AppiumFieldDecorator vs AppiumElementLocatorFactory - appium

PageFactory.initElements used to initialize the element, present in a page, but what is the difference between below two statements:
PageFactory.initElements(new AppiumFieldDecorator(appiumDriver), this);
PageFactory.initElements(new AppiumElementLocatorFactory(appiumDriver, Duration.ofSeconds(1), new DefaultElementByBuilder(MobilePlatform.ANDROID, AutomationName.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR2)), this);


Flutter stream doesn't listen or detect change

I have problem, i have 3 dart files,
home.dart contain button with onclick:
final cartEmiter = CartEmitter();
cart.dart contain:
class CartEmitter {
StreamController _controller = StreamController.broadcast();
void emitCart(action) {
// print(action);
Stream get cartAction =>;
and in main.dart I have this code to change the cart badge.
StreamSubscription _cartCountSubscribtion;
int _cartCount = 0;
void initState() {
_cartCountSubscribtion = CartEmitter().cartAction.listen((action) {
setState(() {
void dispose() {
But it doesn't work, no error, no output printed.
Is my code wrong or how to listen to change?
You create a new CartEmitter in the initState function, and another one in the onclick code. Those two are not connected in any way, so the event you emit with the emitCart call is emitted on a different CartEmitter than the one you listen to.
You need to share the same CartEmitter instance between the initState and onclick code.
Alternatively, if you know that you will only ever need one CartEmitter, you can make the _controller static, so the same controller (and stream) is shared between all instances of CartEmitter.
In that case, you can make emitCart and cartAction static too, and never create any CartEmitter instance at all.

How do I insert widgets at the top of a ListView?

Brief Note:
In all of my code examples you will see things like material.Widget instead of just Widget. This is because I like to name my imports like this for example:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart' as material;
My Question:
I am trying to make a ListView show newly added Widgets at the top of the list. I have a simple stateful widget that only contains a list of models (classes that contain necessary information to construct the widgets that are going into the ListView), and should construct ListView's children based off of that list.
class Page extends material.StatefulWidget {
final List<CardModel> cardModels;
_PageState createState() => new _PageState(cardModels);
class _PageState extends material.State<Page> {
List<CardModel> cardModels;
material.Widget build(material.BuildContext context) {
return new material.ListView(
children: => new Card(cardModel.cardID)).toList(),
The behavior that I expect from this is that whenever the build method is called (and setState is properly used), that the ListView should be reconstructed properly and contain child widgets in the order of the list. It successfully does this if I simply add new models to cardModels sequentially:
cardModels.add(new CardModel(nextID++));
You can see widgets get added sequentially with their id's incrementing properly:
However, I want newer widgets to be inserted at the top (which would be shown with higher ids at the top). In order to accomplish this, I try inserting new models at the beginning of the list:
cardModels.insert(0, new CardModel(nextID++));
Unfortunately, instead of seeing the correct widgets, I just get widget with id 0 over and over again:
I know that the list of models is being updated correctly because I can print it out and see the ids in descending order. I am assuming that there is something about how flutter detects changes to widgets that is causing this behavior, but after a lot of reading, I still have not been able to figure it out. Any help would be much appreciated. Also, I call set state in the widget that ends up building the page (the widget containing the ListView) as one of its children:
btn = new FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: () => setState(_pageController.addCard),
tooltip: 'Upload File',
child: new Icon(Icons.file_upload),
_pageController is the object that modifies the list of models. If this is not enough information, let me know and I am happy to provide more code or answer any questions.
There is a simple quick fix, using the didWidgetUpdate override,
by checking if the cardModels object in the oldWidget is the same in the cardModels being passed as a parameter.
like so
void didUpdateWidget(covariant Page oldWidget) {
if (widget.cardModels != oldWidget.cardModels) {
cardModels = widget.cardModels;
Full example below
class Page extends material.StatefulWidget {
final List<CardModel> cardModels;
_PageState createState() => new _PageState(cardModels);
class _PageState extends material.State<Page> {
List<CardModel> cardModels;
void initState(){
cardModels = widget.cardModels;
void didUpdateWidget(covariant Page oldWidget) {
if (widget.cardModels != oldWidget.cardModels) {
cardModels = widget.cardModels;
material.Widget build(material.BuildContext context) {
return new material.ListView(
children: => new Card(cardModel.cardID)).toList(),
Turns out, the Card widget I made did not need to be stateful. I changed it to stateless and it solved the problem. No idea why having them as stateful would break it though.
On FloatingActionButton change the function to insert new item and then invoke setState like:
cardModels.insert(0, new CardModel(nextId++)) ;
setState(() {
cardModels = cardModels;
Hope that helped!

