Unbalanced tree. Most probably caused by unbalanced markers - parsing

I'm working on an IntelliJ plugin which will add support for a custom language. Currently, I'm still just trying to get used to grammar kit and how plugin development works.
To that end, I've started working on a parser for basic expressions:
(1.0 * 5 + (3.44 ^ -2))
Following the documentation provided by JetBrains, I've attempted to write BNF and JFlex grammars for the above example.
The generated code for these grammars compiles, but when the plugin is run, it crashes with:
java.lang.Throwable: Unbalanced tree. Most probably caused by unbalanced markers. Try calling setDebugMode(true) against PsiBuilder passed to identify exact location of the problem
Enabling debug mode prints a long list of traces:
java.lang.Throwable: Created at the following trace.
at com.intellij.lang.impl.MarkerOptionalData.notifyAllocated(MarkerOptionalData.java:83)
at com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl.createMarker(PsiBuilderImpl.java:820)
at com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl.precede(PsiBuilderImpl.java:457)
at com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl.access$700(PsiBuilderImpl.java:51)
at com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl$StartMarker.precede(PsiBuilderImpl.java:361)
java.lang.Throwable: Created at the following trace.
at com.intellij.lang.impl.MarkerOptionalData.notifyAllocated(MarkerOptionalData.java:83)
at com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl.createMarker(PsiBuilderImpl.java:820)
at com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl.mark(PsiBuilderImpl.java:810)
at com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderAdapter.mark(PsiBuilderAdapter.java:107)
at com.intellij.lang.parser.GeneratedParserUtilBase.enter_section_(GeneratedParserUtilBase.java:432)
at com.example.intellij.mylang.MyLangParser.exp_expr_0(MyLangParser.java:154)
java.lang.Throwable: Created at the following trace.
at com.intellij.lang.impl.MarkerOptionalData.notifyAllocated(MarkerOptionalData.java:83)
at com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl.createMarker(PsiBuilderImpl.java:820)
at com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl.precede(PsiBuilderImpl.java:457)
at com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl.access$700(PsiBuilderImpl.java:51)
at com.intellij.lang.impl.PsiBuilderImpl$StartMarker.precede(PsiBuilderImpl.java:361)
Even with these debug logs, I still don't understand what's going wrong. I've tried googling around, and I can't even figure out what 'marker' means in this context...
Here's the BNF grammar:
root ::= expr *
expr ::= add_expr
left add_expr ::= add_op mod_expr | mod_expr
private add_op ::= '+'|'-'
left mod_expr ::= mod_op int_div_expr | int_div_expr
private mod_op ::= 'mod'
left int_div_expr ::= int_div_op mult_expr | mult_expr
private int_div_op ::= '\'
left mult_expr ::= mult_op unary_expr | unary_expr
private mult_op ::= '*'|'/'
unary_expr ::= '-' unary_expr | '+' unary_expr | exp_expr
left exp_expr ::= exp_op exp_expr | value
private exp_op ::= '^'
// TODO: Add support for left_expr. Example: "someVar.x"
value ::= const_expr | '(' expr ')'
const_expr ::= bool_literal | integer_literal | FLOAT_LITERAL | STRING_LITERAL | invalid
bool_literal ::= 'true' | 'false'
integer_literal ::= INT_LITERAL | HEX_LITERAL

I figured out the issue. It had nothing to do with my BNF. The problem was that in my jflex file I was calling yybegin(YYINITIAL) while already in the YYINITIAL state.


Why is this grammar not LL1?

I'm trying to make a parser and I need a LL1 grammar, but I don't know how to change it so that it works
I started with:
DeclarationList ::= DeclarationSpecifiers InitDeclaratorList | DeclarationSpecifiers
but it needed to be factored, so I did the following:
DeclarationList ::= DeclarationSpecifiers DL1 ;
DL1 ::= InitDeclaratorList
DL1 ::= ''
but it keeps giving me an error, I don't know how else to work this

How would I implement operator-precedence in my grammar?

