Cannot upgrade extension postgres_fdw, due to: has no update path from version "1.0" to version "1.1" - postgresql-10

I am trying to upgrade My postgres DBs from postgres 10 to 14, after looking at the extension version here I need to upgrade postgres_fdw to 1.1.
However I am getting the below error when i run the upgrade command.
ALTER EXTENSION postgres_fdw UPDATE TO '1.1'
SQL Error [22023]: ERROR: extension "postgres_fdw" has no update path from version "1.0" to version "1.1"


Database failed to create: Error: Could not change password - Neo4j Desktop 1.4.3

I installed and used Neo4j 1.4.2 before, but when upgrading to 1.4.3, I can't create database. So, I uninstalled and installed again, it has same error. Error as below image.
This is my log file:
I have the same problem when upgrading to a newer version of Neo4j Desktop. This what I did to fix it. The problem is there are some settings on the older version that is causing the issue.
Neo4j Desktop folder for example: C:\Users<mylogin>.Neo4jDesktop\
Delete the ENTIRE folder
Install the newer version

How do I force the code not to required to run on earlier Dart version (earlier than Dart 2.2)?

I got Dart version 2.9.0. And my flutter is running with that version now.
However, I got this message:
Set literals weren't supported until version 2.2, but this code is required to be able to run on earlier versions
But I don't want it to be required to run on Dart versions earlier than 2.2.
How do I force it to run only on versions after 2.2 ?
You can edit the dart sdk constraints in your pubspec.yaml file to only use dart versions 2.2 and later.
sdk: '>=2.2.0 <3.0.0'
See this site for more information about the pubspec.yaml file.

Prompt-toolkit version issue- incompatible with rasa-core and spyder

I am training a question answering model with rasa-nlu and rasa-core from terminal, wherein it requires the version of prompt-toolkit to be less than version 2.0.0 and when I try to open spyder IDEfrom Anaconda prompt, it is throwing error as it is expecting the prompt-toolkit version to be greater than 2. If I upgrade the version of prompt-toolkit the rasa-core code throws error in terminal. Is there any way to overcome this problem?
This was due to the not maintained dependency for PyInquirer in Rasa Core.
The library PyInquirer is replaced in the new Rasa Core release 0.13.0 with the library questionary. If you already want to have the latest release you can use the latest alpha version, by doing pip install rasa_core==0.13.0a5.

Deploying snapshot application in sourcevoid results in "Wrong script snapshot version, expected '...' found '...'

Some applications require deploying a snapshot to sourcevoid (see How do I deploy application on sourcevoid with private git package dependencies?). When deploying such application, I received the error:
Wrong script snapshot version, expected '181c54397e255f0b57b3cbca6f22607a' found '67ac118c5ca5a680109da82693316e0c'
Make sure your sourcevoid.yaml version matches the version of dart on the machine used to build the snapshot. For those starting out with dart, you can find the version of dart in your favorite terminal by typing:
$ dart --version
Dart VM version: 1.17.1 (Fri Jun 10 04:46:03 2016) on "macos_x64"
Match the n.n.n number showing in the version output in your sourcevoid.yaml as shown below:
runtime: dart
version: 1.17.1
start: dart path/to/snapshot

How can I get the signature of the update version of NuGet to match he installed version?

Im using Visual Wb Developer 2012 Express. I'm trying to update NuGet. Inside the error log i find this:
Install Error : VSIXInstaller.SignatureMismatchException: The signature on the update version of 'NuGet Package Manager' does not match the signature on the installed version. Therefore, Extension Manager cannot install the update.
at VSIXInstaller.Common.VerifyMatchingExtensionSignatures(IInstalledExtension installedExtension, IInstallableExtension updateExtension)
at VSIXInstaller.InstallProgressPage.BeginInstallVSIX(SupportedVSSKU targetAppID)
How can i get the signature of the update version of NuGet to match he installed version?
Nuget's had some issues with upgrades requiring the user first uninstall the old addin, and then installing the new version fresh. Give that a shot. Upgrades after that should be ok.

