Google Sign In with the OAuth 2.0 - oauth-2.0

I'm trying to do a normal registration with the OAuth 2.0, but the console gives out this error:
Everything is tested on the local server[My code(
Authorized JavaScript origins


What are the correct key/secret/token and Twitter authentication settings for posting using Twit?

TL;DR: The goal is to post on Twitter using ttezel/twit. What is the right setup of consumer (API) / access keys/token/secrets supplied to the Twit instance and of enabled authentication methods (OAuth 1 vs. OAuth 2) and Twit config?
According to Twitter API v2 authentication mapping, I should be able to manage (post/delete) Tweets when using OAuth 1.0a User Context, which I am (as described:
consumer_key: '...'
, consumer_secret: '...'
, access_token: '...'
, access_token_secret: '...'
Also, I am on the Essential level of Twitter API, which only allows for use of APIv2.
So the combination of APIv2 and user context (1.0a) auth should allow me to post. However,'statuses/update', { status: 'hello world!' },...
returns the following error:
You currently have Essential access which includes access to Twitter
API v2 endpoints only. If you need access to this endpoint, you’ll
need to apply for Elevated access via the Developer Portal
As if Twit was attempting to use a non-v2 endpoint.

Oauth2.0 Google API token issue - Error: redirect_uri_mismatch

I have trouble creating a Google API OAuth2.0 token though following all the steps here: [OAuth2 Authentication](
When trying to create the token through the OAuth2.0 playground:
OAUTH 2.0 playground
I end up with this error:
Discussion on similar threads tried to give some guidance but without any luck in my case.
Add in the authorized domain list of your app's OAuth consent screen.
Click on the application for which you want to configure for the next step:
Make sure to also add '' in the Authorized JavaScript origins and '' in the Authorized redirect URIs[click 'save' below once added]:
You are applying your own client id and client secret to Oauth2 playground you are also using browser credentials.
For browser credentials to work it must be able to return the token to an endpoint that can handle it and that endpoint (Redirect uri) must be registered in the Google Developer console for that project.
if you check your first picture under the check box you clicked
You will need to list the URL as a valid redirect URI in your Google APIs Console's project. Then enter the client ID and secret assigned to a web application on your project below:
Try adding that URL as it says.

Magento2 oauth2 integration

I am trying to integrate my third party application with Magento 2 for that am building an "oauth 2.0" login, but am unable to get the access token and I am working in postman
Getting the below error:
Please review the below screen cast

Facebook OAuth Callback redirected to API not supported

I'm trying to register Users through my API using Facebook OAuth.
The problem is I keep getting this error:
The redirect_uri URL is not supported
the redirect_uri is:
or, simplified:
which is the URL where it's supposed to being redirected. (API is running on localhost:3000)
The client application is running on localhost:4000
These are my configurations in
Settings > Basic
Products > Facebook Login

Google+ SignIn Hybrid Approach IOS/Python REST Server

We are trying to incorporate the Google+ SignIn button for authentication to our IOS client and python tornado REST Server.
On the IOS client, we followed the "Enable server-side API access for your app" in We set the clientID to the Google+ IOS Client and the homeServerClientID to our web server Google+ Web client id.
Then on our tornado werver, we used the python google+ client and did:
oauth_flow = flow_from_clientsecrets(GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET, scope='email')
oauth_flow.redirect_uri = 'postmessage'
credentials = oauth_flow.step2_exchange(code)
So the IOS client works fine, it authenticates, gets the one time token in homeServerAuthorizationCode. It sends this to the REST API and it produces an exception:
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/oauth2client/", line 1964, in step2_exchange
raise FlowExchangeError(error_msg)
FlowExchangeError: redirect_uri_mismatch
We have tried to use difference codes, double and triple checked the client ids in the clientsecrets, IOS and tornado code and they are all correct.
Any ideas?
It is likely that it's not happy with the redirect URI on the server side. 'postmessage' is absolutely right for the web flow, but for iOS try either not specifying redirect_uri at all, or using 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob' (oob being "out of browser") for the redirect_uri.
