Twilio Client identification for App to App Voip call - twilio

I am implementing an app to app voice call using Twilio VoIP.
Going through the documentation, I am able to make calls between phone numbers using Twilio.
To make calls between two devices without using phone numbers, Twilio document suggested to use the client identifier.
How to create the client identifier ? Does Twilio stores the client identifier ?
I tried calls between two phone numbers via Twiliio. Next, I am trying make app to app call using Twilio but I am not clear how Twilio identifies the two devices/clients

To create a client identifier, you need an Access Token. For example, to create an Access Token for the Voice SDK in Python:
import os
from twilio.jwt.access_token import AccessToken
from twilio.jwt.access_token.grants import VoiceGrant
# required for all twilio access tokens
# To set up environmental variables, see
account_sid = os.environ['TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID']
api_key = os.environ['TWILIO_API_KEY']
api_secret = os.environ['TWILIO_API_KEY_SECRET']
# required for Voice grant
outgoing_application_sid = 'APxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
identity = 'user'
# Create access token with credentials
token = AccessToken(account_sid, api_key, api_secret, identity=identity)
# Create a Voice grant and add to token
voice_grant = VoiceGrant(
incoming_allow=True, # Optional: add to allow incoming calls
# Return token info as JSON
In this example, the identity will be associated to the Access Token.
Then, when you make the Voice call, the To or From parameter should be in the form client:name_of_identity.


Is there a way to query registrations to SIP domain with the API or a serverless function?

Is there a way to query the current or recent registrations to a SIP domain with the API, or from within a serverless function?
I can do this in the console with voice - manage - SIP domains - registered SIP endpoints. I would like to be able to do this programmatically.
Yes, that's possible with the following snippet:
// Download the helper library from
// Find your Account SID and Auth Token at
// and set the environment variables. See
const accountSid = process.env.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID;
const authToken = process.env.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN;
const client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken);{limit: 20})
.then(domains => domains.forEach(d => console.log(d.sid)));
You can find other languages in the documentation.
No, it is not possible to use the REST API to determine if there is a specific SIP endpoint that is currently connected to a SIP domain. I had the same question and Twilio technical support said this is only available from within the console. The code provided by #IObert will list the SIP domains (i.e., not an active SIP endpoint (i.e.

Project Online Authenticate OData Feed using Azure AD and Postman

I have recently spent a substantial amount of time determining how to authenticate an OData feed from Project Online using Azure AD and Postman. There are many posts in different forums about this, but I wasn't able to find a single post that gave a complete working example. Following is the method that I have used.
Open Server Settings / Manage Groups.
Choose the Group that you want to allow to access the OData Feed and Ensure it has the Access Project Server Reporting Service under General in Global Permissions ticked.
Register a new app in Azure.
Define the Redirect Uri. (For postman, use
Define a client secret
Create a new Request and define a Get query along the lines of the following. https://[Your Domain]
This requests a list of projects.
Under params, add a new key accept = application/json if you want Json output. default is XML
Under Authorization Tab, choose the following:
Type = OAuth 2.0
Access Token = Available Tokens
Header Prefix = Bearer
Token Name = [Any Name you want]
Grant Type = Authorization
Code Callback URL = [tick Authorize Using Browser. This will then
default to]
Auth URL =
Access Token URL =
Client ID = [From Azure AD] Client Secret = [From Azure AD]
Scope = https://[Your Tenant Name]
State = [Anything you want]
Client Authentication = Send client credentials in body.
If you enter all of this correctly and then press Get New Access Token, you should see a browser open, enter your credentials and then a token should return to Postman as shown in screenshots below. Press Use Token.
Note, if you are interested to see what the token contains, you can decode it at
At this point, press Send, run your query and confirm that the Body contains odata output.
I have made multiple adjustments to this answer as I identified and resolved multiple roadblocks that I encountered. It turned out to be quite simple in the end, but the key concept that was needed to get this right was that the Scope parameter needed to be targeted to the PWA site. ie. https://[your tenant name]

