I am installing SGX psw when I run make psw I get error
error: ‘SGX_XFRM_PKRU’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘SGX_XFRM_AVX’?
121 | se_misc_attr->secs_attr.xfrm &= ~(SGX_XFRM_PKRU);
I have to mention that I have run source /opt/intel/sgxsdk/environment after installing SGX sdk.
The R package 'mixer' is not available in the CRAN repository. I am trying to install it in R following similar examples (see the link Install the package that has been removed from the CRAN repository easily). I am using R version 4.2.1 and have installed RTools42 on my computer (windows) and further installed 'devtools' and 'Rcpp' and invoked them from the library. To install 'mixer' I used the line of code:
but it produces the following error message
367 | call dvout (logfil, 1, rnorm0, ndigit,
| 2
404 | call dvout (logfil, n, resid, ndigit,
| 1
Error: Rank mismatch between actual argument at (1) and actual argument at (2) (scalar and
make: *** [C:/Users/YYY/AppData/Local/Programs/R/R-42~1.1/etc/x64/Makeconf:277: dgetv0.o]
Error 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package 'mixer'
* removing 'C:/Users/YYY/AppData/Local/Programs/R/R-4.2.1/library/mixer'
Warning message:
In i.p(...) :
installation of package ‘C:/Users/YYY/AppData/Local/Temp/Rtmp8AzpuR/file4fd46a5223bc/mixer_1.9.tar.gz’ had non-zero exit status
The code, however, works for similar packages that are not in the CRAN. I have spent sometime trying to resolve this error but all to no avail. Can anyone help me understand this error and how to resolve it. Many thanks for your help.
I am trying to run object detection algorithm (which is using OpenCV on H3ULCB. It is giving libGTK as shown below
root#h3ulcb:/media/2.4.13_algo_target_# ./main_
OpenCV Error: Unspecified error (The function is not implemented. Rebuild the library with Windows, GTK+ 2.x or [ 1976.641753] audit: type=1706
Carbon support. If you are on Ubuntu or Debian, install libgtk2.0-dev and pkg-config, then re-run cmake or configure script) in cvWaitKey, fil7
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
what(): /media/ error: (-2) The function is not implemented. Rebuild the library with Wiy
Aborted (core dumped)}
To solve the error , I tried to install libGTK package (libgtk2.0-dev_2.24.31-2_arm64.deb) on H3ULCB, but its not getting installed to the target.
* pkg_extract_data_file_names_to_stream: Failed to extract data.tar.gz from package '/media/libgtk2.0-dev_2.24.31-2_arm64.deb'.
* pkg_get_installed_files: Error extracting file list from /media/libgtk2.0-dev_2.24.31-2_arm64.deb.
* opkg_install: Cannot install package libgtk2.0-dev.
BSP and SDK for H3ULCB are build using yocto, details are listed below:
Yocto version: 2.23
Poky: 2.1.3
The same error is resolved on the native Linux (Ubuntu16.04) by installing the libgtk2.0 library from apt-get manager. But package manager apt and dpkg is not getting installed on the target. I tried to add these managers in the yocto layers while building the image.
Currently Available package manager on H3ULCB is OPKG. Since OPKG works on .IPK packages but not .IPK packages on available for libgtk2.0, I have converted the .deb package to a .IPK package .While executing the .IPK package on H3ulcb:
root#h3ulcb:/media# opkg install libgtk2.0-dev_2.24.31-2_arm64.ipk
Collected errors:
* open_outer: Failed to open package 'libgtk2.0-dev_2.24.31-2_arm64.ipk': Unrecognized archive format
* pkg_extract_control_file_to_stream: Failed to extract control.tar.gz from package 'libgtk2.0-dev_2.24.31-2_arm64.ipk'.
* pkg_init_from_file: Failed to extract control file from libgtk2.0-dev_2.24.31-2_arm64.ipk.
In the package libgtk2.0-dev_2.24.31-2_arm64.deb, there are 3 files
while executing the .deb file on H3ULCB, the error showed data.tar.gz instead of data.tar.xz as given below:
pkg_extract_data_file_names_to_stream: Failed to extract data.tar.gz from package '/media/libgtk2.0-dev_2.24.31-2_arm64.deb'.
I have converted data.tar.xz to data.tar.gz, but how to pack these files 3 files back to .deb package?
I am trying to build OpenCV from Source (master branch) using cmake.
I installed Eigen package via apt-get.
sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev
It was successfully installed, and cmake prints that eigen 3.3.4 is installed.