I'm trying to make an expression parser and although it works, it does calculations chronologically rather than by BIDMAS; 1 + 2 * 3 + 4 returns 15 instead of 11. I've rewritten the parser to use recursive descent parsing and a proper grammar which I thought would work, but it makes the same mistake.
My grammar so far is:
exp ::= term op exp | term
op ::= "/" | "*" | "+" | "-"
term ::= number | (exp)
It also lacks other features but right now I'm not sure how to make division precede multiplication, etc.. How should I modify my grammar to implement operator-precedence?
Try this:
exp ::= add
add ::= mul (("+" | "-") mul)*
mul ::= term (("*" | "/") term)*
term ::= number | "(" exp ")"
Here ()* means zero or more times. This grammar will produce right associative trees and it is deterministic and unambiguous. The multiplication and the division are with the same priority. The addition and subtraction also.

YACC grammar for arithmetic expressions, with no surrounding parentheses

I want to write the rules for arithmetic expressions in YACC; where the following operations are defined:
+ - * / ()
But, I don't want the statement to have surrounding parentheses. That is, a+(b*c) should have a matching rule but (a+(b*c)) shouldn't.
How can I achieve this?
The motive:
In my grammar I define a set like this: (1,2,3,4) and I want (5) to be treated as a 1-element set. The ambiguity causes a reduce/reduce conflict.
Here's a pretty minimal arithmetic grammar. It handles the four operators you mention and assignment statements:
stmt: ID '=' expr ';'
expr: term | expr '-' term | expr '+' term
term: factor | term '*' factor | term '/' factor
factor: ID | NUMBER | '(' expr ')' | '-' factor
It's easy to define "set" literals:
set: '(' ')' | '(' expr_list ')'
expr_list: expr | expr_list ',' expr
If we assume that a set literal can only appear as the value in an assignment statement, and not as the operand of an arithmetic operator, then we would add a syntax for "expressions or set literals":
value: expr | set
and modify the syntax for assignment statements to use that:
stmt: ID '=' value ';'
But that leads to the reduce/reduce conflict you mention because (5) could be an expr, through the expansion expr → term → factor → '(' expr ')'.
Here are three solutions to this ambiguity:
1. Explicitly remove the ambiguity
Disambiguating is tedious but not particularly difficult; we just define two kinds of subexpression at each precedence level, one which is possibly parenthesized and one which is definitely not surrounded by parentheses. We start with some short-hand for a parenthesized expression:
paren: '(' expr ')'
and then for each subexpression type X, we add a production pp_X:
pp_term: term | paren
and modify the existing production by allowing possibly parenthesized subexpressions as operands:
term: factor | pp_term '*' pp_factor | pp_term '/' pp_factor
Unfortunately, we will still end up with a shift/reduce conflict, because of the way expr_list was defined. Confronted with the beginning of an assignment statement:
a = ( 5 )
having finished with the 5, so that ) is the lookahead token, the parser does not know whether the (5) is a set (in which case the next token will be a ;) or a paren (which is only valid if the next token is an operand). This is not an ambiguity -- the parse could be trivially resolved with an LR(2) parse table -- but there are not many tools which can generate LR(2) parsers. So we sidestep the issue by insisting that the expr_list has to have two expressions, and adding paren to the productions for set:
set: '(' ')' | paren | '(' expr_list ')'
expr_list: expr ',' expr | expr_list ',' expr
Now the parser doesn't need to choose between expr_list and expr in the assignment statement; it simply reduces (5) to paren and waits for the next token to clarify the parse.
So that ends up with:
stmt: ID '=' value ';'
value: expr | set
set: '(' ')' | paren | '(' expr_list ')'
expr_list: expr ',' expr | expr_list ',' expr
paren: '(' expr ')'
pp_expr: expr | paren
expr: term | pp_expr '-' pp_term | pp_expr '+' pp_term
pp_term: term | paren
term: factor | pp_term '*' pp_factor | pp_term '/' pp_factor
pp_factor: factor | paren
factor: ID | NUMBER | '-' pp_factor
which has no conflicts.
2. Use a GLR parser
Although it is possible to explicitly disambiguate, the resulting grammar is bloated and not really very clear, which is unfortunate.
Bison can generated GLR parsers, which would allow for a much simpler grammar. In fact, the original grammar would work almost without modification; we just need to use the Bison %dprec dynamic precedence declaration to indicate how to disambiguate:
stmt: ID '=' value ';'
value: expr %dprec 1
| set %dprec 2
expr: term | expr '-' term | expr '+' term
term: factor | term '*' factor | term '/' factor
factor: ID | NUMBER | '(' expr ')' | '-' factor
set: '(' ')' | '(' expr_list ')'
expr_list: expr | expr_list ',' expr
The %dprec declarations in the two productions for value tell the parser to prefer value: set if both productions are possible. (They have no effect in contexts in which only one production is possible.)
3. Fix the language
While it is possible to parse the language as specified, we might not be doing anyone any favours. There might even be complaints from people who are surprised when they change
a = ( some complicated expression ) * 2
a = ( some complicated expression )
and suddenly a becomes a set instead of a scalar.
It is often the case that languages for which the grammar is not obvious are also hard for humans to parse. (See, for example, C++'s "most vexing parse").
Python, which uses ( expression list ) to create tuple literals, takes a very simple approach: ( expression ) is always an expression, so a tuple needs to either be empty or contain at least one comma. To make the latter possible, Python allows a tuple literal to be written with a trailing comma; the trailing comma is optional unless the tuple contains a single element. So (5) is an expression, while (), (5,), (5,6) and (5,6,) are all tuples (the last two are semantically identical).
Python lists are written between square brackets; here, a trailing comma is again permitted, but it is never required because [5] is not ambiguous. So [], [5], [5,], [5,6] and [5,6,] are all lists.

