Why is this grammar not LL1? - parsing

I'm trying to make a parser and I need a LL1 grammar, but I don't know how to change it so that it works
I started with:
DeclarationList ::= DeclarationSpecifiers InitDeclaratorList | DeclarationSpecifiers
but it needed to be factored, so I did the following:
DeclarationList ::= DeclarationSpecifiers DL1 ;
DL1 ::= InitDeclaratorList
DL1 ::= ''
but it keeps giving me an error, I don't know how else to work this


Unbalanced tree. Most probably caused by unbalanced markers

I'm working on an IntelliJ plugin which will add support for a custom language. Currently, I'm still just trying to get used to grammar kit and how plugin development works.
To that end, I've started working on a parser for basic expressions:
(1.0 * 5 + (3.44 ^ -2))
Following the documentation provided by JetBrains, I've attempted to write BNF and JFlex grammars for the above example.
The generated code for these grammars compiles, but when the plugin is run, it crashes with:
java.lang.Throwable: Unbalanced tree. Most probably caused by unbalanced markers. Try calling setDebugMode(true) against PsiBuilder passed to identify exact location of the problem
Enabling debug mode prints a long list of traces:
java.lang.Throwable: Created at the following trace.
at com.intellij.lang.impl.MarkerOptionalData.notifyAllocated(MarkerOptionalData.java:83)
at com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl.createMarker(PsiBuilderImpl.java:820)
at com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl.precede(PsiBuilderImpl.java:457)
at com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl.access$700(PsiBuilderImpl.java:51)
at com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl$StartMarker.precede(PsiBuilderImpl.java:361)
java.lang.Throwable: Created at the following trace.
at com.intellij.lang.impl.MarkerOptionalData.notifyAllocated(MarkerOptionalData.java:83)
at com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl.createMarker(PsiBuilderImpl.java:820)
at com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl.mark(PsiBuilderImpl.java:810)
at com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderAdapter.mark(PsiBuilderAdapter.java:107)
at com.intellij.lang.parser.GeneratedParserUtilBase.enter_section_(GeneratedParserUtilBase.java:432)
at com.example.intellij.mylang.MyLangParser.exp_expr_0(MyLangParser.java:154)
java.lang.Throwable: Created at the following trace.
at com.intellij.lang.impl.MarkerOptionalData.notifyAllocated(MarkerOptionalData.java:83)
at com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl.createMarker(PsiBuilderImpl.java:820)
at com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl.precede(PsiBuilderImpl.java:457)
at com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl.access$700(PsiBuilderImpl.java:51)
at com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl$StartMarker.precede(PsiBuilderImpl.java:361)
Even with these debug logs, I still don't understand what's going wrong. I've tried googling around, and I can't even figure out what 'marker' means in this context...
Here's the BNF grammar:
root ::= expr *
expr ::= add_expr
left add_expr ::= add_op mod_expr | mod_expr
private add_op ::= '+'|'-'
left mod_expr ::= mod_op int_div_expr | int_div_expr
private mod_op ::= 'mod'
left int_div_expr ::= int_div_op mult_expr | mult_expr
private int_div_op ::= '\'
left mult_expr ::= mult_op unary_expr | unary_expr
private mult_op ::= '*'|'/'
unary_expr ::= '-' unary_expr | '+' unary_expr | exp_expr
left exp_expr ::= exp_op exp_expr | value
private exp_op ::= '^'
// TODO: Add support for left_expr. Example: "someVar.x"
value ::= const_expr | '(' expr ')'
const_expr ::= bool_literal | integer_literal | FLOAT_LITERAL | STRING_LITERAL | invalid
bool_literal ::= 'true' | 'false'
integer_literal ::= INT_LITERAL | HEX_LITERAL
I figured out the issue. It had nothing to do with my BNF. The problem was that in my jflex file I was calling yybegin(YYINITIAL) while already in the YYINITIAL state.

Why parsing this program with BNFC fails?

