in the XMPPFramework source.
I don't think there's a better way than sending the same message to multiple recipients. Some servers may require you to pause between sending lots of identical messages, and I wouldn't be surprised if that were true of Facebook Chat.
Multi-User Chat is another way to accomplish this with XMPP, but unfortunately Facebook Chat doesn't support MUC.

BlackBerry: how to send messages (pin, mail, sms) to multiple subscribers automatically?

I'm planning to do an BB app. But I don't know if it is possible. I ask for your recommendation.
It will consist of two apps.
The first: the user will download it. He will be subscribed to the app, sharing his mobile number, PIN, and mail (could this be done automatically? This is, without the user typing that info and sending it)
The second: the admin will send messages of different nature (sms, mail and/or pin) to the subscribers of the first app.
Summarizing: I would like to send messages (of different kind) to many users. I looked, and, at least, in the BB API is possible to send mails to multiple users. But, how to do it with sms and pin.
Also, how would be the code logic that subscribe the users? Could be done automatically? If not, do I need a dedicated server to store the info of the users? etc.
If you have a more elegant way to achieve what I'm posting, please, let me know.
It sounds like one of your requirements is to originate the messages from a BlackBerry. This may be inefficient and costly.
The best solution to send data to multiple BlackBerry users is the Push Service which you can read about here: http://us.blackberry.com/developers/platform/pushapi.jsp