Eigen: YES(ver 3.3.4)
But when I did 'make', it showed the error
/opencv/modules/core/include/opencv2/core/private.hpp:66.12: fatal error: Eigen/Core: No such file or directory
# include <Eigen/Core>
compilation teminated.
I found the same question on superuser.
So as the answer did, I have changed cmake/OpenCVFindLibsPerf.cmake from line 44 to 59.
After I have commented out line 46-48 and 59,
and changed find_package(Eigen3 QUIET) in line 44 to find_package(Eigen3 3.0.0), it works.
And this problem only happens on OpenCV 4.0 version.
When I install OpenCV 3.4.6 version(tag 3.4.6 on github), this problem does not occur.
I am trying to install the Intel SGX driver at Intel I3 6100 based CPU and I am not able to launch the enclave.
I am suspecting that it is happening due to my processor (i.e. Intel core i3). Same steps I perform at my another machine that came with I7 and it is working as expected.
Thing I tried at my end is :
First I tried to install the driver 1.7 and getting the device error.
[root#local_host POC1]# ./sgx_linux_x64_driver_51b2884.bin
Unpacking Intel SGX Driver ... done.
Verifying the integrity of the install package ... done.
Installing Intel SGX Driver ...
/tmp/sgx-driver-d9jY01 ~/POC1
install -d /opt/intel/sgxdriver/package
install -d /opt/intel/sgxdriver/scripts
install package/* /opt/intel/sgxdriver/package
install scripts/* /opt/intel/sgxdriver/scripts
/opt/intel/sgxdriver/package ~/POC1
make -C /lib/modules/3.10.0-327.36.1.el7.x86_64/build SUBDIRS=/opt/intel/sgxdriver/package modules
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernels/3.10.0-327.el7.x86_64'
CC [M] /opt/intel/sgxdriver/package/isgx_main.o
CC [M] /opt/intel/sgxdriver/package/isgx_page_cache.o
CC [M] /opt/intel/sgxdriver/package/isgx_ioctl.o
CC [M] /opt/intel/sgxdriver/package/isgx_vma.o
CC [M] /opt/intel/sgxdriver/package/isgx_util.o
LD [M] /opt/intel/sgxdriver/package/isgx.o
Building modules, stage 2.
MODPOST 1 modules
CC /opt/intel/sgxdriver/package/isgx.mod.o
LD [M] /opt/intel/sgxdriver/package/isgx.ko
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernels/3.10.0-327.el7.x86_64'
modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'isgx': No such device
Second I tried to install the SGX 2.1.0 driver and driver install successfully but I am unable to launch enclave.
Info: Please make sure SGX module is enabled in the BIOS, and install SGX driver afterwards.
Error: Invalid SGX device.
Enter a character before exit ...
Note : I verified at BIOS and SGX is enabled there.
I am trying to configure DSE on newly configured centos 7 VM but I am getting error Attempting to configure dse-full 5.1.0, but found a different version installed. Upgrades and downgrades aren't supported." (opscd-pool-4) I am not able to understand why getting this error when the machine is completely new, even I haven't run any DSE command.
ERROR: Received error from node event-subtype="MeldError" job-id="a38724e1-2139-45f5-9266-079638c2ca2e" name="cassandra-5" ssh-management-address="" node-id="dafe635a-6e98-4ae6-b0ea-6afa0da51731" event-type="error" message="Attempting to configure dse-full 5.1.0, but found a different version installed. Upgrades and downgrades aren't supported." (opscd-pool-4)
I am using Opscentre to configure Node.