Given following grammar:
comment "/*" "*/" ;
TInt. Type1 ::= "int" ;
TBool. Type1 ::= "bool" ;
coercions Type 1 ;
BTrue. BExp ::= "true" ;
BFalse. BExp ::= "false" ;
EOr. Exp ::= Exp "||" Exp1 ;
EAnd. Exp1 ::= Exp1 "&&" Exp2 ;
EEq. Exp2 ::= Exp2 "==" Exp3 ;
ENeq. Exp2 ::= Exp2 "!=" Exp3 ;
ELt. Exp3 ::= Exp3 "<" Exp4 ;
EGt. Exp3 ::= Exp3 ">" Exp4 ;
ELte. Exp3 ::= Exp3 "<=" Exp4 ;
EGte. Exp3 ::= Exp3 ">=" Exp4 ;
EAdd. Exp4 ::= Exp4 "+" Exp5 ;
ESub. Exp4 ::= Exp4 "-" Exp5 ;
EMul. Exp5 ::= Exp5 "*" Exp6 ;
EDiv. Exp5 ::= Exp5 "/" Exp6 ;
EMod. Exp5 ::= Exp5 "%" Exp6 ;
ENot. Exp6 ::= "!" Exp ;
EVar. Exp8 ::= Ident ;
EInt. Exp8 ::= Integer ;
EBool. Exp8 ::= BExp ;
EIver. Exp8 ::= "[" Exp "]" ;
coercions Exp 8 ;
Decl. Decl ::= Ident ":" Type ;
terminator Decl ";" ;
LIdent. Lvalue ::= Ident ;
SBlock. Stm ::= "{" [Decl] [Stm] "}" ;
SExp. Stm ::= Exp ";" ;
SWhile. Stm ::= "while" "(" Exp ")" Stm ;
SReturn. Stm ::= "return" Exp ";" ;
SAssign. Stm ::= Lvalue "=" Exp ";" ;
SPrint. Stm ::= "print" Exp ";" ;
SIf. Stm ::= "if" "(" Exp ")" "then" Stm "endif" ;
SIfElse. Stm ::= "if" "(" Exp ")" "then" Stm "else" Stm "endif" ;
terminator Stm "" ;
entrypoints Stm;
parser created with bnfc fails to parse
{ c = a; }
although it parses
c = a;
{ print a; c = a; }
I think it could be a problem that parser sees Ident and doesn't know whether it's declaration or statement, LR stuff etc (still one token of lookeahed should be enough??). However I couldn't find any note in BNFC documentation that would say that it doesn't work for all grammars.
Any ideas how to get this working?
I would think you would get a shift/reduce conflict report for that grammar, although where that error message shows up might well depend on which tool BNFC is using to generate the parser. As far as I know, all the backend tools have the same approach to dealing with shift/reduce conflicts, which is to (1) warn the user about the conflict, and then (2) resolve the conflict in favour of shifting.
The problematic production is this one: (I've left out type annotations to reduce clutter)
Stm ::= "{" [Decl] [Stm] "}" ;
Here, [Decl] and [Stm] are macros, which automatically produce definitions for the non-terminals with those names (or something equivalent which will be accepted by the backend tool). Specifically, the automatically-produced productions are:
[Decl] ::= /* empty */
| Decl ';' [Decl]
[Stm] ::= /* empty */
| Stm [Stm]
(The ; in the first rule is the result of a "terminator" declaration. I don't know why BNFC generates right-recursive rules, but that's how I interpret the reference manual -- after a very quick glance -- and I'm sure they have their reasons. For the purpose of this problem, it doesn't matter.
What's important is that both Decl and Stm can start with an Ident. So let's suppose we're parsing { id ..., which might be { id : ... or { id = ..., but we've only read the { and the lookahead token id. So there are two possibilities:
id is the start of a Decl. We should shift the Ident and go to the state which includes Decl → Ident • ':' Type
id is the start of a Stm. In this case, we need to reduce the production [Decl] → • before we shift Ident into a Stm production.
So we have a shift/reduce conflict, because we cannot see the second next token (either : or =). And, as mentioned above, shift usually wins in this case, so the LR(1) parser will commit itself to expect a Decl. Consequently, { a = b ; } will fail.
An LR(2) parser generator would do fine with this grammar, but those are much harder to find. (Modern bison can produce GLR parsers, which are even more powerful than LR(2) at the cost of a bit of extra compute time, but not the version required by the BNFC tool.)
Possible solutions
Allow declarations to be intermingled with statements. This one is my preference. It is simple, and many programmers expect to be able to declare a variable at first use rather than at the beginning of the enclosing block.
Make the declaration recognizable from the first token, either by putting the type first (as in C) or by adding a keyword such as var (as in Javascript):
Modify the grammar to defer the lookahead. It is always possible to find an LR(1) grammar for any LR(k) language (provided k is finite), but it can be tedious. An ugly but effective alternative is to continue the lexical scan until either a : or some other non-whitespace character is found, so that id : gets tokenized as IdentDefine or some such. (This is the solution used by bison, as it happens. It means that you can't put comments between an identifier and the following :, but there are few, if any, good reasons to put a comment in that context.

