Use case. Why is this important?
centos7 + docker-ce + prometheus
when i run docker-compose the container promises down
see log docker Bug Report
prometheus_1 | ts=2022-12-15T10:14:55.536Z caller=query_logger.go:91 level=error component=activeQueryTracker msg="Error opening query log file" file=/prometheus/ err="open /prometheus/ permission denied"
prometheus_1 | panic: Unable to create mmap-ed active query log
I think it's a volume rights problem, I changed rights and the problem still persists
You are mounting folder from the container to your user space, prometheus cannot access it.
There has to be a better solution but the following worked for me:
image: prom/prometheus
user: root
I'm trying to add SSL to a RabbitMQ deployment via Docker Compose:
# rabbitmq.conf
ssl_options.certfile = /container/path/to/certfile.crt
ssl_options.keyfile = /container/path/to/keyfile.key
# docker-compose.yml
image: rabbitmq:3.10.7-management
- /host/path/to/certfile.crt:/container/path/to/certfile.crt
- /host/path/to/keyfile.crt:/container/path/to/keyfile.key
- ...
However, when spinning up the container, I get the error:
ssl_options.keyfile invalid, file does not exist or cannot be read by the node
I have double checked that the volume mounting is working, and that the keyfile is actually there.
Turned out to be a permissions issue. Solved by running in the host machine:
chmod 664 /host/path/to/certfile.crt
chmod 664 /host/path/to/keyfile.crt
I want to send logs of my Docker containers to Grafana Loki. Therefore, I installed Loki's Docker Driver Client and started my containers with it. First I can see logs, but after some time I see no more logs.
I installed Loki's Docker Driver Client as a Docker plugin on my Docker Engine (version 20.10.2):
$ docker plugin install grafana/loki-docker-driver:master-54d1d3b --alias loki --grant-all-permissions
I didn't use the tag lastest, because of the bug Unable to connect to logging plugin in Swarm
I started my Docker containers with Loki's Docker Driver Client as log driver:
$ docker container run
--log-opt loki-url="$LOKI_URL"
--log-opt loki-retries=5
--log-opt loki-batch-size=400
--log-opt max-size="10m"
--log-opt max-file=5
--restart unless-stopped
I also added json-log driver's max-size and max-file to limit disk space, see Configuring the Docker Driver.
First I could see logs in Grafana and in command line with docker container logs, but after some time no more logs were shown. If I tried to look into the logs on Docker host and I saw an error:
$ docker container logs 75d4b13eb3e8
error from daemon in stream: Error grabbing logs: error getting log reader: LogDriver.ReadLogs: logger does not exist for 75d4b13eb3e8203b9247ecdeb41fdf495cc8fea7dcfc4775fd8261263b1dcd32
I looked into the directories of the containers (see Where is a log file with logs from a container?), but I couldn't see any log files:
$ sudo ls /var/lib/docker/containers/75d4b13eb3e8203b9247ecdeb41fdf495cc8fea7dcfc4775fd8261263b1dcd32
checkpoints config.v2.json hostconfig.json hostname hosts mounts resolv.conf resolv.conf.hash
I also checked the log path (see Get an instance’s log path), but it was empty:
$ docker inspect --format='{{.LogPath}}' 75d4b13eb3e8
I found container's logs in plugin's directory (see Loki log driver not storing logs as files on disk, even with keep-file: true), but the log files don't change anymore:
$ sudo ls -la /var/lib/docker/plugins/eac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288/rootfs/var/log/docker/75d4b13eb3e8203b9247ecdeb41fdf495cc8fea7dcfc4775fd8261263b1dcd32
total 912
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 22 12:59 .
drwxr-xr-x 17 root root 4096 Jan 22 15:46 ..
-rw-r----- 1 root root 923177 Jan 22 13:34 json.log
I looked into Docker daemon's logs (see Read the logs) and found errors and a warning (at the same time logging stopped):
$ sudo journalctl -u docker.service | grep eac33cc9913c
[...]level=error msg="panic: send on closed channel" plugin=eac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288
[...]level=error plugin=eac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288
[...]level=error msg="goroutine 153 [running]:" plugin=eac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288
[...]level=error msg="main.(*loki).Log(0xc0000c5e00, 0xc0001d81c0, 0xc0000c5e80, 0x0)" plugin=eac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288
[...]level=error msg="\t/src/loki/cmd/docker-driver/loki.go:69 +0x2fb" plugin=eac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288
[...]level=error msg="main.consumeLog(0xc0002c0480)" plugin=eac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288
[...]level=error msg="\t/src/loki/cmd/docker-driver/driver.go:165 +0x4c2" plugin=eac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288
[...]level=error msg="created by main.(*driver).StartLogging" plugin=eac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288
[...]level=error msg="\t/src/loki/cmd/docker-driver/driver.go:116 +0xa75" plugin=eac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288
[...]level=warning msg="Unable to connect to plugin: /run/docker/plugins/eac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288/loki.sock/LogDriver.StopLogging: Post http://%2Frun%2Fdocker%2Fplugins%2Feac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288%2Floki.sock/LogDriver.StopLogging: EOF, retrying in 1s"
What did I do wrong?
I was experiencing the same issue.