Dart async/await internals

I'm searching for the source of async/await implementations.
I would like to know how do they truly works in order to hack into future.then() to detect if there is code awaiting for execution or not.
This is what I'm willing to accomplish:
TrackingCompleter completer = new TrackingCompleter();
TrackingFuture future = completer.future;
print("isAwaited: ${future.isAwaited} (F)");
new Future.delayed(new Duration(milliseconds: 500), () {
future.then((_) {
print("executing sorping");
print("isThenExecuted: ${future.thenExecuted} (F)");
new Future.delayed(new Duration(milliseconds: 500), () {
print("isThenExecuted: ${future.thenExecuted} (T)");
print("isAwaited: ${future.isAwaited} (T)");
print("isThenExecuted: ${future.thenExecuted} (F)");
As far, that's working. What I'd like to do now is to detect if future.then is called manually in the code or automatically with an await statement.
The async/await implementation is based on futures.
Basically, await creates a function that contains the rest of the current function (the "continuation" of the await expression), and then calls then on the future you await with that function as argument.
There are more details needed to handle errors, but that's basically it.
In your case, if you want to know if future.then is called, I recommend just wrapping that particular future. Example:
import "package:async/async.dart";
class ThenWrapper<T> extends DelegatingFuture<T> {
void Function(S Function(T), S Function(Object, StackTrace)) _callback;
ThenWrapper(Future<T> future, this._callback): super(future);
Future<S> then<S>(S onValue(T), {S onError(error, StackTrace st)}) {
_callback(onValue, onError);
return super.super(onValue, onError);
TrackingFuture future = new ThenWrapper(completer.future, ...);
You can change the callback to do whatever you want.

How to make a sequential number columns in Vaadin

I created a table in vaadin. I am selecting columns from the database. I need a column which sequentially gives number to every row.
I am using the
Table table = new Table();
For Grid:
GeneratedPropertyContainer wrappingContainer = new GeneratedPropertyContainer(container);
wrappingContainer.addGeneratedProperty("rowHeader", new PropertyValueGenerator<Long>();
table.setColumnOrder("rowHeader", "name", "surname");
Use a generated Column for that:
table.addGeneratedColumn("index", new ColumnGenerator(){
public Object generateCell(final Table source, final Object itemId, final Object columnId)
Container.Indexed container = (Container.Indexed) source.getContainerDataSource();
return Integer.toString(container.indexOfId(itemId));
// add it to the start of the visible columns
table.setVisibleColumns("index", /* other columns ... */);
You get the row number from the container.
The table though has to work with a Container that implements the Indexed sub-interface, for example BeanItemContainer or IndexedContainer.
This is what you do using the Grid:
// the GeneratedPropertyContainer is a decorator for the original container
final GeneratedPropertyContainer gpc = new GeneratedPropertyContainer(container);
gpc.addGeneratedProperty("index", new PropertyValueGenerator<String>(){
public String getValue(final Item item, final Object itemId, final Object propertyId)
// get the index from the original container
final Container.Indexed indexContainer = (Container.Indexed) container;
return Integer.toString(indexContainer.indexOfId(itemId));
public Class<String> getType()
return String.class;
// ...
grid.setColumnOrder("index", /* the other property IDs... */);
If you use a PropertyValueGenerator<Long> you need to set a NumberRenderer for that type. grid.getColumn("index").setRenderer(new NumberRenderer("%d")); will do the trick.

