iOS 8 custom music player button in control center - ios

My app doesn't allow you to go to the previous track, so i would like to replace that previous button in the control center and the lock screen with a star button like the picture below.
Is that possible?
I tried to set "MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyPlaybackQueueIndex" to 1 and "MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyPlaybackQueueCount" to 1 into nowPlayingInfo to let iOS know there his no previous track but that doesn't help.
Any clue?


The next window is not being opened

var w as new Window2
I am making a video game in Xojo. When I press the start button on the first window, I made it to change to next window with the code above. However, I kept trying the code but after the start button is pressed, it doesn't show the window.
In window2, I put an animation video that I made and added a background colored image over the video so that I could hide the margin of the video. How could I solve this?

How to add a view/gesture recognisers to iPhone/iPad home Screen

Until today I believed that it's impossible but there is an app is called Shou from the Emu4iOS Store that record your screen and even if the app is in background there is a view on home screen that on touch redirect you to the app. (please see attached image)
My Question is how can I achieve the same ? How can I add a view to Home screen ?
That's a status bar in a recording state. These are system defined states, such as the green bar you get while taking a call. These appear when an app is recording audio automatically, and there is no way to trigger it manually.
There is no way to add views and gesture recognizers on to the springboard.

App to detect when pause/play button is pressed

So I have been struggling for quite sometime trying to figure out how to have my app detect if the pause/play button was pressed to which I have a counter (uilabel) on my app to add and subtract when the play/pause button is pressed on the headset.
To clarify more , what I am trying to do is once my application detects the pause button on my headphones , it will then add one to my uilabel.. so the pause button would be assigned as a +1 controller for the label
My app does not have any multimedia or background loops as it is not intended for this purpose. I attempted to use the "UIEventTypeRemoteControl" with no luck since its technically not a remote. Any help would be greatly appreciated regarding this! Thank you

how do i detect tap gestures when the phone is locked [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
iPhone detect touch when screen is locked
(1 answer)
Closed 10 years ago.
The default alarm application by apple shows me a snooze button even when the phone is in lock screen and i can press it,so instead of a small button i want to create a larger button or something that will detect a multi touch when a alarm rings,is it possible? can the default lock screen be customized? thanks
As far as I know, the only thing you can get in the lock screen is a push or local notification. This has the default functionality of displaying your app's icon next to some text. You can then slide the icon to launch the app with any extra data you attached to the notification when you created

How can I disable the display of the Notification Center when pulling down on the screen?

I have a little problem with new iPhone notification center. I have a fullscreen game with my custom top menu, which works very similar to the new notification center. Unfortunately, every finger slide from the top of the screen downward shows the handle for pulling the notification center. This hides my handle for my own menu, and it looks a little ugly.
Is there a way to disable the top-down finger slide gesture for displaying the notification center in my application?
Just like 4-5 multi-gesture at iPad will switch between apps while slicing fluites or playing the piano.
