The next window is not being opened - xojo

var w as new Window2
I am making a video game in Xojo. When I press the start button on the first window, I made it to change to next window with the code above. However, I kept trying the code but after the start button is pressed, it doesn't show the window.
In window2, I put an animation video that I made and added a background colored image over the video so that I could hide the margin of the video. How could I solve this?


iOS 9 new back button animation

So apple brought some new functions with iOS9.. One of these is the tiny black back-button, which appears when I open an app over a popup or something like that.
In my app the user can press a button to enter the settings. Then this new button appears. I was able to register, when this button was pressed, but as soon as the animation appears, there is such a black background. Is there a possibility to change the color of this animation-background?
As you can see, I mean this button:
This black background:

Can I make my iphone app use only a portion of the screen

I was hoping to create a small windowed screen when the home button is pressed. It would keep a portion of the app process open while another app isn't open.
So say I had music playing on the app and when the home button gets pressed the screen would be windowed or shrunk and just displayed over the main screen (kind of like the little help button that can be moved around). Would using widgets in IOS 8 work?
When the user presses the Home button, the app goes to background, and that's it. You can't customize that action.
You only get a notification that the user closed the app so that you can save your app state or data for the next launch.

How to add a view/gesture recognisers to iPhone/iPad home Screen

Until today I believed that it's impossible but there is an app is called Shou from the Emu4iOS Store that record your screen and even if the app is in background there is a view on home screen that on touch redirect you to the app. (please see attached image)
My Question is how can I achieve the same ? How can I add a view to Home screen ?
That's a status bar in a recording state. These are system defined states, such as the green bar you get while taking a call. These appear when an app is recording audio automatically, and there is no way to trigger it manually.
There is no way to add views and gesture recognizers on to the springboard.

Presenting a new viewController doesn't seem to unload the previous

The game I'm developing consists of a Main Menu, and Game viewController separately.
However when moving from the game screen to the menu screen, it seems as if the class files from the previous viewController are still in effect?
For example, players start the game by tapping anywhere on the screen whilst in the game viewController, which causes a new bar to be "launched", which in turn plays a small tone which varies depending on the direction. However when returning to the main menu after the game is over (achieved by pressing a button to present the menu viewController), tapping anywhere on the menu screen seems to start the game again from the game viewController?
By this, I mean the bar launch sound is played, despite there being no code available in the main menu viewController to play said sound, pressing play on the menu will take you to the game screen, where the game has been reset, until tapping again, where the sound plays implying a new bar is launched, despite all images being invisible.
I made sure that, when leaving any view, I wipe all subviews from the view, so that whenever the screen is loaded there's nothing being covered up. I also tried dismissing the previous view controller, however nothing seems to take effect. So, I can't tell for certain whether the views are being removed or what... It's simply mind breaking to me.
Unfortunately my descriptions most likely aren't doing myself any justice, so hopefully this video demonstration will help out. Note that at the beginning, I am tapping the screen to show that no sound is played, however of course that won't be visible.
Edit: You'll notice that when returning to the menu, tapping the screen seems to mess up the moving bar in the background, despite the gameBarMovement timer being invalidated upon moving from the game to the menu. The fact that they're using separate class files also should mean the bars shouldn't be effected? Knowing me, I've missed something fairly obvious.
This is how the UIViewController life-cycle works as far as I know. UIViewcontrollers aren't unloaded until the app starts running out of memory. What you probably need is some way, in your game VC, to stop the game loop from running and resume it once a new game is started.

iOS 8 custom music player button in control center

My app doesn't allow you to go to the previous track, so i would like to replace that previous button in the control center and the lock screen with a star button like the picture below.
Is that possible?
I tried to set "MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyPlaybackQueueIndex" to 1 and "MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyPlaybackQueueCount" to 1 into nowPlayingInfo to let iOS know there his no previous track but that doesn't help.
Any clue?