How to solve SHIFT/REDUCE conflict - in parser generator

I need help to solve this one and explanation how to deal with this SHIFT/REDUCE CONFLICTS in future.
I have some conflicts between few states in my cup file.
Grammer look like this:
I have conflicts between "(" [ActPars] ")" states.
1. Statement = Designator ("=" Expr | "++" | "‐‐" | "(" [ActPars] ")" ) ";"
2. Factor = number | charConst | Designator [ "(" [ActPars] ")" ].
I don't want to paste whole 700 lines of cup file.
I will give you the relevant states and error output.
This is code for the line 1.)
Matched ::= Designator LPAREN ActParamsList RPAREN SEMI_COMMA
ActParamsList ::= ActPars
/* EPS */
ActPars ::= Expr
Expr ActPComma
ActPComma ::= COMMA ActPars;
This is for the line 2.)
Factor ::= Designator ActParamsOptional ;
ActParamsOptional ::= LPAREN ActParamsList2 RPAREN
/* EPS */
ActParamsList2 ::= ActPars
/* EPS */
Expr ::= SUBSTRACT Term RepOptionalExpression
Term RepOptionalExpression
The ERROR output looks like this:
Warning : *** Shift/Reduce conflict found in state #182
between ActParamsOptional ::= LPAREN ActParamsList RPAREN (*)
and Matched ::= Designator LPAREN ActParamsList RPAREN (*) SEMI_COMMA
under symbol SEMI_COMMA
Resolved in favor of shifting.
Error : * More conflicts encountered than expected -- parser generation aborted
I believe the problem is that your parser won't know if it should shift to the token:
or reduce to the token
since the tokens defined in both ActParamsOptional and Matched are