shift/reduce Error with Cup

Hi i am writing a Parser for a Programming language my university uses, with jflex and Cup
I started with just the first basic structures such as Processes an Variable Declarations.
I get the following Errors
Warning : *** Shift/Reduce conflict found in state #4
between vardecls ::= (*)
and vardecl ::= (*) IDENT COLON vartyp SEMI
and vardecl ::= (*) IDENT COLON vartyp EQEQ INT SEMI
under symbol IDENT
Resolved in favor of shifting.
Warning : *** Shift/Reduce conflict found in state #2
between vardecls ::= (*)
and vardecl ::= (*) IDENT COLON vartyp SEMI
and vardecl ::= (*) IDENT COLON vartyp EQEQ INT SEMI
under symbol IDENT
Resolved in favor of shifting.
My Code in Cup looks like this :
non terminal programm;
non terminal programmtype;
non terminal vardecl;
non terminal vardecls;
non terminal processdecl;
non terminal processdecls;
non terminal vartyp;
programm ::= programmtype:pt vardecls:vd processdecls:pd
{: RESULT = new SolutionNode(pt, vd, pd); :} ;
programmtype ::= IDENT:v
{: RESULT = ProblemType.KA; :} ;
vardecls ::= vardecl:v1 vardecls:v2
{: v2.add(v1);
RESULT = v2; :}
{: ArrayList<VarDecl> list = new ArrayList<VarDecl>() ;
RESULT = list; :}
vardecl ::= IDENT:id COLON vartyp:vt SEMI
{: RESULT = new VarDecl(id, vt); :}
| IDENT:id COLON vartyp:vt EQEQ INT:i1 SEMI
{: RESULT = new VarDecl(id, vt, i1); :}
vartyp ::= INTEGER
{: RESULT = VarType.Integer ; :}
processdecls ::= processdecl:v1 processdecls:v2
{: v2.add(v1);
RESULT = v2; :}
| {: ArrayList<ProcessDecl> list = new ArrayList<ProcessDecl>() ;
RESULT = list; :}
processdecl ::= IDENT:id COLON PROCESS vardecls:vd BEGIN END SEMI
{: RESULT = new ProcessDecl(id, vd); :}
I Guess i get the Errors because the Process Declaration and the VariableDeclaration both start with Identifiers then a ":" and then either the Terminal PROCESS or a Terminal like INTEGER. If so i'd like to know how i can tell my Parser to look ahead a bit more. Or whatever Solution is possible.
Thanks for your answers.
Your diagnosis is absolutely correct. Because the parser cannot know whether IDENT starts a processdecl or a vardecl without two more lookahead tokens, it cannot know when it has just reduced a vardecl and is looking at an IDENT whether it is about to see another vardecl or a processdecl.
In the first case, it must just shift the IDENT as part of the following vardecl. In the second case, it needs to first reduce an empty vardecls and then successively reduce vardecls until it has constructed the complete list.
To get rid of the shift reduce conflict, you need to simplify the parser's decision-making.
The simplest solution is to allow the parser to accept declarations in any order. Then you end up with something like this:
program ::= program_type declaration_list ;
declaration_list ::=
var_declaration declaration_list
| process_declaration declaration_list
var_declaration_list ::=
var_declaration var_declaration_list
process_declaration ::=
IDENT:id COLON PROCESS var_declaration_list BEGIN END SEMI ;
(Personally, I'd make the declaration lists left-recursive rather than right-recursive, but it depends whether you prefer to append or prepend in the list's action. Left-recursion uses less parser stack.)
If you really want to insist that all variable declarations come before any process declaration, you can check for that in the action for declaration_list.
Alternatively, you can start by making both types of declaration list left-recursive instead of right recursive. That will almost work, but it will still generate a shift-reduce conflict in the same state as the original grammar, this time because it needs to reduce an empty process declaration list before the first process declaration can be reduced.
Fortunately, that's easier to work around. If the process declaration list cannot be empty, there is no problem, so it's just a question of rearranging the productions:
program ::= program_type var_declaration_list process_declaration_list
| program_type var_declaration_list
var_declaration_list ::=
var_declaration var_declaration_list
process_declaration_list ::=
process_declaration_list process_declaration
| process_declaration
Finally, an ugly but possible alternative is to make the variable declaration list left-recursive and the process declaration list right-recursive. In that case, there is no empty production between the last variable declaration and the first process declaration.

