How to create a custom field in Jira like "description" where as the user starts typing #, a list of suggested users will appear in a dropdown list - jira

As the user starts typing #, a list of suggested users will appear in a dropdown list below the field. The user should select based on the referenced users by completely typing the JIRA user's username or choose from the list of suggested users in the dropdown list.
I am completely new to this.


Dynamic forms rails 6

I'm stuck on something I didn't think would be so difficult. I'm making a fantasy football website for a client. I have a separate table for players and roster. Players being the global pool of available players to choose and the roster being the user's roster where they add available players to their team. For the new roster form, where a player is added to the user's roster, the form expects values such as (in order) position, player_id, name, teamname (user's teamname), user's team_id, user_id. I want a dynamic form where position is selected via a dropdown select_tag or, that selection then populates the player selection drop down to show only players of that position. I cannot seem to get this function to work. Any suggestions?
Update: I finally solved the issue using a separate local form in the new player page and sending the select_tag value to the controller where it became the string for showing only the players at that position. By doing it before the form was rendered the onchange method didn't try to submit the form and everything populated as expected.
If anyone has a similar issue I'd be happy to advise you on it, the specific answer will be depending on your specific set up and requirements.

How would I edit a resource's attribute with name "xxxxx_id"

I have a table with a column name of form xxxxxxx_id. This isn't a key, it's a number that I want to be able to edit myself from the activeadmin console.
However, it seems that whenever a resource had an attribute with id in the name, it is excluded from the activeadmin console. Removing id from the name resolves this issue, but I would still like to know if it's possible to make it an editable text field.

Display content of database in a form in struts2

Display content of database in a form with textfields in struts2.
Here is a senario. It's just an example.There is a jsp page (abc.jsp) which shows list of employees. This page contains a button (Add employee), when user clicks this button an action abcAction is called which opens xyz.jsp asking user to fill necessary information like emp_ID, emp_name, etc. On sucess abc.jsp page is opened showing the entered information on a table. Along with this informtaion an"edit" button is appeared on the same page(abc.jsp). Now how to display xyz.jsp page when user cicks edit button along with the necessary fields entered by the user based on emp_ID.

Rails: many-to-one display on form via dynamically added input text boxes

I have a form in rails that allows the user to create a new object (call it a search).
This object has_many excluded_phrases.
What I would like is the ability to display one text box per excluded phrase added.
The form will start out with only a single text box, allowing the user to add one excluded phrase. If they want to add more, there will be button labeled "+" that will dynamically add one more text box, and allow the user to add as many more items as he wants.
On form submit, this should populate the db with the user search, and create all the required phrases that are linked to that user search.
All inspiration needed is there:
This popular rails plugin does exactly what you want.

Raw HTML in Form Filter

At my company, we had developed a athletes management solution, were each athlete is inserted in the application by administrators users. For the referred solution, it was used the symfony admin generator.
On the second project iteration, one of the clients request was to turn the printed athletes list more legible. To accomplish that, we had created proper CSS styles, to be used when the user selects the browser print option.
However, the athletes form filter has some HTML tags (symfony widgets) whose do not render properly, namely, the select tag that has possible multiple choices (the select choices do not appear on the print preview).
So, I would to know if is possible to insert raw HTML directly on the form filter (get the selected options and convert them is labels or plain text), that will be only visible when the user selects the print option.
You could put a custom widget in place of the standard choice widget that adds in the values you want to be shown when printing but hidden with styles by default. Then you show them using your print style sheet.