Practical solution to fix a Grammar Problem

We have little snippets of vb6 code (the only use a subset of features) that gets wirtten by non-programmers. These are called rules. For the people writing these they are hard to debug so somebody wrote a kind of add hoc parser to be able to evaluete the subexpressions and thereby show better where the problem is.
This addhoc parser is very bad and does not really work woll. So Im trying to write a real parser (because im writting it by hand (no parser generator I could understand with vb6 backends) I want to go with recursive decent parser). I had to reverse-engineer the grammer because I could find anything. (Eventully I found something http://www.notebar.com/GoldParserEngine.html but its LALR and its way bigger then i need)
Here is the grammer for the subset of VB.
<Rule> ::= expr rule | e
<Expr> ::= ( expr )
| Not_List CompareExpr <and_or> expr
| Not_List CompareExpr
<and_or> ::= Or | And
<Not_List> ::= Not Not_List | e
<CompareExpr> ::= ConcatExpr comp CompareExpr
<ConcatExpr> ::= term term_tail & ConcatExpr
|term term_tail
<term> ::= factor factor_tail
<term_tail> ::= add_op term term_tail | e
<factor> ::= add_op Value | Value
<factor_tail> ::= multi_op factor factor_tail | e
<Value> ::= ConstExpr | function | expr
<ConstExpr> ::= <bool> | number | string | Nothing
<bool> ::= True | False
<Nothing> ::= Nothing | Null | Empty
<function> ::= id | id ( ) | id ( arg_list )
<arg_list> ::= expr , arg_list | expr
<add_op> ::= + | -
<multi_op> ::= * | /
<comp> ::= > | < | <= | => | =< | >= | = | <>
All in all it works pretty good here are some simple examples:
my_function(1, 2 , 3)
looks like
(ConcatExpr (term (factor (value 1))) (term_tail))))
(ConcatExpr (term (factor (value 2))) (term_tail))))
(ConcatExpr (term (factor (value 3))) (term_tail))))
Now whats my problem?
if you have code that looks like this (( true OR false ) AND true) I have a infinit recursion but the real problem is that in the (true OR false) AND true (after the first ( expr ) ) is understood as only (true or false).
Here is the Parstree:
So how to solve this. Should I change the grammer somehow or use some implmentation hack?
Something hard exmplale in case you need it.
(( f1 OR f1 ) AND (( f3="ALL" OR f4="test" OR f5="ALL" OR f6="make" OR f9(1, 2) ) AND ( f7>1 OR f8>1 )) OR f8 <> "")
You have several issues that I see.
You are treating OR and AND as equal precedence operators. You should have separate rules for OR, and for AND. Otherwise you will the wrong precedence (therefore evaluation) for the expression A OR B AND C.
So as a first step, I'd revise your rules as follows:
<Expr> ::= ( expr )
| Not_List AndExpr Or Expr
| Not_List AndExpr
<AndExpr> ::=
| CompareExpr And AndExpr
| Not_List CompareExpr
Next problem is that you have ( expr ) at the top level of your list. What if I write:
To fix this, change these two rules:
<Expr> ::= Not_List AndExpr Or Expr
| Not_List AndExpr
<Value> ::= ConstExpr | function | ( expr )
I think your implementation of Not is not appropriate. Not is an operator,
just with one operand, so its "tree" should have a Not node and a child which
is the expression be Notted. What you have a list of Nots with no operands.
Try this instead:
<Expr> ::= AndExpr Or Expr
| AndExpr
<Value> ::= ConstExpr | function | ( expr ) | Not Value
I haven't looked, but I think VB6 expressions have other messy things in them.
If you notice, the style of Expr and AndExpr I have written use right recursion to avoid left recursion. You should change your Concat, Sum, and Factor rules to follow a similar style; what you have is pretty complicated and hard to follow.
If they are just creating snippets then perhaps VB5 is "good enough" for creating them. And if VB5 is good enough, the free VB5 Control Creation Edition might be worth tracking down for them to use:
You could have them start from a "test harness" project they add snippets to, and they can even test them out.
With a little orientation this will probably prove much more practical than hand crafting a syntax analyzer, and a lot more useful since they can test for more than correct syntax.
Where VB5 is lacking you might include a static module in the "test harness" that provides a rough and ready equivalent of Split(), Replace(), etc:
