Python-magic not recognized while trying to import in Django - file-type

I am trying to check the file type of the uploaded data using magic but pylance is not recognizing it
I keep getting this error pylance error
I installed python-magic 0.4.27
My python version is- 3.9
Django-version- 4.1.3
I tried adding python-magic to Installed Apps in Settings after Installing it locally on my command prompt
I also Installed python-magic-bin-0.4.14 but it still gives me that error.
pylance error


No Module Named PyQt5 and Pyside2 Error While Trying to open rqt

I've been trying to use the ROS(Robot Operating System) using this page:
Tutorial page
In the link it makes you use turtle sim it seemed to work fine with me without any errors.
In the 4th step(install rqt),i get this error:
OUTPUT: ImportError for 'pyqt': No module named 'PyQt5'
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyQt5'
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PySide2'`
There was more lines of error but it seemed irrelevant to me because it only says file names.
I'm using python version 3.8.3 and qt version 5.12.12.
I downloaded the qt manually in their website.Didn't use:
pip install PyQt5
And i don't exactly remember now but someone said something about local files of pyhton but i had none of them:
screenshot of C:\Users\Boran\AppData\Local\Programs
It supposed to be Pyhton files in here.
Also there is no problem about python it works fine and i used talker and listener(pyhton coded applications of ROS.) and they worked fine.
I solved the problem by installing graphviz.It appears that to run rqt i had to install graphviz.

Can't get luarocks to install lua-cjson; Failed compiling module cjson.dll

I am trying to install lua-cjson using luarocks. I have installed mingw32 as well as set a environment variable in system. I keep getting error: I've tried re-directing my lua folder to user public (as another post suggested), however that didn't help, only to get the same error.
I've even verified that MinGW is installed by using the --version command in CMD prompt, which works.
Error: Build error: Failed compiling module cjson.dll
I don't know what else to do as there are absolutely no posts on stackoverflow covering this issue.
lua_objlen was removed. If you want this module to be working try
luarocks install lua-cjson "CFLAGS=-DLUA_COMPAT_5_3"

'openssl/conf.h' file not found error on on MacOS Big Sur

I am currently attempting to run an xcode project that creates a Vapor server for the ios application, however, I get an error complaining that 'openssl/conf.h' file is not found. I also get Could not build Objective-C module 'CNIOOpenSSL' on the import package, but I suspect that this is linked to the file not being found by the compiler. I have already brew installed vapor using these instructions[enter image description here]1stions/43070534/openssl-ctls-trouble-with-vapor-2, but no luck. I also installed openssl and libressl, but same results. Any suggestions on what I may be missing? I've linked screenshots of the error below.enter image description here
For me it was installing old version of openssl - openssl 1.1 and setting
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/openssl#1.1/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

contao-manager console returns error when installing packages - contao 4.4.4

Hi friends I installed contao 4.4.4 via contao manager . I have successfully completed the installation and get entered in backend . But when installing new packages the contao-manager console returns error. Why it happens??? Please provide me a solution to install extension modules.
You can try installing via the terminal, composer install and name of package
2.Rebuild the cache
3.Go to install tool and update the database, so that if any package deleted or added, it needs to be updated

Undefined error when executing command to list PhoneGap plugins (iOS)

We're on PhoneGap 3.2, but the command to list plugins is generating an error:
w prompt$ phonegap local plugin list
[error] undefined
We're building for iOS. We have successfully installed several plugins, which are verified by looking at the plugins folder.
Did the command syntax change in 3.2, or is this a bug?
This was an issue that has just recently been fixed (About an hour from the posting of this answer).
Google Groups Discussion
To correct it just do the following
$ npm install -g phonegap