Does Kamailio provide API for other program to creating sip account

I am developing a IOS VoIP app using SIP protocol stack. I am going to use Kamailio as the sip server.
But a sip address (sip account) is required for each VoIP client to make a VoIP call, which means I should manually register a sip account and configure it with the client. Now I want to make this easier. What I want to do is that when the user register to my user account server using the App, My user account server can call some API (maybe provided by Kamailio) to create a sip account associate with this user, and pass it back to the client, the client then configures itself using this sip account automatically.
However, I does not find any API from Kamailio to do such a thing.
does Kamailio provides such API, or other open source sip server allow me to do so?
I google that Kamailio can add a user using 'kamctl add' command, can I call similar function from my user account server using RPC. if so, which RPC function of Kamailio can I call? Thanks in advance!
If you use auth_db for user authentication with mysql backend (db_mysql module), like in default configuration file for kamailio, then the simplest way is to connect to kamailio database and add records to subscriber table.
Here is an example of adding user '' with password 'test123' using the realm for authentication '' (realm is the same as domain):
INSERT INTO subscriber (username, domain, password, ha1, ha1b) VALUES
'101', '', 'test123',
MD5(''), MD5('')
The special values here are for ha1 and ha1b columns, which have to be:
ha1 = md5(username:realm:password)
ha1b = md5(username#domain:realm:password)
You can setup kamailio to use ANY sql query from ANY db.
Also you can use http auth, any other auth you can implement.

How to make API requests with an access_token for a Service Account

My end goal is to be able to retrieve place details from Google's API.
I need to do this as a Service Account, since this is kicked off as a background task on my server. Service Accounts require you to exchange a JWT (JSON Web Token) for an access_token. I finally got that working and am receiving an access_token. Phew.
Now however, I don't know what to do with this access_token.
The Place Details API says that the key parameter is required, but I don't have a key. Just an access_token. Using that value for key or changing the name of the paramater to access_token is not working.
Ultimately I need to be able to hit a URL like so:{MY_REFERENCE}&sensor=false&key={MY_ACCESS_TOKEN}
How do I use my Access Token to make a request to the Google Place Detail APIs?
Update 1
Still no success, but I thought I'd post the details of my request in case there's something wrong with what I'm submitting to Google.
I'm using the JWT Ruby library, and here are the values of my claim set:
:iss => "",
:scope => "",
:aud => "",
:exp => ( + 3600),
:iat =>
Looks sane to me.
Create the service account and its credentials
You need to create a service account and its credentials. During this procedure you need to gather three items that will be used later for the Google Apps domain-wide delegation of authority and in your code to authorize with your service account. These three items are your service account:
• Client ID.
• Private key file.
• Email address.
In order to do this, you first need a working Google APIs Console project with the Google Calendar API enabled. Follow these steps:
Go to the Google APIs Console.
Open your existing project or create a new project.
Go to the Service section.
Enable the Calendar API (and potentially other APIs you need access to).
You can now create the service account and its credentials. Follow these steps:
Go to the API Access section.
Create a client ID by clicking Create an OAuth 2.0 client ID...
Enter a product name, specify an optional logo and click Next.
Select Service account when asked for your Application type and click Create client ID.
At this point you will be presented with a dialog allowing you to download the Private Key as a file (see image below). Make sure to download and keep that file securely, as there will be no way to download it again from the APIs Console.
After downloading the file and closing the dialog, you will be able to get the service account's email address and client ID.
You should now have gathered your service account's Private Key file, Client ID and email address. You are ready to delegate domain-wide authority to your service account.
Delegate domain-wide authority to your service account
The service account that you created now needs to be granted access to the Google Apps domain’s user data that you want to access. The following tasks have to be performed by an administrator of the Google Apps domain:
Go to your Google Apps domain’s control panel. The URL should look like:
Go to Advanced tools... > Manage third party OAuth Client access.
In the Client name field enter the service account's Client ID.
In the One or More API Scopes field enter the list of scopes that your application should be granted access to (see image below). For example if you need domain-wide access to the Google Calendar API enter:
Click the Authorize button.
Your service account now has domain-wide access to the Google Calendar API for all the users of your domain, and potentially the other APIs you’ve listed in the example above.
Below is a description that uses a service account to access calendar data in PHP
The general process for service account access to user calendars is a follows:
• Create the Google client
• Set the client application name
• If you already have an Access token then check to see if it is expired
• If the Access token is expired then set the JWT assertion credentials and get a new token
• Set the client id
• Create a new calendar service object based on the Google client
• Retrieve the calendar events
Note: You must save the Access token and only refresh it when it is about to expire otherwise you will receive an error that you have exceeded the limit for the number of access tokens in a time period for a user.
Explanation of Google PHP Client library functions used:
The client object has access to many parameters and methods all of the following are accessed through the client object:
Create a new client object:
$client = new Google_Client();
Set the client application name:
$client->setApplicationName(“My Calendar App”);
Set the client access token if you already have one saved:
Check to see if the Access token has expired, there is a 30 second buffer, so this will return true if the token is set to expire in 30 seconds or less. The lifetime of an Access token is one hour. The Access token is actually a JSON object which contains the time of creation, it’s lifetime in seconds, and the token itself. Therefore no call is made to Google as the token has all of the information locally to determine when it will expire.
If the token has expired or you have never retrieved a token then you will need to set the assertion credentials in order to get an Access token:
$client->setAssertionCredentials(new Google_AssertionCredentials(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME,array(CALENDAR_SCOPE), $key,'notasecret','',$email_add));
SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME is the the service account email address setup earlier.
For example:’’
CALENDAR_SCOPE is the scope setup in the Google admin interface.
For example: ‘’
$key is the content of the key file downloaded when you created the project in Google apps console.
$email_add is the Google email address of the user for whom you want to retrieve calendar data.
Set the client id:
SERVICE_CLIENT_ID is the service account client ID setup earlier.
For example: ‘’
Create a new calendar service object:
$cal = new Google_CalendarService($client);
Several options can be set for calendar retrieval I set a few of them in the code below, they are defined in the api document.
$optEvents = array('timeMax' => $TimeMax, 'timeMin' => $TimeMin, 'orderBy' => 'startTime', 'singleEvents' => 'True');
Get the list of calendar events and pass the above options to the call:
$calEvents = $cal->events->listEvents('primary', $optEvents);
Loop through the returned event list, the list is paged so we need to fetch pages until the list is exhausted:
foreach ($calEvents->getItems() as $event) {
// get event data
$Summary = $event->getSummary();
$description = $event->getDescription();
$pageToken = $calEvents->getNextPageToken();
if ($pageToken) { // if we got a token the fetch the next page of events.
$optParams = array('pageToken' => $pageToken);
$calEvents = $cal->events->listEvents('primary', $optParams);
} else {
Get the Access token:
Save the access token to your permanent store for the next time.
The language isn't important php, ruby, .net, java the process is the same. The api's console shows the Places API as supporting service accounts so it should be possible to access it.
As far as using the token please have a look at code as the usage is clearly defined in the code repository. Doesn't make any difference if the access token is for a service account or a single user the process for using the token is the same. See the section titled "Calling a Google API" in the following link:
The access token is sent in the http authorization header along with the request.For a calendar request it would look something like the following:
GET /calendar/v3/calendars/primary HTTP/1.1
Content-length: 0
Authorization: OAuth ya29.AHES6ZTY56eJ0LLHz3U7wc-AgoKz0CXg6OSU7wQA

