How to retrieve specific value from LIST using SELECT - google-appsheet

I keep retrieving the entire LIST of Customer's Total Amount instead of the Specific Customer. I have tried using SELECT according to their Order ID to filter out other Customer. However, the result is still the whole list.
My code here
I have tried to FILTER using Customer Name and Order ID. However, the outcome is still the same, returning the entire LIST of Total Amount.

If you reference connect your line items to your order, app sheet will natively create a reverse reference on the order table that contains a list of all of the corresponding line items for that order.
The list that you're looking for lives in the data inside that column. To get the data out you need to do a list the reference, which will extract the value of whatever column you specify out of that reverse reference, creating a list of the values you want from those child records.
Then if you wanted to create a total for all of those line items, you could wrap that list dereference in sum().
References are the key to making just about everything advanced work inside app sheet, definitely worth wrapping your mind around.


Write to BQ one field of the rows of a PColl - Need the entire row for table selection

I have a problem:
My Pcoll is made of rows with this format
I want to write into BigQuery only the words, however I need the table field to be able to select the right table in BigQuery.
This is how my pipeline looks:
tobq = (input
| 'write names to BigQuery '>>
table=compute_table_name, schema=compute_schema,
The function compute_table_name accesses an element and returns the table field. Is there a way to write into BQ just the words while still having this table selection mechanism based on rows?
Many thanks!
Normally the best approach with a situation like this in BigQuery is to use the ignoreUnknownValues parameter in ExternalDataConfiguration. Unfortunately Apache Beam doesn't yet support enabling this parameter while writing to BigQuery, so we must find a workaround, as follows:
Pass a Mapping of IDs to Tables as a table_side_input
This solution only works if identical word values are guaranteed to map to the same table each time, or there is some kind of unique identifier for your elements. This method is a bit more involved than Solution 1, but it relies only on the Beam model instead of having to touch the BigQuery API.
The solution involves making use of table_side_input to dynamically pick which table to place an element even if the element is missing the table field. The basic idea is to create a dict of ID:table (where ID is either the unique ID, or just the word field). Creating this dict can be done with CombineGlobally by combining all elements into a single dict.
Meanwhile, you use a transform to drop the table field from your elements before the WriteToBigQuery transform. Then you pass the dict into the table_side_input parameter of WriteToBigQuery, and write a callable table parameter that checks with the dict to figure out which table to use, instead of the table field.

How can I keep tblPurchase and tblProductStock table without drop. (I need keep both table and value permanent without drop)

How to change this stored procedure without drop tblPurchase and tblProductStock.
When I run my program with this stored procedure after adding new record table and data will be drop. I want to keep all table and data protected. please help me to resolve that.
Indexed View
An entirely new solution based on Indexed Views is possible.
An Indexed View is a view which has a clustered index on it, and the data is actually stored on disk.
As I understand it, you are trying to keep a sum of purchases per product item stored in tblProduct. I have assumed that ItemCode is the PK of tblProduct and that ItemName is also defined there (We cannot use MAX in an indexed view). So we can define a view like this:
CREATE VIEW dbo.vwTotalPurchases
WITH SCHEMABINDING -- must be schema bound, we cannot change underlying columns after creation
SUM(Quantity) QuantityPurchased,
COUNT_BIG(*) CountPurchases -- if we group, must have count also, so that rows can be maintained
FROM dbo.tblPurchase -- must use two-part names
GROUP BY itemCode;
We can then create a clustered index on it to persist it on disk. SQL Server will maintain the index whenever an update to the base table happens. If there are no more rows in the grouping (identified by count being 0), then the row is deleted:
CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX PK_vwTotalPurchases ON dbo.vwTotalPurchases (ItemCode);
Now if we want to query it, we can left join this view onto tblProducts (left join because there may be no purchases):
ISNULL(tp.QuantityPurchased, 0) QuantityPurchased,
ISNULL(tp.CountPurchases, 0) CountPurchases
FROM tblProducts p
LEFT JOIN vwTotalPurchases tp WITH (NOEXPAND) ON tp.ItemCode = p.ItemCode;
We can define this as a view also (not an indexed one, but a standard view) so that the definition is usable anywhere.
If you are not on SQL Server Enterprise or Developer Edition, you must use the hint WITH (NOEXPAND) to force it to use the index, otherwise it will query the base tblPurchase instead. And even in those editions, it is best to use NOEXPAND.
See this article by Paul White on this.

Any tips for displaying user dependent values in a list of items?

It is pretty common for a web application to display a list of items and for each item in the list to indicate to the current user whether they have already viewed the associated item.
An approach that I have taken in the past is to store HasViewed objects that contain the Id of a viewed item/object and the Id of the User who has viewed that item/object.
When it comes time to display a list of items this requires querying the database for the items, and separately querying the database for the HasViewed objects, and then combining the results of these queries into a set of objects constructed solely for the purpose of displaying them in the view.
Each e.g li then uses the e.g. has_viewed property of the objects constructed above.
I think it is time to find a better approach and would like to know what approaches you would recommend.
i wanna to know whether there is better idea also.
Right now my solution is putting the state in the redis and cached the view with fragment cache.

Ruby on rails finding unique entries

I want to populate a select menu with options from my database. There are many copies of the same entree, and because of that I get a drop down menu that have the same name again and again. I want to just get entries from my table so i have one of each possibility on it.
I have tried looking around for different ways to call information from the database, including that fact that Conditions can be applied to the call, unfortunately I must not have found the right one. also I found that
returned the full list, so I am probably using that wrong also. If I cannot do it in a single call, what would I need to do to get the same result.
I'm not sure I understand exactly the desired outcome. Are you looking for an array of values from the products.brand column where no entry is repeated? If so, you can do the following:
If you need to add extra conditions it's easy enough to do, you can just add a where(:foo => :bar) (but you need to add it before the pluck call).

How to order the data back from Amazon simpleDB int specific column order

I'm using Amazon's SimpleDB Java client to read data from SimpleDB. The problem I have is even though I specified the columns in the some order in the SelectRequest like the following:
SelectRequest req = new SelectRequest("SELECT TIMESTAMP, TYPE, APP, http_status, USER_ID from mydata");
SElectResult res =;
It returned data in following column order:
APP, TIMSTAMP, TYPE, USER_ID, http_status,
It seems it automatically reordered the columns in ascend order. Is there any way I can force the order as I specified in the select clause?
The columns returned are not an ordered list but an unordered set of attributes. You can't control the order they come back in. SELECT is designed to work even in cases where some of the attributes in your query don't exist for every (or any) returned items. In those cases specifically you wouldn't be able to rely on order anyway. I realize that's small consolation if you have structured your data set so that the attributes are always present.
However, since you know the desired order ahead of time, it should be pretty easy to pull the data out of the result in the proper order. It's just XML after all, or in the case of the Java client, freshly parsed XML.
The Select operation returns a set of Attributes for ItemNames that match the select expression.
SimpleDB docs for SELECT
