I am working on pipeline that copies data from ADLS Gen into Azure Synapse Dedicated SQL Pool. I used the Synapse pipelines and followed the Microsoft Docs on how to create a storage event trigger. But when a new file is loaded into the ADLS, I get the following error:
" 'The template language expression 'trigger().outputs.body.ContainerName' cannot be evaluated because property 'ContainerName' doesn't exist, available properties are 'RunToken'.
I have set the following pipeline parameters:
The pipeline successfully runs when I manually trigger it and pass the parameters. I would appreciate any solution or guidance to resolve this issue
Thank you very much
I tried to set trigger the synapse pipeline and copy the new blob into the dedicated pool, but when I monitored the triggers run, it failed to run.
I can trigger the pipeline manually
According to storage event trigger
The storage event trigger captures the folder path and file name of the blob into the properties #triggerBody().folderPath and #triggerBody().fileName.
It does not have property called container name.
As per data you provided it seems that file is stored in your container itself. for this approach you have to give value for container name parameter as #trigger().outputs.body.folderPath it will return container name as folder
And now pass these pile line parameters to dataset properties dynamically.
It will run pipeline successfully and copy data from ADLS to synapse dedicated pool
In my ADO build pipline, I have a secure file download step. When we branch versions, we use powershell to do the heavy lifting with cloning build definitions and updating settings/info in the cloned pipeline.
One issue I've run into is that the Secure File Download step doesn't accept variables, and in the UI you can only select names of files that already exist, so we've had to manually update it after every new branch we create.
I've grabbed the definition task step in powershell (as $step) and was hoping I could set the $step.inputs.fileInputs to a variable I assign to something like cert-$newVersion, however it currently is set to a guid.
Does anyone know if it possible to get the guid of secure files in ADO via the API or have a solution?
Does anyone know if it possible to get the guid of secure files in ADO via the API or have a solution?
Yes. This API exists.
You could try to use the following Rest API:
Get https://dev.azure.com/{OrganizationName}/{ProjectName}/_apis/distributedtask/securefiles?api-version=6.1-preview.1
You could get the secure file GUID based on the file name.
I'm new to Jenkins. I have a task where I need to create a Jenkins job to automate builds of certain projects. The build job parameters are going to be stored in the SQL database. So, the job would keep querying the DB and it has to load data from the DB and perform the build operation.
Examples would be greatly appreciated.
How can this be done?
You have to transform the data from available source to the format expecting by the destination.
Here your source data available in DB and you want to use this data in Jenkins.
There might be numerous ways but the efficient way of reading data is using EnvyInJect Plugin.
If you were able to provide the whole data as Properties file format and type to EnvyInject plugin, the whole data is available as environment variables you can use these variable in the Jobs configuration.
EnvyInject Plugin can read this properties file from the Jenkins Job Workspace. And you can provide that file path in Properties File Path input.
To read the data from source and make available as properties file.
Either you can write a executable or if your application provides api to download the properties data.
Both ways to be executed before the SCM step, for this you have to use Pre-SCM-Step
Get the data and inject the data in pre-scm-step only, so that the data available as environment variables.
This is one thought to give gist for you to start. while implementing you may get lot of thoughts to implement according to your requirement.
I am new to Jenkins plugin development. M trying to write a plugin that should be executed before any Multi configuration type job runs in Jenkins.
In this plugin I want to write rules that will check what configuration parameters user has selected while submitting the job, based on selected parameters, I want to decide whether to allow the job to run or to restrict it.
User should be shown reason as to why that job cannot be run in the Console Output.
Does anyone have any ideas which class I need to extend or which interface I need to implement in order to get a hook into Jenkins job run?
You could look at the Matrix Execution Strategy which allows for a groovy script to select which matrix combinations to run. I would think if your script threw an exception it would stop the build.
For background, the multi configuration projects run a control job (or flyweight) which runs the SCM phase then starts all the actual combinations. This plugin runs after the flyweight SCM checkout.
If nothing else, this will give you a working plugin to start from
Disclaimer: I wrote this plugin
Blocked queue job plugin was what I needed
Out of the box that plugin supports two ways to block the jobs -
Based on the result of last run of another project.
Based on result of last run of the current project
In that plugin the BlockQueueItemTaskDispatcher.java extends Jenkin's QueueTaskDispatcher providing us a hook into Jenkins logic to allow or block the jobs present in the queue from running.
I used this plugin as a starting point for developing a new plugin that allows us to restrict project based on parameters selected and the current time. Ultimate goal is to restrict production migrations from running during the day.
Overriding the isBlocked() method of QueueTaskDispatcher gave access to hudson.model.Queue.Item instance as an argument to me. Then I used the Item instance's getParams method to get access to build parameters selected by the user at runtime. Parsed the lifecyle value from it. Checked the current time. If lifecycle was Production and current time was day time then restricted the job by returning non null CauseOfBlockage from isBlocked() method. If that condition was false, then returnedCauseOfBlockage as null allowing the queued job to run.
I am trying to find a way to prompt the user to select and upload a generic file from a local machine to a Jenkins job prior to build. The input file that user is going to upload is not necessarily a text or a property file.
I am specifically trying to get the user to "select" their desired file - browse to their file ; the user should not pass the file's path.
Use the File Parameter:
File parameter allows a build to accept a file, to be submitted by the user when scheduling a new build. The file will be placed inside the workspace at the known location after the check-out/update is done, so that your build scripts can use this file.
If you need to verify the file has a certain extension, you would have to do that with a script as part of your job, and fail the job is extension/content-type does not match what you need.
This is kind of annoying to handle when you don't know what the file name will be or need to change its name before it reaches its destination. You kind of need to perform a hack. This is how I do it:
Use the "File parameter" parameter to upload your file
Use the OS-specific script to rename the file from whatever you named your File Parameter to whatever you want it to be, e.g., if my File Parameter had the File location value of file_name instead of an actual relative file-path, I'd then do something like this for say, Windows inside a Build-Step for "Execute Windows Batch Command":
move .\file_name .\%file_name%
And then just use ArtifactDeployer to copy everything there to your desired location.
ps: this won't remove digital signatures, so the move-operation should be considered mostly safe.
The use of the Jenkins File Parameter will not work for Jenkins pipelines. It's ridiculous that they don't disable that kind of build parameter for pipelines. It's even more ridiculous that they don't at the very least, identify this SEVERE limitation in the help documentation for that parameter.
It would have saved me a couple hours trying to figure out why it would not work in my pipeline.
Refer to this feature request for more details: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-27413
I am using Jenkins in combination with the Git and Gerrit plugins. I would like to trigger a job on Ref Updated. However, I need to understand if the action behind this event is the creation of a new branch. If it is, then I will execute my shell script, otherwise not.
As far as I understood, this info is available in the Gerrit's event json response, but I do not know how to consume this json object via Jenkins in the first place.
Is there a way to achieve this easily via Jenkins (maybe something in the interface I missed)? Or is there another way to monitor the creation of a new branch while still in the Jenkins/Gerrit plugin environment?
So I just recalled there are a bunch of Gerrit environmental variables which are available to use in the building script,
namely these ones. I will just have to check if GERRIT_OLDREV is equal to 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 and if so, it would mean the branch is newly created (for reference: here). Here is the picture I attached in full size.