Here you go detailed log of LCM
2017-11-29 05:38:37,753 [opscenterd] INFO: configure job started for node name="cassandra-5" ssh-management-address="" node-id="dafe635a-6e98-4ae6-b0ea-6afa0da51731" (async-thread-macro-32)
2017-11-29 05:38:37,776 [opscenterd] INFO: Trying to establish ssh connection name="cassandra-5" ssh-management-address="" node-id="dafe635a-6e98-4ae6-b0ea-6afa0da51731" node-name="cassandra-5" job-id="4fae4fe1-ca3c-4924-abdb-62c4cf4ad878" (async-thread-macro-32)
2017-11-29 05:38:38,515 [opscenterd] INFO: Received milestone from node name="cassandra-5" ssh-management-address="" node-id="dafe635a-6e98-4ae6-b0ea-6afa0da51731" message="Uploaded facts to OpsCenter server" job-id="4fae4fe1-ca3c-4924-abdb-62c4cf4ad878" (opscd-pool-0)
2017-11-29 05:38:40,135 [opscenterd] ERROR: Received error from node event-subtype="MeldError" job-id="4fae4fe1-ca3c-4924-abdb-62c4cf4ad878" name="cassandra-5" ssh-management-address="" node-id="dafe635a-6e98-4ae6-b0ea-6afa0da51731" event-type="error" message="Attempting to configure dse-full 5.1.0, but found a different version installed. Upgrades and downgrades aren't supported." (opscd-pool-7)
2017-11-29 05:38:40,161 [opscenterd] ERROR: Configure job 4fae4fe1-ca3c-4924-abdb-62c4cf4ad878 failed! (async-thread-macro-33)
2017-11-29 05:38:41,102 [opscenterd] INFO: configure job finished for node name="cassandra-5" ssh-management-address="" node-id="dafe635a-6e98-4ae6-b0ea-6afa0da51731" (async-thread-macro-32)
Here you go node info:
[root#li1639-135 ~]# dpkg -l dse-full
-bash: dpkg: command not found
[root#li1639-135 ~]# yum info dse-full
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
base | 3.6 kB 00:00
extras | 3.4 kB 00:00
updates | 3.4 kB 00:00
(1/4): base/7/x86_64/group_gz | 156 kB 00:00
(2/4): extras/7/x86_64/primary_db | 130 kB 00:00
(3/4): base/7/x86_64/primary_db | 5.7 MB 00:00
(4/4): updates/7/x86_64/primary_db | 3.6 MB 00:00
Determining fastest mirrors
* base: mirrors.linode.com
* extras: mirrors.linode.com
* updates: mirrors.linode.com
Error: No matching Packages to list
Job ID4fae4fe1-ca3c-4924-abdb-62c4cf4ad878
11/29/2017, 5:38:40AM UTC ERROR - MELDERROR Attempting to configure dse-full 5.1.0, but found a different version installed. Upgrades and downgrades aren't supported.
11/29/2017, 5:38:40AM UTC SHELL-COMMAND - RESULT Finished executing command: rpm -qa | grep -E ^dse-full-[[:digit:]] | grep 5.1.0
11/29/2017, 5:38:39AM UTC SHELL-COMMAND - INVOCATION Invoked command: rpm -qa | grep -E ^dse-full-[[:digit:]] | grep 5.1.0
11/29/2017, 5:38:39AM UTC CHECK - IS-PACKAGE-INSTALLED Checking if package dse-full is installed with version 5.1.0
11/29/2017, 5:38:39AM UTC CHANGE - PACKAGE-PROXY Not using proxy
11/29/2017, 5:38:38AM UTC MILESTONE - UPLOADED-FACTS Uploaded facts to OpsCenter server
11/29/2017, 5:38:38AM UTC SHELL-COMMAND - INVOCATION Invoked command: if [ -x "$(which yum)" ] && [ -f "/etc/redhat-release" -o -f "/etc/SuSE-release" -o -f "/etc/system-release" ]; then echo -n "yum"; elif [ -x "$(which...
Updated Answer
I was able to sync up with Ranjeet offline and found that the logs posted above were the result of configure jobs, which require that DSE is already installed. When running install jobs, things proceeded as expected.
There were also some issues with newly supported platforms and platform checks working in confusing ways, but none of that is reflected in the logs for the original post in this question.
Original Answer
OpsCenter/LCM engineer here, I work on the provisioning features.
"Attempting to configure dse-full 5.1.0, but found a different version installed. Upgrades and downgrades aren't supported." The meaning of the error message seems pretty clear. You're asking OpsCenter/LCM to install/configure DSE 5.1.0. Are you positive that you don't have a different version already installed?
On apt-based target machines, you can check what version of DSE is install with 'dpkg -l dse-full'
On yum-based target machines, you can check what version of DSE is installed with 'yum info dse-full'
If you're really trying to install DSE 5.1.0, but a different version is already present on your nodes, you'll have to upgrade/downgrade outside OpsCenter LCM and can the resume managing configs with LCM after the desired version is installed. See http://docs.datastax.com/en/upgrade/doc/upgrade/datastax_enterprise/upgrdDSE.html
If you're attempting to install some other version (which matches what's already installed), then you'll have to clone your config profile and set the correct DSE version when you create the new CP. See: https://support.datastax.com/hc/en-us/articles/212267063-Lifecycle-Manager-Cloning-Configuration-Profiles
If you believe the error from OpsCenter/LCM is mistaken, and that you don't really have a different version of DSE installed on the target nodes, then we'll need more log snippets from LCM with the events leading up to the error, and information about how you confirmed the DSE version on all nodes.