Highcharts seriesname under each other - highcharts

I want to be able to put all the seriesname under each other. Currently 2 appear next to each other.
enter image description here
The only way to get them under each other is by adding more characters. Is there another way?

To achieve vertical-align for legend items, use legend.align option set to vertical,
API Reference:


Moving dataLabels for a Highcharts timeline all to one side

Is there a way to force a timeline series' dataLabels all to one side or the other?
I have a vertical timeline in Highcharts with several series (shown with "alternate: false"):
I would like to have, for instance, all of the "Sent for execution" labels on the left side. The "alternate" option moves some of them, but not all.
Okay, I found the answer while asking the question.
Set the "distance" option to a negative value with "alternate" as false. Here it is set to -100.

Highchart fill area only between two series

Here is chart http://jsfiddle.net/erzLp3n9/2/
I need to remove color as this image is seems
this image
I have two different series.
I do not want to use area-stacked and arearange because that two different series is dynamic.
I had try by this http://jsfiddle.net/erzLp3n9/3/ but not working
By using negativeFillColor you can color the area if it is negative, which seems to be the problem with your second example.
See this fiddle.
Where I set plotOptions.area.negativeFillColor.
If you are wondering why they don't look like the same color, it is because the top one is 75% opacity, see Highcharts API.
Could you explain exactly why you do not want to use stacking? This option along with setting color of the second series to transparent gives desired effect.
API Reference:

Highstock display two horizontal rules

Hi i am using charts from this site http://www.highcharts.com/. For stockChart I set option crosshairs: [true, true] to display both horizontal and verticall line where is my mouse. My questin is , is it possbile to display two horizontall lines lying out from each other by defined spread like it is in MT4 ?
You can only use addPlotLine() and try to add new in each move, or try to use Renderer path http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts#Renderer.path() which allows to draw line in any place.

How to display stacked bars in combination with normal bar in Highcharts?

I have three values, two of which should be combined to a stacked bar, and the third just as a normal one. How would that work in Highcharts? I read the data from a CSV file.
Here is the link to the existing graph. The "Nutzung" and "Absterberate" should be combined, the "Zuwachs" should be a single bar.
Thanks for any hints!
Set in plotOptions stacked: 'normal' and then for each series you can define stack see: http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts#series.stack

Show all datatips for a single lineseries

I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to show all datatips for a single lineseries in a Flex 3 linechart. This chart will have multiple lines and the functionality we're looking for is when a user hovers over a line, show all datatips associated with just that series. Any help would be appreciated.
showAllDataTips will not work in this case as it will display all datatips on the chart.
Use dataTipItems of the lineseries itself. According to the documentation you can insert all items to this property to make them visislbe.
