RabbitMQ error: "ssl_options.keyfile invalid, file does not exist or cannot be read by the node" - docker

I'm trying to add SSL to a RabbitMQ deployment via Docker Compose:
# rabbitmq.conf
ssl_options.certfile = /container/path/to/certfile.crt
ssl_options.keyfile = /container/path/to/keyfile.key
# docker-compose.yml
image: rabbitmq:3.10.7-management
- /host/path/to/certfile.crt:/container/path/to/certfile.crt
- /host/path/to/keyfile.crt:/container/path/to/keyfile.key
- ...
However, when spinning up the container, I get the error:
ssl_options.keyfile invalid, file does not exist or cannot be read by the node
I have double checked that the volume mounting is working, and that the keyfile is actually there.

Turned out to be a permissions issue. Solved by running in the host machine:
chmod 664 /host/path/to/certfile.crt
chmod 664 /host/path/to/keyfile.crt


ERROR Disk error while locking directory /var/kafka-logs in 3.10 Kafka

I am using Kafka 3.1.0, Portainer 2.9.0 and docker 20.10.11 to build a 1 broker, 1 consumer and 1 producer cluster.
I am trying to map the log dirs via the docker-compose from the container to the host machine in order to persist the content of that directory (because if the container falls that information will be lost). I know it is recommended to have more than 1 broker, but since I am just testing this feature, I don't want to overcomplicate myself.
The problem I get is
ERROR Disk error while locking directory /var/kafka-logs (kafka.server.LogDirFailureChannel)
java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /var/kafka-logs/.lock
[2022-03-31 12:00:53,986] ERROR [KafkaServer id=1] Fatal error during KafkaServer startup. Prepare to shutdown (kafka.server.KafkaServer)
I have checked and the user that executes the broker has all permissions (since I created that directory with my Dockerfile).
RUN mkdir /var/kafka-logs \
&& chown -R kafka:kafka /var/kafka-logs \
&& chmod -R 777 /var/kafka-logs
I have seen that this problem was a thing in the 3.0 version and was fixed in the 3.1, and also that it only happened in Windows, so I don't know the source of this problem.
Edit: I have checked and even without the mapping it still prints that error. It must be a problem of changing the log.dirs property to a non /tmp directory, because if I leave the default configuration it works just fine.
By default I mean the following:
My docker-compose:
version: "3.8"
external: true
image: registry.gitlab.com/repo/kafka:2.13_3.1.0_v0.1
- /var/volumes/kafka/config/server1.properties:/opt/kafka/config/server.properties
- net
image: registry.gitlab.com/repo/kafka:2.13_3.1.0_v0.1
stdin_open: true
tty: true
- net
image: registry.gitlab.com/repo/kafka:2.13_3.1.0_v0.1
stdin_open: true
tty: true
- net
The problem was that I have been creating a few docker images and the container with the same name and it didn't picked the newest image.
Once I erased the rest of images and the container picked the lastest it all worked just fine, so it was basically a problem of not having enough permissions to get the lock of that directory.

Apache Nifi (on docker): only one of the HTTP and HTTPS connectors can be configured at one time error

