TableView with bar to change content on top, how to build it? - ios

I have to build a tableView with a top bar "slider" like the one in the youtube app in the picture below.
I just wanted to ask if it's better to:
Use just one tableView and switch the content by changing some switches in the delegates methods and reloading all the rows
Use two tableViews and hide the one that's not displayed
If none of the two methods above is the best one please point me in the right direction, thank you.

Option 1 :
Take a UISegmentView on the top and have a single UITableView. Change the content of UITableView on valueChange event of segment.
Option 2 :
Have look at this awesome library by Yalantis - Segmentio. I have myself used this on couple of occasions. Handy when you have to horizontally scroll the segments (exactly what you need in your case). You can have a single UITableView for this as well.
Option 3 :
Check out another useful library by Yalantis - Persei. Just hard scroll the table to see these options. Again, single UITableView.
In all, the best solution, in my opinion is to have a single UITableView. Working with multiple tableView might seem a clean way for a start, but trust me, maintainability is the key and having a single UITableView would be a better approach.


Swipe to delete on entire section in UITableView

I have a UITableView which has a variable amount of sections and every section has a variable amount of rows. Every section contains a section header, a section footer and the rows for that section. They are shown and displayed inside a container. Everything up until now works as expected. To demonstrate what my UITableView currently looks like:
I am now trying to implement the possibility to swipe left on the entire section, so that the header of the section, the rows inside this section and the footer of this section move to the left and display another UIView. I am capable of swiping the cells separately, but enabling this feature on the entire sections have caused headaches for the past two days. This is what I would like to achieve:
I have thought about implementing UIGestureRecognizers but I am afraid they might conflict with my UITableView. Also, I started implementing it, but I would not know how to move solely the section on which was swiped to the left.
Then I thought I could maybe implement a UIScrollView as container for each section. How I would accomplish this is still a mystery to me, but it seems like a possible solution if this could be done.
Furthermore I am out of ideas and stuck on how this should be done. It's something I have not found on the Internet so far - at least no working examples of some kind so I have zero inspiration on how to achieve the effect.
I therefor would like to ask if somebody has an idea of how this could work and what I have to keep in mind when implementing this. Every clue pointing me towards a working solution is gratefully appreciated!
EDIT: I have already seen the possible duplicate this afternoon. However, the suggestion there shows touchesBegan() on the header, which does not work in my case as I need the entire section to be "draggable".
I think one way you can implement this is with a vertical stackview containing views that contains a tableview and the trash icon. When a user swipes left on the tableview header, it will show the hidden trash icon in the view. I would think that each tableview only has one section so it will be easier to keep track of which "section" the user has swiped.
I have currently managed to arrange a similar solution. I take the rectangle of the section with rect(forSection:int), add a UIPanGestureRecognizer in which I add a UIView on top of the UITableView if touches began, I calculate the location of the finger and let the cudtom UIView follow. When a certain point (100 from left edge of the UITableView) is reached, the section gets removed with deleteSections(indexSet:with:).
This works. It does the job, but it adds an overlay to the section rather than pushing it to the left.
Therefor I am asking of someone knows if there is any way of setting the offset for one specific section or for an area of a UIView, so I can offset the rectangle of the section. I have been able to setContentOffset on the entire UITableView but this is not the desired result.
If there is no way to do this, I would consider keeping the solution I have now or maybe implement a snapshot feature which takes a screenshot and crops the rect of the frame, adding this UIImage to the custom view to simulate the section. But that would be tricky. Any ideas for this idea are also welcome.

ViewPager (Swipe-able tabs) in iOS

I'm trying to build a tabbed bar with swipe-able pages exactly similar to Android's ViewPager. Each page is supposed to hold one UITableView only.
I don't know what's the better way to achieve this but so far I have 2 ideas. Also the tabs are dynamic. I can have one tabs or 10 tabs. It depends on the API I'm communicating with. (The tabs represent shop categories and the table views represent the products)
The tabs will be a UICollectionView and then I'll use one of the following options:
First approach is to build two UIViews, each of which will hold a UITableView. One UIView will be outside the screen bounds and the other one will be the one being displayed. When the user swipes and the tabs change, the UIView being displayed will move outside the screen bounds, either to the right or left and the other UIView will be displayed. As soon as the swipe action begins, I will change UIView's (the one that's about to be displayed) datasource and reload its data.
Second approach is to have a number of ViewControllers OR UIViewContainers equal to the number of tabs (which is dynamic). I'm not sure how I'd implement this because I'd have to worry about reusing UIViewControllers/UIViewContainers inside of my main UIViewController as well as handling a large number of them.
Using one big UICollectionView to host a UITableView in each UICollectionView cell. It's pretty much the reverse of the old App Store.
UICollectionView in UITableView Tutorial
So, how do most people implement similar UIs? Is there a different approach I should consider? Any other tips that can help me implement it?
EDIT: I may have left a final detail. I actually have 2 sets of tabs (categories and sub categories). They may both be displayed, one of them, or none. It depends on the API's response. For that reason, using a 3rd party library may be hard or even impossible.
EDIT2: Added 3rd approach.