How to solve SHIFT/REDUCE conflict - in parser generator

I need help to solve this one and explanation how to deal with this SHIFT/REDUCE CONFLICTS in future.
I have some conflicts between few states in my cup file.
Grammer look like this:
I have conflicts between "(" [ActPars] ")" states.
1. Statement = Designator ("=" Expr | "++" | "‐‐" | "(" [ActPars] ")" ) ";"
2. Factor = number | charConst | Designator [ "(" [ActPars] ")" ].
I don't want to paste whole 700 lines of cup file.
I will give you the relevant states and error output.
This is code for the line 1.)
Matched ::= Designator LPAREN ActParamsList RPAREN SEMI_COMMA
ActParamsList ::= ActPars
/* EPS */
ActPars ::= Expr
Expr ActPComma
ActPComma ::= COMMA ActPars;
This is for the line 2.)
Factor ::= Designator ActParamsOptional ;
ActParamsOptional ::= LPAREN ActParamsList2 RPAREN
/* EPS */
ActParamsList2 ::= ActPars
/* EPS */
Expr ::= SUBSTRACT Term RepOptionalExpression
Term RepOptionalExpression
The ERROR output looks like this:
Warning : *** Shift/Reduce conflict found in state #182
between ActParamsOptional ::= LPAREN ActParamsList RPAREN (*)
and Matched ::= Designator LPAREN ActParamsList RPAREN (*) SEMI_COMMA
under symbol SEMI_COMMA
Resolved in favor of shifting.
Error : * More conflicts encountered than expected -- parser generation aborted
I believe the problem is that your parser won't know if it should shift to the token:
or reduce to the token
since the tokens defined in both ActParamsOptional and Matched are

How do I get a Lemon parser to terminate itself on a newline?

Following this old tutorial, I am trying to get a lemon parser to automatically terminate parsing on an EOL token. The relevant part of the parser looks like this:
start ::= in .
in ::= .
in ::= in commandList EOL .
printf("start ::= commandList .\n");
printf("> ");
Here's how I'm executing the parser with tokens scanned by Flex:
int lexCode;
do {
lexCode = yylex(scanner);
Parse(shellParser, lexCode, yyget_text(scanner));
// XXX This line should not be necessary; EOL should automatically
// terminate parsing. :-(
if (lexCode == EOL) Parse(shellParser, 0, NULL);
} while (lexCode > 0);
I'd like to eliminate the need to check for the EOL token here, and just let the parser figure out when it's done. How do I do that?
In EBNF terms your definition of in is
in ::= (commandList EOL)*
Which allows multiple EOLs. What you want is
in ::= commandList* EOL
Which should work out to
start ::= in EOL .
in ::= .
in ::= in commandList .
Note that this does not allow for completely empty input (not even an EOL); you can tweak things as necessary if this is a problem.