My only differences in configuration are that I'm trialing the latest Enterprise Edition (19.03) as it brings dual logging capability although this is also supported in the latest CE versions, and I'm using the latest Loki Docker driver client now that the Github issue previously mentioned has been resolved.
I ended up setting the log-opts properties no-file and keep-file in docker-compose.yml:
driver: "loki"
loki-url: "http://${LOKI_URL}:3100/loki/api/v1/push"
loki-batch-size: "400"
no-file: "false"
keep-file: "true"
max-size: "5m"
max-file: "3"
Since making this change I am receiving logs in Loki and can still use docker container logs and docker service logs on my Docker hosts.
no-file: "false" tells the driver to continue creating logs on disk and keep-file: "true" tells the driver to keep json logs if the container is stopped (by default files are removed).
Note: Originally I was adding these settings to /etc/docker/daemon.json on the host but would still see the error getting log reader issue, I had to switch to specifying the log driver per container/swarm service.
Regarding this issue
First I could see logs in Grafana and in command line with docker container logs, but after some time no more logs were shown.
On Grafana please select Query type: Range not Instant and you will see all the logs for the selected period of time, if exists in loki.
I facing an issue on my Molecule Test. I have begin to study this tool 2 days ago for information.
on a Ubuntu VM running with Vagrant,I have create a role and initialze Molecule's folder and create a testinfra test file ( with the docker provider ).
The error is when my task's role are running, at the step of checking service running, it failed.
fatal: [instance]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Could not find the requested service httpd: "}
I was design to simply install 2 packages including httpd on a Centos Image.
When im loggin directly to the Molecule VM ( so through docker ), when i simply type systemctl the error message is
Failed to get D-Bus connection: Operation not permitted
As adviced Geerlingguy, i have specify volume mapped on cgroup folder
- name: instance
image: geerlingguy/docker-${MOLECULE_DISTRO:-centos7}-ansible:latest
- /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro
The error is not related to Testinfra but only the docker built image.
Could someone help me to understand why this error message ?
Is that because im on a VirtualBox ran by Vagrant ?
Thanks all for reading :-)
I have added that on my mocule.yml file config according molecule documentation ( ) :
- name: instance
image: geerlingguy/docker-centos7-ansible:latest
command: /sbin/init
systemctl working fine now
I have the following docker-compose.yml file:
version: "3"
image: percona
- ./mysql_backup:/var/lib/mysql
- ./create_databases:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
hostname: "dbs-poa-loc001d"
container_name: dbs-poa-loc001d
- "3306:3306"
- azion-network
When I try to create the dbs-poa-loc001d service (database for the project), I get the following error:
Starting dbs-poa-loc001d ... done
Attaching to dbs-poa-loc001d
dbs-poa-loc001d | Initializing database
dbs-poa-loc001d | mysqld: Can't create/write to file '/var/lib/mysql/is_writable' (Errcode: 13 - Permission denied)
dbs-poa-loc001d | 2019-01-11T01:17:52.060984Z 0 [Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option (see documentation for more details).
dbs-poa-loc001d | 2019-01-11T01:17:52.062286Z 0 [ERROR] --initialize specified but the data directory exists and is not writable. Aborting.
dbs-poa-loc001d | 2019-01-11T01:17:52.062299Z 0 [ERROR] Aborting
dbs-poa-loc001d |
dbs-poa-loc001d exited with code 1
This error doesn't happen on my MacOS computer at my job, but in my home computer (running Ubuntu 16.04) it does. I do noticed the mysql_backup folder on the host created to hold the volume data is set to group AND user root. Can anybody tell me what is going on, and how do I fix this? Already tried without success:
Running docker-compose commands using sudo
Manually changing the owner and user of the folder to my actual (low privileged) user.
My current setup and installed versions are:
Ubuntu 16.04
Docker version 18.09.0, build 4d60db4
docker-compose version 1.23.2, build 1110ad0
docker-compose was installed using sudo pip install docker-compose
Can you try to set permissions of mysql_backup to 1001:0?
something like sudo chown -R 1001:0 ./mysql_backup
or as an alternative but only if the folder is empty sudo chmod 777 ./mysql_backup
regarding to percona Dockerfile mysql user id is 1001
I am using Docker 1.13 community edition on a CentOS 7 x64 machine. When I was following a Docker Compose sample from Docker official tutorial, all things were OK until I added these lines to the docker-compose.yml file:
- .:/code
After adding it, I faced the following error:
can't open file '': [Errno 13] Permission denied. It seems that the problem is due to a SELinux limit. Using this post I ran the following command:
su -c "setenforce 0"
to solve the problem temporarily, but running this command:
chcon -Rt svirt_sandbox_file_t /path/to/volume
couldn't help me.
Finally I found the correct rule to add to SELinux:
# ausearch -c 'python' --raw | audit2allow -M my-python
# semodule -i my-python.pp
I found it when I opened the SELinux Alert Browser and clicked on 'Details' button on the row related to this error. The more detailed information from SELinux:
SELinux is preventing /usr/local/bin/python3.4 from read access on the
***** Plugin catchall (100. confidence) suggests **************************
If you believe that python3.4 should be allowed read access on the file by default. Then you should report this as a bug. You can
generate a local policy module to allow this access. Do allow this
access for now by executing:
ausearch -c 'python' --raw | audit2allow -M my-python
semodule -i my-python.pp