Have a problem adding authentication due to a new needs while using Apache NiFi (NiFi) without SSL processing it in a container.
The image version is apache/nifi:1.13.0
It's said that SSL is unconditionally required to add authentication. It's recommended to use tls-toolkit in the NiFi image to add SSL. Worked on the following process:
Except for environment variable nifi.web.http.port for HTTP communication, and executed up the standalone mode container with nifi.web.https.port=9443
docker-compose up
Joined to the container and run the tls-toolkit script in the nifi-toolkit.
cd /opt/nifi/nifi-toolkit-1.13.0/bin &&\
sh tls-toolkit.sh standalone \
-n 'localhost' \
-C 'CN=yangeok,OU=nifi' \
-O -o $NIFI_HOME/conf
Attempt 1
Organized files in directory $NIFI_HOME/conf. Three files keystore.jks, truststore.jsk, and nifi.properties were created in folder localhost that entered the value of the option -n of the tls-toolkit script.
cd $NIFI_HOME/conf &&
cp localhost/*.jks .
The file $NIFI_HOME/conf/localhost/nifi.properties was not overwritten as it is, but only the following properties were imported as a file $NIFI_HOME/conf/nifi.properties:
Restarted container
docker-compose restart
The container died with below error log:
Only one of the HTTP and HTTPS connectors can be configured at one time
Attempt 2
After executing the tls-toolkit script, all files a were overwritten, including file nifi.properties
cd $NIFI_HOME/conf &&
cp localhost/* .
Restarted container
docker-compose restart
The container died with the same error log
The dead container volume was also accessible, so copied and checked file nifi.properties, and when did docker-compose up or restart, it changed as follows:
The part I overwritten or modified:
The changed part after re-executing the container:
I'd like to know how to execute the container with http.host, http.port empty. docker-compose.yml file is as follows:
version: '3'
context: .
container_name: nifi
user: root
restart: unless-stopped
network_mode: bridge
- ${NIFI_HTTP_PORT}:8080/tcp
- ${NIFI_HTTPS_PORT}:9443/tcp
- ./drivers:/opt/nifi/nifi-current/drivers
- ./templates:/opt/nifi/nifi-current/templates
- ./data:/opt/nifi/nifi-current/data
TZ: 'Asia/Seoul'
########## JVM ##########
NIFI_JVM_HEAP_INIT: ${NIFI_HEAP_INIT} # The initial JVM heap size.
NIFI_JVM_HEAP_MAX: ${NIFI_HEAP_MAX} # The maximum JVM heap size.
########## Web ##########
# NIFI_WEB_HTTP_HOST: ${NIFI_HTTP_HOST} # nifi.web.http.host
# NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT: ${NIFI_HTTP_PORT} # nifi.web.http.port
NIFI_WEB_HTTPS_HOST: ${NIFI_HTTPS_HOST} # nifi.web.https.host
NIFI_WEB_HTTP_PORT: ${NIFI_HTTPS_PORT} # nifi.web.https.port
Thank you

I cannot use --package option on bitnami/spark docker container

I pulled docker image and executed below command to run image.
docker run -it bitnami/spark:latest /bin/bash
spark-shell --packages="org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch-spark-20_2.11:7.5.0"
and i got message like below
Ivy Default Cache set to: /opt/bitnami/spark/.ivy2/cache
The jars for the packages stored in: /opt/bitnami/spark/.ivy2/jars
:: loading settings :: url = jar:file:/opt/bitnami/spark/jars/ivy-2.4.0.jar!/org/apache/ivy/core/settings/ivysettings.xml
org.elasticsearch#elasticsearch-spark-20_2.11 added as a dependency
:: resolving dependencies :: org.apache.spark#spark-submit-parent-c785f3e6-7c78-469f-ab46-451f8be61a4c;1.0
confs: [default]
Exception in thread "main" java.io.FileNotFoundException: /opt/bitnami/spark/.ivy2/cache/resolved-org.apache.spark-spark-submit-parent-c785f3e6-7c78-469f-ab46-451f8be61a4c-1.0.xml (No such file or directory)
at java.io.FileOutputStream.open0(Native Method)
at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(FileOutputStream.java:270)
at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:213)
at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:162)
at org.apache.ivy.plugins.parser.xml.XmlModuleDescriptorWriter.write(XmlModuleDescriptorWriter.java:70)
at org.apache.ivy.plugins.parser.xml.XmlModuleDescriptorWriter.write(XmlModuleDescriptorWriter.java:62)
at org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DefaultModuleDescriptor.toIvyFile(DefaultModuleDescriptor.java:563)
at org.apache.ivy.core.cache.DefaultResolutionCacheManager.saveResolvedModuleDescriptor(DefaultResolutionCacheManager.java:176)
at org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.ResolveEngine.resolve(ResolveEngine.java:245)
at org.apache.ivy.Ivy.resolve(Ivy.java:523)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmitUtils$.resolveMavenCoordinates(SparkSubmit.scala:1300)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.DependencyUtils$.resolveMavenDependencies(DependencyUtils.scala:54)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.prepareSubmitEnvironment(SparkSubmit.scala:304)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.org$apache$spark$deploy$SparkSubmit$$runMain(SparkSubmit.scala:774)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.doRunMain$1(SparkSubmit.scala:161)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.submit(SparkSubmit.scala:184)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.doSubmit(SparkSubmit.scala:86)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$$anon$2.doSubmit(SparkSubmit.scala:920)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.main(SparkSubmit.scala:929)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.main(SparkSubmit.scala)
I tried other package, but it is not working with all same error message.
Can you give some advice to avoid this error?
Found the solution to it
as given in https://github.com/bitnami/bitnami-docker-spark/issues/7
what we have to do is create a volume on host mapped to docker path
- ./jars_dir:/opt/bitnami/spark/ivy:z
give this path as cache path like this
spark-shell --conf spark.jars.ivy=/opt/bitnami/spark/ivy --conf
spark.cassandra.connection.host= --packages
com.datastax.spark:spark-cassandra-connector_2.12:3.0.0-beta --conf
All happened because /opt/bitnami/spark is not writable and we have to mount a volume to bypass that.
The error "java.io.FileNotFoundException: /opt/bitnami/spark/.ivy2/" occured because the location /opt/bitnami/spark/ is not writable. so in order to resolve this issue do modify the master spark service like this.
Added user as root and add mounted volume path for required jars.
see the working block of spark service written in docker compose:
image: docker.io/bitnami/spark:3
container_name: spark
- SPARK_MODE=master
user: root
- '8880:8080'
- ./spark-defaults.conf:/opt/bitnami/spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf
- ./jars_dir:/opt/bitnami/spark/ivy:z

