.net core 2.0 runtime is not supported in visual studio 2022 for mac M1.
Is there any way to run it, i need to run project setup.
Is there any way to run via docker?
To run .net core 2.0 project on mac m1.
I've created a .net MAUI solution on the Mac via the command line:
dotnet new maui -n "MyApp"
When I open this via Visual Studio For Mac 2022, it errors out because Xamarin.Android is not installed.
I'm not interested in supporting Android at this point, and the download for Xamarin.Android is large. Is there any way to load the solution without installing Xamarin.Android?
We are building an electron application with ASP NET CORE in which we used Electron Edge to establish connection to server side.
We could able to run application without any issues in Windows environment but when run npm install against MAC environment we are getting an error - Edge native module not available in not available at node_modules/electron-edge-js/build/Release/edge_coreclr.node
From the below github issue thread we confirmed that in MAC VS installs a special version of Mono runtime that is incorrectly detected by Edge.Js. It will not function on a Mac with VS.
I created an iOS app using VS 2017 on Windows 7 pro computerand tried to connect to Mac 10.11 (El Capitan) computer. I am able to see the mac machine from Windows machine using Visual Studio 2017 Xamarin Mac Agent.
I have installed no software specific to Xamarin on Mac OS 10.11.
My question is what is the minimum software that I need to install on Mac machine so I can connect Xamarin Mac Agent from Windows machine to Mac machine?
To connect from Visual Studio in Windows to Mac, the minimum software to install on Mac Machine will be only Visual Studio for Mac. Installing it will install the following components for you:
Visual Studio for Mac IDE
Mono runtime
The Visual Studio for Mac will require you to install Xcode in order for iOS development to work. Xcode will be included together with the iOS simulator.
However, latest Xcode (8.3 or 9) required MacOS Sierra (10.12) and above. The latest version of Xamarin.iOS require latest version of Xcode.
In your case, if your Mac is stuck with El capitan OS, you will be only able to update Xcode maximum to v8.2. The compatible Xamarin.iOS version for Xcode 8.2 will be 10.3 or 10.4. You will need to download these specific version and replace the latest Xamarin.iOS version in your Mac. You can only able to download v10.3 in xamarin.com. You will need to email Xamarin if you want to have v10.4. The download link for v10.3 is HERE.
After you have configure in your Mac, you will also need to downgrade the Xamarin.iOS version in Windows. You must have matching versions of Xamarin.iOS on both the Windows and Mac machine in order for the Mac Agent to work. The equivalent Xamarin VS version for Xamarin.iOS 10.3 is v4.2. The download link is HERE
Both the download link is from xamarin.com after you have sign in.
I'm using Visual Studio Mac to build a .NET Core MVC web application that I want to run in a Docker container.
The solution compile and run correctly, but when I try to add the Docker support,
from the solutions menu, the choice "Add Docker support" is missing!
The Visual studio is the Community Edition 7.1 (build 1297)
The docker for mac is the 17.06.1-ce-mac24
The .Net Core is 2.0
Anyone can help me?
Docker support was removed in Visual Studio for Mac
Docker support was available in early Visual Studio Mac 7.1 preview versions but was not stable at the time VS Mac 7.1 was released so it was removed.
Visual Studio for Mac 7.2, currently available on the alpha channel, does include Docker support.
I don't find the add docker support worth it to be honest, as long as you have Dockerfile in the root of the project. And your compose files up a level with the solution. You can achieve pretty much the same thing.
It'd just be a pain to debug/attach straight into it. I've never found a reason to yet, but that's just me.
I am attempting to build iOS apps in C# in Visual Studio with the help of the Xamarin software. My question is, is there any other solutions for resolving the build host connection between my Mac and PC? I have successfully downloaded the Xamarin software on the PC but on my mac i cant install Xamarin because it has the 10.6.8 software but Xamarin needs 10.7.0 at the least. I have already installed Xcode successfully as well.
Unfortunately you will need to update your Mac build host machine to 10.7 in order to use the cross platform building solution provided by Xamarin.
This is because one of the key requirements is that you have Xamarin.iOS installed on the Mac build host which, as you mentioned, requires 10.7.