Highchart line chart with vertical line between values - highcharts

We need a line chart where each point is not connected by a straight line, but a horizontal line from one value to the next, followed by a vertical line to pick up the new value. The picture below shows what I want.
Which chart type can I solve this?

You can use the line chart, but add the required values to form the line that you need
for example:
data: [[0,3], [1,3], [1,4], [2,4], [2,2], [3,2], [3,5], [4,5], [4,0]]
get you this:


HighCharts: How to change style of bottom most x-axis grid line

I am using Highcharts for one of my project. Everything is okay except I could not change line style('Solid','ShortDash','ShortDot','ShortDashDot','ShortDashDotDot','Dot','Dash','LongDash','DashDot','LongDashDot','LongDashDotDot') of bottom grid line in x axis as shown in the attached image.
Because the line you highlighted is not a gridLine of yAxis and dash style does not apply to it. In fact it covers the bottom-most grid line. Disable it by setting its width to 0.
API Reference:

Is it possible to have the line chart data points in highcharts to be represented as a rectangle instead of a circle?

I have two series in my highchart. One bar and one line chart. I want the datapoints of the line chart be represented at rectangle or straight lines instead of dots. Is that possible?
Are you looking for "square"? Explained here.

How to plot a straight line from the beginning until the end of a chart in Highcharts?

I would like to add a straight line from the beginning until the end of the chart in a fixed position with the chart itself (not the created HTML DOM).
I don't want to create a line using the renderer function, it's like a line chart type. It must represent a average value of all plotted values.
A plotline will do this for you:
Or, you could create an additional line type series.
Either way, you will have to calculate the average value yourself.

highcharts legend overlapping

highcharts legend overlapping with the name section of the series.
I have got an url : Issue example.
I want to place the legend text bellow the chart.
Please help.
You need to disable floating parameter or use y parameter (http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts#legend.y) to modify position.

Drawing a horizontal line till first candlestock

I want to plot a horizontal line starting from the right but then stopping at the first candlestick.
I am showing what I managed to do till now in image below (had to include a link rather than an image) but I do not wish that the line goes through all the candlesticks since I might be having more than one candlestick in the same graph. So I wish to that the line stops at the very first candlestick and does not go through all the candlesticks.
You can use plotLines for yAxis