XCode autocomplete

I'm new to IOS development, I have a few questions.
1) What's the purpose of property rowheight on table view cell, I mean it does nothing even if I change its value, it always takes the value from its parent view i.e a tableview property rowheight? It visually changes in the IB but nothing happens when I run the app.
2) What's the purpose of Content View why is it even there? Let's say If I have to make some image equal to the height of the cell it restricts me. Or is there any way a content view can be changed to be equal to the cell height & width? I have to put constraints on the image in relation with the cell which is not the immediate parent of the image and I don't know if this is the correct way to do it.
3)How does Xcode Autocomplete works? like if I want to write a function tableview(_:tableview didselectrowwithindex:IndexPath) and I type tableview it shows a list, what to do next? I mean I can't type the whole fucntion with params or find the func in the huge list.
The height of the cell set at the IB is primarily used for simulation, the views described at IB are normally resized when actually used. E.g. you can set rows height to be 100 for the table view, 30 for some of the cells and keep the whole controller simulating a nice screen of iPhone 6. The same view will be used for all devices and will be scaled accordingly as well as the cells with the help of your delegate.
The content view is there for the reasons directly related to your additional requests. It holds all the content while there other views that accompany your content and are part of the cell like separators, accessory views, slide action views. Without a content view the responsibility of managing all the additional parts would most likely fall on you as a developer and while you might think that that is fine at the simple layouts, a simple enhancement to it would make a huge impact.
Fuzzy autocompletion at Xcode seems to be something Apple is working on now. If you can't wait and find it too difficult to navigate through the list, there are Xcode plugins available that provide fuzzy autocompletion.
Answering the question in the topic:
example: tableview(_:tableview didselectrowwithindex:IndexPath)
if you write tableview it will show all the symbols that start with tableview. For functions, it will show all the functions sorted by the second parameter name (didSelectRowWithIndex).
it will autocomplete as far as the answer is unique and then show you a list full of options. I don't know any tricks to skip looking through the massive list. But after a while you'll know what you're looking for and it gets faster.
when you press tab, it
by the way: the delegate functions names start with the name of the object they're related to.
So UITableViewDelegate functions start with tableview.
as for your first two questions there are tons of answers for those questions on SO. This one seems closely related to yours.

iOS UI - Toggling between UICollectionView & UITableView in one screen

The question is hopefully pretty straight forward. In one of the tabs of my application where I'm presenting a set of data from Core Data, I want to give the user the option of a Grid view or Table view. Both views should share the same custom header with a button in the header that let's them toggle.
I see it in other apps all the time, but couldn't return any searches. I'm getting stuck on how to flip between the 2 controllers based on different classes.
Any help or guidance is much appreciated. Thanks a lot!
Assuming you are using a UICollectionViewFlowLayout, just adjust the itemSize property of your items to be the width of their containing view.
Bam. Instant "table view"
Sure, it's not quite a tableView, and reasonable people can disagree over when a tableView might be more appropriate than a collectionView, but for what you describe (giving the user a choice between rows or grid), it's probably the magic bullet you seek.

iOS static table in a view?

Sorry if this is a really silly question but I'm new to iOS. I'm trying to do this:
The table cells are static as the content shouldn't change (the options are the same all the time). I also need to place the submit and cancel buttons below and replace the red background with an image.
My problem is, I get the error saying:
static table views are only valid when embedded in uitableviewcontroller
So my question is, how would I embed a table inside my view, like any other element?
Thanks in advance for any help :)
There are two relatively simple options to build a screen like that:
Make your controller a `UITableViewController, add two sections to the bottom of your static part, and put custom cells with buttons into these two sections, or
Define the static content of your table in code.
The look of your screen will change slightly for option 1, but it is important only when you have many cells, forcing the sections with buttons off the screen until the user scrolls.
The second option requires writing some code, but not too much to cause you too much inconvenience.