How can I get the quantity_available field to be returned from calls to the EventBrite API?

The Eventbrite documentation on the ticket object indicates that it can contain a quantity_available or quantity_sold field, but that to see either of these fields "requires authentication". It doesn't give any more detail than that, though, and when I make calls to the event_search method using my app key, the tickets objects in the returned events do not contain quantity_available or quantity_sold keys.
What authentication is required to see these fields? Are they only visible to the owners of the event, or is it possible in some way for me to have the API return the number of tickets available for somebody else's event?
If this is not possible through the API, is the number of tickets remaining for an event publicly visible anywhere else on Eventbrite where I could get to it with a web scraper?
This needs to be called as an expansion. There are some more details here:!msg/eventbrite-api/sjMO-gV8-Go/uzw7GHq2_SEJ
Basically, calling it like so will populate the proper fields using your Apps OAuth token in python3:
import requests
eventbrite_response = requests.get(
"<YOUR EVENT ID HERE>/?expand=ticket_classes",
headers = {
"Authorization": "Bearer <YOUR APP OAUTH TOKEN>",
verify = True, # Verify SSL certificate
You can tailor the print function at the end to include more of the json data if you wish.
In order to read or write private data using the Eventbrite API, you will need to supply additional user-authentication tokens. This extra information lets Eventbrite know who should be authorized to access private data (including quantity_available and quantity_sold values) during the request.
Whenever you provide additional user access tokens, both public and private data will be available.
Authentication parameters include:
app_key: An application key (also referred to as an API key), identifies the application that is contacting the API. All API requests must include some form of application identification. If this is the only authentication token provided, the API request will be limited to publicly available data. Application keys have a default rate-limit of 1000 requests per day. You can get and manage your API keys here:
access_token: Recommended. OAuth2 access tokens are tied to a user account and an application key. Since the user-authorized application can also be identified via this token, it is the only authentication parameter that does not require an application key to be provided as well. Be careful not to expose these tokens to other users! Additional request headers are required when using access_tokens to contact our API: “Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE“. You can learn more about how to configure your application for OAuth2.0 here:
user_key: Each Eventbrite account has an associated user_key. This token provides access to the related user’s account data, in addition to our publicly available data. This authentication method is preferred for use-cases that require private data-access where OAuth2.0 workflows are not possible. This token unlocks sensitive information, so be very careful not to expose this token to other users!
Here is an example of an API call that is using both the app_key and user_key parameters to return private data (remember to substitute in your own app_key and user_key): -G -d app_key=APPKEY -d user_key=USERKEY
You can also see the authentication documentation here:
