How do I get only the total count in Microsoft Graph query search. Is there a request to get only the total count? - microsoft-graph-api

How do I get only the total count in Microsoft Graph query search. Is there a request to get only the total count?
I'm implementing a custom solution that is using MS Graph query search to get the total count results when searching SharePoint online. MS Graph API returns the total count but I'm wondering is there a way to get only the total count without retrieving hits.
API Request:
"value": [
"searchTerms": [
"hitsContainers": [
"hits": [...
"total": 20,
"moreResultsAvailable": false
"#odata.context": "$metadata#Collection(microsoft.graph.searchResponse)"
What I tried:
I used MS Graph Explorer and submitted this request
API Request:
This is the results from MS Graph Explorer:
"value": [
"searchTerms": [
"hitsContainers": [
"hits": [...
"total": 20,
"moreResultsAvailable": false
"#odata.context": "$metadata#Collection(microsoft.graph.searchResponse)"

As per the doc, as a query string parameter with the syntax $count=true to include a count of the total number of items in a collection alongside the page of data values returned from Microsoft Graph. -
There is no spcefic way to get only count ,
But you can try with below Call, this will return you only 1 data ,
API -$search="displayName:Vicky"&$count=true&$top=1

There is no way to get only total number of matching results without search results for Search API.
The response always includes searchHitsContainer with a collection of the search results.
Be aware of searching across messages, Teams messages and events, because for messages, Teams messages, events, total property of the searchHitsContainer type contains the number of results on the page, not the total number of matching results.


Youtube search API always consuming 100 units

I use the Youtube V3 Search API to get only 1 video ID:
The result of this call is:
"items": [
"id": {
"videoId": "rYEDA3JcQqw"
The problem is that this is costing me 100 units!
Does anyone have any idea on how to fix this?
If you know the videoId, don't use the search API, but the videos API instead[YOUR_API_KEY]
This costs only 3 units instead of 100.
If you really want to search, there is no way to go under 100 units, that's the normal quota for search. However, you can set maxResults to 50, so you will get 50 results for the same 100 units.
You can use the quota calculator to find out the exact numbers:

Graph "beta" filtering for date time from audit logs not working (returns all data)

Using the graph explorer, I'm trying to limit (time box) the number of entries being returned. This is so I can extract the data from Azure to upload into our SIEM portal. I am getting the data back (10's of thousands of datapoints) - but I need to time box them.
This works as a query (both in graph explorer and from powershell) - but the results are not in the time frame requested. I've tried different time formats (including down to the second) and they don't limit the results.
It seems like it isn't going deeper into the data structure for the filter to operate on.
Any suggestions on the filter or a different approach (without accepting all the data each query and doing a post-results filter)?
Note: I also tried the activityDateTime prefix with value/ and value\ (reading from a different article I found) - so value/activityDateTime and value\activityDateTime - no different results (no errors either)
This is the 'get' from graph explorer (beta selected) ge 2018-07-16T15:48:00 and activityDateTime lt 2018-07-16T15:58:00
returned this (only partially results, guid/hex strings were removed) - you'll notice that the activityDateTime returned below is not >= and < the date/time passed in the query
"#odata.context": "$metadata#auditLogs/directoryAudits",
"#odata.nextLink": "$skiptoken=[hex string removed]_1000",
"value": [
"id": "Directory_[hex string removed]",
"category": "Core Directory",
"correlationId": "[GUID removed]",
"result": "success",
"resultReason": "",
"activityDisplayName": "Update group",
**"activityDateTime": "2018-07-18T14:30:44.6046176Z"**,
"loggedByService": "AzureAD",
"initiatedBy": {
"user": null,
"app": null
"targetResources": [
"#odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.targetResourceGroup",
[rest of data returned 1000 total removed]
You need to specify the parameter name. Otherwise, the API has no way of knowing what operation you want (select, orderby, filter). In this case, you want to $filter like this: $filter=activityDateTime ge 2018-07-16T15:48:00Z and activityDateTime lt 2018-07-16T15:58:00Z.$filter=activityDateTime ge 2018-07-16T15:48:00Z and activityDateTime lt 2018-07-16T15:58:00Z

Report Filtering With Adobe Analytics API

I am queuing and getting a report through the API and javascript, but now I want to start filtering the report. I want the results that come back to apply only to the user (other filters are needed too) who is requesting the report. What is the best way to put a filter on the initial report queue?
The way I am doing it now is adding a selected element to the report description:
"elements": [
{ "id": "page" },{ "id": "evar23" , "selected": ["295424","306313"]}
But this only seems to apply to the breakdown section of the results, not the top level count that is returned. I would expect the top level count in the below example be 66, not 68:
I know I can just crawl through the breakdown array and total up what I need, but the more filters I apply the messier it becomes. All of a sudden I am three levels deep in a nested array, making sure that all 3 breakdown names match my conditions. There must be a better way to do this, any ideas? Many thanks.
Although there are some possible limitations to them that I am still working through, it seems that segments is what I need, not elements.
"segments": [
"element": "evar23","selected": ["295424","306313"]

The graph section of Cypher response, remains blank

I noticed for some queries the response populates the "graph" section as follows
"graph": {
"nodes": [
"id": "68",
"labels": [
"properties": {
"id": 15,
"name": "Sun and Snow",
but for other queries, this "graph" section is not returning with nodes/relationships and associated labels/properties even though the "data" section returns valid output
Does it convey anything about the quality of the cypher query ?
It depends on what you return from your query. If you return nodes and relationships, you'll get a graph. If you return scalars such as or r.weight, you don't get a graph.
Are you talking about the HTTP requests from the web UI or requests that you are making yourself?
The graph key is controlled via the resultDataContents option when making a request. You can see the documentation for that here:
You can request multiple formats for the result ("row" and "REST" are other examples)

JIRA REST API 6.01 - listing all groups

I am trying to use JIRA REST API[1] to list all the groups in JIRA. I am currently using JIRA version 6.01 .
I tried /rest/api/2/groups/picker[2] in JIRA REST API 6.01 but could not find a way to specify the parameter "query" as the way I need.
If I use a whole group name in parameter "query", I receive the correct group like this.
Request 1:
GET /jira/rest/api/2/groups/picker?query=jira-users
Response 1
"header": "Showing 1 of 1 matching groups",
"total": 1,
"groups": [ {
"name": "jira-users",
"html": "<b>jira-users<\/b>"
But if I use a part of the group name in "query" parameter, it does not give expected results.
Request 2
GET /jira/rest/api/2/groups/picker?query=j
According to the method spec [2] I hope to receive all groups that name contains "j" but I do not receive any result.
Response 2
"header": "Showing 0 of 0 matching groups",
"total": 0,
"groups": []
Can anyone please let me know the right way to give parameters?
Thank you
We're using JIRA 6.0.7 and can do:
Which will show you all groups up to a max of 10000 results. The the response is important part as it shows the total number of groups, this may require you to adjust the maxResults query parameter that you pass to it if you have too small of a value to show all results:
"header":"Showing 5014 of 5014 matching groups",
If you omit the maxResults it just returns the first 20 out of 5014. However, for us doing:
Will result in all groups containing the letter j to show up. Maybe it wasn't properly implemented in your version. If you are unable to get the query part working properly, you could try and get all results and then do your own filter by analyzing the name for each group object returned.