Filebeat not running using docker-compose: setting 'filebeat.prospectors' has been removed

I'm trying to launch filebeat using docker-compose (I intend to add other services later on) but every time I execute the docker-compose.yml file, the filebeat service always ends up with the following error:
filebeat_1 | 2019-08-01T14:01:02.750Z ERROR instance/beat.go:877 Exiting: 1 error: setting 'filebeat.prospectors' has been removed
filebeat_1 | Exiting: 1 error: setting 'filebeat.prospectors' has been removed
I discovered the error by accessing the docker-compose logs.
My docker-compose file is as simple as it can be at the moment. It simply calls a filebeat Dockerfile and launches the service immediately after.
Next to my Dockerfile for filebeat I have a simple config file (filebeat.yml), which is copied to the container, replacing the default filebeat.yml.
If I execute the Dockerfile using the docker command, the filebeat instance works just fine: it uses my config file and identifies the "output.json" file as well.
I'm currently using version 7.2 of filebeat and I know that the "filebeat.prospectors" isn't being used. I also know for sure that this specific configuration isn't coming from my filebeat.yml file (you'll find it below).
It seems that, when using docker-compose, the container is accessing another configuration file instead of the one that is being copied to the container, by the Dockerfile, but so far I haven't been able to figure it out how, why and how can I fix it...
Here's my docker-compose.yml file:
version: "3.7"
build: "./filebeat"
command: filebeat -e -strict.perms=false
The filebeat.yml file:
- paths:
- '/usr/share/filebeat/*.json'
fields_under_root: true
tags: ['json']
hosts: ['localhost:5044']
The Dockerfile file:
FROM docker.elastic.co/beats/filebeat:7.2.0
COPY filebeat.yml /usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml
COPY output.json /usr/share/filebeat/output.json
USER root
RUN chown root:filebeat /usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml
RUN mkdir /usr/share/filebeat/dockerlogs
USER filebeat
The output I'm expecting should be similar to the following, which comes from the successful executions I'm getting when I'm executing it as a single container.
The ERROR is expected because I don't have logstash configured at the moment.
INFO crawler/crawler.go:72 Loading Inputs: 1
INFO log/input.go:148 Configured paths: [/usr/share/filebeat/*.json]
INFO input/input.go:114 Starting input of type: log; ID: 2772412032856660548
INFO crawler/crawler.go:106 Loading and starting Inputs completed. Enabled inputs: 1
INFO log/harvester.go:253 Harvester started for file: /usr/share/filebeat/output.json
INFO pipeline/output.go:95 Connecting to backoff(async(tcp://localhost:5044))
ERROR pipeline/output.go:100 Failed to connect to backoff(async(tcp://localhost:5044)): dial tcp [::1]:5044: connect: cannot assign requested address
INFO pipeline/output.go:93 Attempting to reconnect to backoff(async(tcp://localhost:5044)) with 1 reconnect attempt(s)
ERROR pipeline/output.go:100 Failed to connect to backoff(async(tcp://localhost:5044)): dial tcp [::1]:5044: connect: cannot assign requested address
INFO pipeline/output.go:93 Attempting to reconnect to backoff(async(tcp://localhost:5044)) with 2 reconnect attempt(s)
I managed to figure out what the problem was.
I needed to map the location of the config file and logs directory in the docker-compose file, using the volumes tag:
version: "3.7"
build: "./filebeat"
command: filebeat -e -strict.perms=false
- ./filebeat/filebeat.yml:/usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml
- ./filebeat/logs:/usr/share/filebeat/dockerlogs
Finally I just had to execute the docker-compose command and everything start working properly:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

