Get Bit Version of ActiveXObject - activex

When creating a Word ActiveXObject via:
var oWord = new ActiveXObject("Word.Application");
I know I can get the version with the .Version property. Is there also a Property or Method to get the bit Version?
On Word Application Object I didn't find anything on this issue.


Umbraco Articulate Tags and Categories Returning "System.String[]"

I am trying to set up a blog using Umbraco and the Articulate plugin. Everything seems to be working great except the Tags and the Categories are returning a string that contains "System.String[]" rather than the values I have assigned to those fields.
I am using Umbraco version 7.6.3 and Articulate version 2.0.5.
There's a bug and you need to disable the new built in property value converters for the categories to work:

Resumable uploading in latest version of Google API PHP SDK

The example code for a resumable upload (usually used for large files) in the SDK is out of date and does not work (
Specifically, the $request object that is passed when getting a new Google_Http_MediaFileUpload is of the wrong class type. Google_Http_MediaFileUpload wants an Google_HTTP_Request object, but in the example code, the thing being passed is actually (in recent releases of the SDK) a Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile.
After poking around a bit, I cannot see the obvious way to do this with the current SDK, with the same economy as the example code. (I can see the long-winded way, by creating Google_HTTP_Request objects myself according to the generic API documentation).
Does anyone have an example of working code for this? (I Googled but did not find any. The changes in the SDK appear to be in the last few weeks).
I tested the latest version from Git and the example is working fine. The only "problem" is that it took a little while for the script to finish processing, even after I saw the file on Google Drive.
The $request variable is actually of the expected type Google_HTTP_Request.
$request = $service->files->insert($file);
// In the above line, $service is a `Google_Service_Drive` and
// $service->files is `Google_Service_Drive_Files_Resource`'
// which extends `Google_Service_Resource`.
// That insert() method returns the result of a call
// to Google_Service_Resource::call(), which
// returns a Google_HTTP_Request

dart mdv databinding does not update on change

I am trying to get databinding to work in dart. Basically im doing the same as in this video. Using pseudo code it looks like this:
var p = new Person('john');
query('#someId').model = p;
In the html file i also have a template which works correctly. For now i am only trying to get one way databinding to work and although the template is correctly initialized, subsequent changes to the variable p are not visible in the template. I tried to trigger an update like this
node.model = null;
node.model = p;
This does not trigger an update however. But if i'm using a delay it does work:
node.model = null;
new Timer(new Duration(milliseconds:20),(){
node.model = p;
So i have a couple of questions about this:
Why does a change in the variable not reflect a change in the template ?
Is the template not supposed to update the way i'm doing it? Or is mdv/polymer not working the way it is intended?
Is it possible manually trigger an update of the template?
Would it be possible to easily convert one-way to two-way databinding (i.e. by making the Person class in the psuedocode observable or something)?
PS i searched and tried several things before posting here. I found a topic in which a custom polymer element is created, which seems more of an hassle then i would like it to be. I also tried the fancy-syntax lib (this did't improve it) and databinder (compile error). I also read a couple of pages about polymer, but i'm not sure what is relevant to dart and has not been deprecated (or 'stale' as the warning above the page mentions).
You need one of the following packages, to update bindings automatically on change.
documentation (Observables)
I would still recommend you to just add "polymer" as a dependency (remove mdv) to your pubspec.yaml. This way you won't have to handle version issues and you would have a guarantee of a "confirmed" set of packages working together.

Dart: indexed_db open version

I need to use indexedDb for local storage.
When opening an indexedDb, the version is passed, and I presume that indicates whether an upgrade is needed. Can someone please explain what happens here and in particular the significance of the version, where the version is obtained from and also what an upgrade is?
For example :
import 'dart:indexed_db' as idb;
final int _iDbVersion = 1;
void fOpenDb(String sDbName) {
var request =, _iDbVersion);
request.on.success.add((e) => fDbOnOpened(request.result));
request.on.upgradeNeeded.add((e) => fDbOnUpgradeNeeded(request.transaction));
I found this interesting description which appears to me to be largely correct. :
For every origin you can create an infinite number of databases. The only thing you need to create a database is an unique name. A database also has a version, this version will be used to determine the structure of the database. When a database is created for the first time, the version will be an empty string. Each database can only have one version at a time, this means the database can’t exist in multiple versions at once.
The set of object stores can be changed, but it can only change by using the Version_change transaction. This transaction will change the version of the database and change the set of object stores as you defined.

Google Document List Java API - Updated-min

It seems that using the DocumentQuery where using updatedMin seems to to not be working correctly. This query does find new files and folders that were created since the "when" but fails to return files that were modified, moved, trashed, or anything else since the when.
DocumentQuery myQuery = new DocumentQuery(new URL(""));
DocumentListFeed entries = getDocsService().getFeed(myQuery, DocumentListFeed.class);
I realize that the API might be changing with the upcoming Google Drive, has something changed in the interim?
To retrieve documents that have been edited since a specific date, use the edited-min query parameter.
From a DocumentQuery instance, you can use the addCustomParameter to set such a value.
new Query.CustomParameter("edited-min", "<DATE_IN_RFC_3339_FORMAT>");