javaFX webview window.onload is fired before loadworker succeeds

I use a JavaFX webview in my application. With the following code I set a member after the page has been loaded
webEngine.getLoadWorker().stateProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Worker.State>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue ov, Worker.State oldState, Worker.State newState) {
if (newState == Worker.State.SUCCEEDED) {
JSObject window = (JSObject) webEngine.executeScript("window");
window.setMember("mymember", new JavaScriptBridge(this));
Now in javascript I can invoke mymember.doSomething() e.g. called when I press the button and it's executed successfully, but if I add the following code to the html
function startup() {
It's not executed automatically when the page is loaded. It seems like window.onload is executed before the LoadWorker gets notified. So mymember is not set yet. But on the other hand, I cannot set mymember before the html has been loaded, right?
Any idea when I need to set mymember to have it ready when window.onload is executed?
Maybe it's too late for an answer to this problem, but after answering this question, I've been trying to find a reason why executeScript has to be called after the complete load of the webpage.
So I've done this test:
public class EarlyWebEngineTest extends Application {
public void start(Stage stage) {
final WebView webView = new WebView();
final WebEngine webEngine = webView.getEngine();
// Early call of executeScript to get a JavaScript object, a proxy for the
// Java object to be accessed on the JavaScript environment
JSObject window = (JSObject) webEngine.executeScript("window");
window.setMember("app", new JavaApplication());
System.out.println("state: scheduled");
} else if(newState==State.RUNNING){
System.out.println("state: running");
} else if(newState==State.SUCCEEDED){
System.out.println("state: succeeded");
Button button=new Button("Load Content");
+ " <script>function initialize() {"
+ " var nameVar = \"This is a JS var\"; "
+ " app.callJavascript(nameVar);"
+ "} </script>"
+ " <body onLoad=\"initialize()\">Hi, this is a test!</body>"
+ "</html>"));
VBox vbox = new VBox(10,button,webView);
Scene scene = new Scene(vbox,400,300);
public class JavaApplication {
public void callJavascript(String msg){
System.out.println("JS>> "+msg);
public static void main(String[] args) {
The content is not loaded until the button is clicked, but we've already created the JavaScript object on the browser.
Before clicking the button, there's nothing on the output console. But if we click the button... this is the output:
state: scheduled
state: running
JS>> This is a JS var
state: succeeded
As we can see, the Java object is effectively passed to the script before the latter is executed, and app.callJavascript is successfully called while the content is being loaded.
Note that for the common purpose of accessing the loaded DOM, the usual approach of calling executeScript after State.SUCCEEDED is still the recommended way.
Woks for all (including subsequent) pages:
Where "java" is set in JAVA code:
window.setMember("java", new JavaApplication());
HTML (subsequent) page, keep waiting for 100ms if var "java" is not set (externally by JAVA):
function init(){
if (typeof java !== 'undefined') {
setTimeout(function(){ init() }, 100 );
Yes, loadworker always execute after window.onload or document.onload.
The workaround you can try, you can create new listener in javascript, for example so-called:
document.addEventListener("deviceready", function(){
And then in your loadworker, you can do this:
webview.getEngine().getLoadWorker().stateProperty().addListener((ov, oldState, newState) -> {
if (newState == Worker.State.SUCCEEDED) {
JSObject window = (JSObject) webview.getEngine().executeScript("window");
System.out.println("window : " + window);
window.setMember("MyJavaBridge", javaBridge);
webview.getEngine().executeScript("const event = new Event('deviceready');document.dispatchEvent(event);");
As you can see, you execute this webview.getEngine().executeScript("const event = new Event('deviceready');document.dispatchEvent(event);"); after setMember, so instead of initialise your work in window.onload, you can do it in your custom event listener deviceready, so you can have better control on the sequence of page load and java side loadworker.
This is exactly how cordova doing, this idea is coming from it.
JQuery document.ready vs Phonegap deviceready
