coreUI/Bootstrap 5: Sticky header for basic table - bootstrap-5

I use the basic Table in the free coreui Theme:
Does anyone know a way to make the header sticky so that it scrolls with? I have not yet found a way because most of the time the header has gotten in the way
I look for a solution wihtout inline scroll bar (


Recreating Instagram/Pinterest profile - How can I recreate the instagram/pinterest profile in swift?

Currently I am trying to recreate something like the Instagram/Pinterest iOS profile page where you can swipe between sections that have different data and layout while having a header that doesn't scroll horizontally but vertically with each section. A very similar design to the current Instagram and Pinterest profile layouts.
I have made a layout that is similar which uses a custom segmented control in the header that uses a delegate to change between sections but this won't work because I have now integrated IGListKit which uses section controllers.
I have scoured the internet looking for examples on how to achieve this but haven't found anything useful. If anyone could provide resources I could look into or examples on how to achieve the desired layout, that would be helpful!
Check this library out:
This will give you a ViewController with a header view controller with multiple segments; I have posted a screenshot below:

TableView with bar to change content on top, how to build it?

I have to build a tableView with a top bar "slider" like the one in the youtube app in the picture below.
I just wanted to ask if it's better to:
Use just one tableView and switch the content by changing some switches in the delegates methods and reloading all the rows
Use two tableViews and hide the one that's not displayed
If none of the two methods above is the best one please point me in the right direction, thank you.
Option 1 :
Take a UISegmentView on the top and have a single UITableView. Change the content of UITableView on valueChange event of segment.
Option 2 :
Have look at this awesome library by Yalantis - Segmentio. I have myself used this on couple of occasions. Handy when you have to horizontally scroll the segments (exactly what you need in your case). You can have a single UITableView for this as well.
Option 3 :
Check out another useful library by Yalantis - Persei. Just hard scroll the table to see these options. Again, single UITableView.
In all, the best solution, in my opinion is to have a single UITableView. Working with multiple tableView might seem a clean way for a start, but trust me, maintainability is the key and having a single UITableView would be a better approach.

UITableView scroll like in Yummly app

I'm looking for a way to implement scrolling in UITableView similar to what is done in Yummly app, or like google play or whatsapp header, in which the top image sort of hangs or sticks, while the bottom content scrolls over it, until the content catches up with it.
Meaning, make it so that the cells will not scroll up together, but stick a little, like the section headers do, accept that with section headers the content scrolls below the section, and not on top of it.
Does anyone has any idea how this can be implemented in objective-c?
I have checked yummly and found the good solution for you i have used this for some of my application/demo as well.
Please let me know if you require any other modification as well.

Swift-How to add a parallax header like the one in Spotify?

I was wondering if anyone knew what the best way of creating a similar tableview header effect to the one in Spotify was. I have looked at libraries such as CSSStickyHeaderFlowLayout, but they are written in Obj-C and are for CollectionViews. What's basically got to happen is that as the user scrolls to find more tableview cells at the bottom, the header stays in the same place and the top cells start covering it. This is seen in the example section of the git page of the library above.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Try using the solution found here
The original example uses Obj-C but the asker's response uses Swift. They also make use of TableViews rather than CollectionViews

Upward expanding Accordion TableView in iOS

I want to implement an "accordion" TableView in iOS, something like in this link.
But one small change, I would like the TableView to be at the bottom of the screen, and have the sections expand upwards instead of downwards.
I would like this to be supported in iOS7 and up. Support for iOS6 would be nice to have, but not mandatory.
I've been searching for a solution for the last 3 days and tried many different libraries, but no luck. Any ideas on how to implement something like this? Is this something that's possible to do with any library I use? Or do I need to find something with that specific functionality?
You may try this one library I had Used for something same..
This is definitely possible.
I don't know whether there is a framework but I can suggest you using simple inserting of table view rows.
Apple doc on table view
But you will definitely need an advanced table row management
