Why does VLC force 360 videos to show only the center viewport? - vlc

I currently use the vlc for unity (libvlcsharp) for a media player project.
It performs well but when I play the 360 video it automatically shows the center viewport of the panorama video due to the metadata.
Why does the VLC do things like this? And according to the forum, I cannot disable this feature?


Cubemap video 360 viewer?

I can upload equirectangular video to Youtube to view 360 video.
Right now, I have created a cubemap video, however Youtube is not supported yet.
If there any viewer for cubemap 360 video?
Found the answer, Whirligig plays cubemap video very well and it's free!
A little late reply :)
GoPro VR Player 2.3 has started supporting Facebook 360 video. One has to choose the projection type of the video from Input > Projection menu option.

How to select a video codec when capturing with DSPack?

I need to create an application that captures a video from a webcam. Later on I need to load the video and be able to navigate around in the video freely.
When I use the videocap-demo that comes with the Sources of DSPack, the captured video is encoded in H264. When I navigate around in that video, the picture becomes blurry, with wrong colors and you can't recognize the picture. (I tried with VLC and Windows media player)
...playing the video works, but after jumping to any position in the video, it looks like this...
How can I tell DSPack to capture the video e.g. in the old MJPEG-format?
(I tried with old videos from my camera. In MJpeg the navigation seems to work flawless)
Thanks in advance, R.

Youtube api and Samsung SmartTV App resolutions

im working on Smart TV app for Samsung which should use youtube api to play videos. Embedded videos will work only when app resolution and yt player size are 960x540 or below,
if I set higher resolution (1280x720 or 1920x1080) player stucks, behaves really slow, and videos will buffer infinitely.
Has anyone succeeded in embedding yt videos with higher resolution player?
Thx in advance.
Video player work in FullHD resolution in fullscreen regardless of widget resolution.
If you have troubles with buffering, check your connection speed. Try play file from local network to check that selected resolution and codecs hadled well by TV.
recently i found this case. The youtube apps working great on 720p resolution if the video length is below 10min, but longer than that for example 30min the player will stuck just like as you said.
When changing the app resolution to 540p the youtube player working great again for all videos. I suppose the youtube is using progressive download on their player and Smart TV storage itself is not enough to prepare the long video storage space with 720p resolution rendering.
The conclusion is when using flash player/youtube in apps the best at using 540p app resolution.
Thx all for answering,
in the end I used different approach which showed like best solution.
I used 720p resolution, and youtube cue video functionality.
Basically i cued video, and on "videoCued" event i called "playVideo" method.
This allowed player to get ready and initialize before playing video.

How to Zoom camera while Video recording in ios 5

I am using AV Foundation for accessing Camera Features in iOS 5.I want to implement zooming functionality while video recording.But after going a lot of search I could not find a way.I can see the native camera of the iPhone also doesn't support video zooming.
But in some applications like "ProCamera","Luma" I found zooming while video recording.So,Please give me any suggestion to get video recording zoom feature in my app.Thanks.

How to build a video wall with multi-streams

I am attempting to make a mosaic display for our video wall. The mosaic will play video files (wmv) in a matrix view (probably 4x2). I am looking for a programmatic aproach to stream multiple videos using mms.
I have accomplished something similar using vlc mosaic plugin, but it terminates when the first video finishes playing. I am interested in running the tool in a loop.
Here is a vlc mosaic example: https://gist.github.com/1367589
First question, what is the easiest technology that I can implement this in, DirectX SDK, Windows SDK for Media Foundation, OpenGL, libvlc?
Are there any tutorials for multi video playback coding?
VLC and gStreamer are good options for this and have support for picture in picture videomixing.
