I want to perform queries to thingsboard cloud database.
I have a local thingsboard installed in ubuntu, to get the information of entities in thingsboard I usually perform queries directly in the thingsboard database (postgresql).
For example, I want to get email of all user:
select tb_user.email,customer.title from tb_user inner join customer on customer_id = customer.id;
But I also have a thingsboard cloud subscription, Is there a way to access the cloud database? Or how can I perform same operation in cloud platform?
You cannot access to cloud database.
But to get interested information you could use Thingsboard REST API. Here is REST call to get customer's users
some days ago I was able to set up one of my apps to be connected to one of my database instances from the google cloud run service configuration form. However lately I notice two things:
I'm no longer able to select the database instance my service is/will be connected to.
On a service that is connected using this method I no longer see the database connection name. at the bottom on the details panel.
Is this a symptom that the database connections feature will disappear from the Google CloudRun settings?.
This seems like a useful case to use the Cloud SDK to confirm your Cloud Run service is able to communicate with Cloud SQL. This will help confirm if you have a UI problem or something deeper. This is especially important given the documentation states that the Console instructions are not available yet.
Cloud Run supports Cloud SQL via gcloud management using a special flag to associate a Cloud SQL instance with an individual service.
Once this is done, the Cloud SQL instance will be available to the Cloud Run service until it is explicitly removed.
You can verify this connection is in place by looking at the service description:
gcloud beta run services describe [SERVICE-NAME]
in the response, you should see the property run.googleapis.com/cloudsql-instances inside spec.runLatest.configuration.revisionTemplate.metadata.annotations.
As long as that annotation is present and contains your Cloud SQL instance connection name, your service should be able to connect to the SQL instance as documented (assuming your service has authorization to connect to the Cloud SQL instance)
Cloud SQL documentation about connecting with external apps didn't helped me much. Isn't there some library to handle data traffic like Firebase's Cloud Firestore and Realtime Database offer?
Either use cloud functions to provide an API for Flutter and access to the DB
or run your custom server in the Google cloud that does that.
SQL databases should never be accessed over the internet directly and instead hidden behind a web server that only exposes a limited or specialized API.
Is there a connector in WSO2 to integrate with Neo4j Graph database?
The Connector should provide an ability to execute CQL statements and run basic operations, such as create, update, delete, and select nodes against a Neo4j Graph database instance.
The objective here is to expose REST API using dataservice in WSO2 EI by entering CQL for Neo4j Graph database similar to RDBMS datasource (Ex: MYSQL, Oracle..etc) where we enter SQL instead.
If we have to build a Custom Connector, any suggestions on the approach will be helpful.
I am creating an iOS project that needs to read a SQL database in Azure. I have the database Server location, port, username, and password. I don't need to write to the database, just read it. I am more familiar with Firebase or Parse and have never used Azure. How do I even go about starting this? I tried the sample project that Azure makes for you but I don't have any tables? Do I need this? Any help would be welcome.
Azure Mobile App Service can connect with your existing SQL database
this thread explains the process where you use the existing SQL database. With this option Azure manages most of the inner workings for you.
If you want to build the Rest API from "scratch" using your existing SQL database You have some more options:
Azure API Management allows you to publish API's securely and at scale, A server less Azure Function like the example in this article Rest API with Azure Functions and Azure SQL Database or build a rest API using an Azure Logic App which doesn't require you to write code. You could also use Nodejs or many other tools you just need to evaluate what would work best for your use case.
I am using Amazon student subscription for a datawarehouse project. I have been able to setup redshift cluster and I am able to query tables via sql work bench. I need to perform BI analysis tasks on the data, the only option I found that was open source is Redash.
I am not being able to identify what to enter in "host" field required in the redash redshift setup. Plus, is there any straight forward way to perform that?
When you're in the AWS backend and go to Redshift -> Cluster -> Configuration, you should see the Endpoint which should look like asd.asdasda.redshift.amazonaws.com:5439. When you remove the 5439 (which is the port) then you'll have to host you have to connect to.
Hope this helps.