Redis permission denied while opening dump.rdb

I am using official redis image with sidekiq on dockers.
Following are yml configurations for redis image:
build: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile-redis
- '6379:6379'
- 'redis:/var/lib/redis'
build: .
command: bundle exec sidekiq
- db
- redis
- .:/app
- .env
Following is the code of my Dockerfile-redis:
FROM redis
COPY redis.conf /usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf
CMD [ "redis-server", "/usr/local/etc/redis/redis.conf" ]
When I build the images everything works fine but after sometime docker-compose logs shows the following permission error:
redis_1 | 98:C 22 Jan 2019 18:40:10.098 # Failed opening the RDB file dump.rdb (in server root dir /var/lib/redis) for saving: Permission denied
redis_1 | 1:M 22 Jan 2019 18:40:10.203 # Background saving error
I have tried many solutions but I am still getting this error in logs. Everytime permission is denied for redis to open dump.rdb file. I have also followed this solution and done follwoing changes in my Dockerfile-redis to give root permission to redis
USER root
CMD chown -R root:root /var/lib/redis/
CMD chown 777 /var/lib/redis/
CMD chown 777 /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb
I have tried 755 for dir and 644 for dbfilename but it didn't worked for me. I also tried the above configurations of Dockerfile-redis with redis user but still I am getting the same permission denied error for opening dump.rdb file.
I don't know what I am doing wrong here. Please help me with this
After an hour of inactivity Redis will try to dump the memory db to disk.
Redis from the official redis image tries to write the .rdb file in the containers /data folder, which is rather unfortunate, as it is a root-owned folder and it is a non-persistent location too (data written there will disappear if your container/pod crashes).
So after an hour of inactivity, if you have run your redis container as a non-root user (e.g. docker run -u 1007 rather than default docker run -u 0), you will get a nicely detailed error msg in your log (see docker logs redis):
1:M 29 Jun 2019 21:11:22.014 * 1 changes in 3600 seconds. Saving...
1:M 29 Jun 2019 21:11:22.015 * Background saving started by pid 499
499:C 29 Jun 2019 21:11:22.015 # Failed opening the RDB file dump.rdb (in server root dir /data) for saving: Permission denied
1:M 29 Jun 2019 21:11:22.115 # Background saving error
So what you need to do is to map container's /data folder to an external location (where the non-root user, here: 1007, has write access), e.g:
docker run --rm -d --name redis -p 6379:6379 -u 1007 -v /tmp:/data redis
It seems that the official redis image is using an applicative user to run the redis-server and not root(which is a security best practice) regardless of USER definition - I extracted this from the image's entrypoint shell script:
# allow the container to be started with `--user`
if [ "$1" = 'redis-server' -a "$(id -u)" = '0' ]; then
find . \! -user redis -exec chown redis '{}' +
exec gosu redis "$0" "$#"
when mounting a volume to a container, it is owned by the root user, it will override the default directory in the image's layer along with previous permissions.
It seems that the redis image intentions were not to expose the '/var/lib/redis' dir as a volume, instead they offer mounting to '/data/' for persistence:
If persistence is enabled, data is stored in the VOLUME /data, which can be used with --volumes-from some-volume-container or -v /docker/host/dir:/data (see docs.docker volumes).
For more about Redis Persistence, see http://redis.io/topics/persistence.
Start docker container from root, example:
build: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile-redis
user: root <-- REQUIRE
- '6379:6379'
- 'redis:/var/lib/redis'
Please check the port in server. If it is open to the public then this issue is there which is very strange and difficult to diagnose.
