Using javax.mail with Microsoft OAuth - oauth

Since Microsoft has announced that they are going to deprecate password auth for their SMTP services. I am trying to substitute Password Auth for javax.mail with OAuth. However, I am getting an exception with the message 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful [].
My code snippet looks like this right now:
* Class for sending email notifications.
public class MailClient {
* Send email (SMTP)
* #param params Runtime Parameters
* #param durationString Formatted duration
* #param endTime Time at which the task completed
* #param totalJournals Number of Journals read
* #param totalLines Number of Journal Lines Written
* #param outputFileStored Was output file stored?
* #param refFileStored Was Org Ref file stored?
* #param checkpointStored Was timestamp checkpoint stored?
* #param errorFile Location of error file (null if no errors)
* #throws Exception
public static void send(ArgParse params, String durationString, ZonedDateTime endTime, int totalJournals,
int totalLines, Boolean outputFileStored, Boolean refFileStored, Boolean checkpointStored, String errorFile)
throws Exception {
Properties properties = System.getProperties();
properties.setProperty("", params.smtpHost);
//properties.setProperty("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
properties.setProperty("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true");
properties.setProperty("mail.smtp.ssl.protocols", "TLSv1.2");
properties.setProperty("mail.smtp.port", Integer.toString(params.smtpPort));
// Old password auth
/*Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(properties, new javax.mail.Authenticator() {
protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
return new PasswordAuthentication(params.smtpUsername, params.smtpPassword);
Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(properties);
Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
MimeBodyPart messageBodyPart;
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
String endTimeString = endTime.format(formatter), endDateString = endTimeString.split("T")[0];
String subject = "secure: Journal-DataWarehouse run [" + endDateString + "]", body = "<html>";
message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(params.mailFrom));
for(int i = 0; i < params.mailTo.length; i++)
message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(params.mailTo[i]));
message.addHeader("Date", endTime.format(DateTimeFormatter.RFC_1123_DATE_TIME));
if(errorFile != null) {
messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
DataSource source = new FileDataSource(errorFile);
messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source));
body += "<p style=\"font-family:monospace,garamond,serif;\"><b>WARNING: Program completed with errors, error_logs.txt attached.</b></p>";
body += "asOfEntryDateTime (Query Parameter): " + params.asOfEntryDateTime + "<br /></p>";
body += "</html>";
messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
messageBodyPart.setContent(body, "text/html");
// Fetch OAuth token and send message. (New code)
MicrosoftAuth auth = new MicrosoftAuth();
String authToken = auth.getAccessToken();
SMTPTransport transport = new SMTPTransport(session, null);
transport.connect(params.smtpHost, params.username, null);
transport.issueCommand("AUTH XOAUTH2 " + new String(BASE64EncoderStream.encode(String.format("user=%s\1auth=Bearer %s\1\1", params.username, authToken).getBytes())), 235);
transport.sendMessage(message, message.getAllRecipients());
The MicrosoftAuth class uses msal4j.ConfidentialClientApplication to fetch Auth Token using the client ID and client secret.


Empty buffer but toString has value

I'm trying to verify a slack request, so I have the following code
if (!timeStamp || !slackSignature) {
throw new Error('Missing Slack signature');
const time = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
if (Math.abs(time - Number(timeStamp)) > 60 * 5) {
throw new Error('Slack request expired');
const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', config.slack.signingSecret);
hmac.update(`v0:${timeStamp}:${rawRequestBody}`, 'utf8');
const [signatureVersion, signatureHash] = slackSignature.split('=');
if (signatureVersion !== 'v0') {
throw new Error('unknown signature version');
if (
Buffer.from(slackSignature, 'utf8'),
Buffer.from(`v0=${hmac.digest('hex')}`, 'utf8')
) {
throw new Error('Invalid Slack signature');
But when testing it with a content-type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded, the hmac.digest('hex') produces a string that matches the slackSignature, but using Buffer.from(hmac.digest('hex'), it produces an empty buffer.
I've also verified the rawRequestBody is not empty.

Sending email SMTP via GMAIL (OAUTH2 and JavaMail)

I'm using a web application through which I'm sending an email.
The SMTP host is GMAIL.
I'm using Java 1.8 and JavaMail 1.6.2.
Is there any alternative to the code written below? (credits:
void sendMail(String smtpServerHost, String smtpServerPort, String smtpUserName, String smtpUserAccessToken, String fromUserEmail, String fromUserFullName, String toEmail, String subject, String body) {
try {
Properties props = System.getProperties();
props.put("mail.transport.protocol", "smtp");
props.put("mail.smtp.port", smtpServerPort);
props.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true");
Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props);
MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(session);
msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(fromUserEmail, fromUserFullName));
msg.setRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(toEmail));
msg.setContent(body, "text/html");
SMTPTransport transport = new SMTPTransport(session, null);
transport.connect(smtpServerHost, smtpUserName, null);
transport.issueCommand("AUTH XOAUTH2 " + new String(BASE64EncoderStream.encode(String.format("user=%s\1auth=Bearer %s\1\1", smtpUserName, smtpUserAccessToken).getBytes())), 235);
transport.sendMessage(msg, msg.getAllRecipients());
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex);
Specifically I'm very confused about these two issues:
is the following line truly the only way to set the access token in the Transport?
transport.issueCommand("AUTH XOAUTH2 " + new String(BASE64EncoderStream.encode(String.format("user=%s\1auth=Bearer %s\1\1", smtpUserName, smtpUserAccessToken).getBytes())), 235);
I've been searching throughout the web but I don't seem to find an answer, basically because every other way I've attempted has resulted in NO success.
Is it true that Google has not (yet) implemented a CLIENT credentials grant type?
How else could I send emails through my web application without the user interaction (which I don't have)?
Thank you
Try this:
//TLS and OAuth2
String address = "";
Integer port = 587;
String user = "my_username";
String accesstoken = "my_accesstoken";
String sender = "";
String recipients = ";";
String subject = "Test";
String body = "This is a test.";
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("", address);
properties.put("mail.smtp.port", port.toString());
properties.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true");
properties.put("mail.smtp.auth.mechanisms", "XOAUTH2");
properties.put("mail.debug.auth", "true");
Session session = Session.getInstance(properties);
MimeMessage mimeMessage = new MimeMessage(session);
mimeMessage.setFrom(new InternetAddress(sender));
String s = recipients.replace(';', ',');
MimeMultipart mimeMultipart = new MimeMultipart();
MimeBodyPart mimeBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
Transport transport = session.getTransport();
transport.connect(user, accesstoken);
transport.sendMessage(mimeMessage, mimeMessage.getAllRecipients());
session = null;

hyperledger composer #returns not working

In Hyperledger Composer, v 19.12, I am trying to use the #returns decorator to return an asset. When I call the function through the REST API though I get a succesful transaction (200 return code) but do not get the Account object in the Response Body. Here is the transaction as defined in the data model file, the associated transaction function, and the Response Body from the REST API call. The Account object is defined in the same model file.
I expect to get an Account JSON object back. What am I doing wrong?
Transaction model
Read only transaction to load account
transaction LoadAccountTx {
o String accountId
Transaction function
* function to load account
* #param {org.scsvault.history.LoadAccountTx} loadAccountTx
* #returns {org.scsvault.history.Account} The resulting array of accounts
* #transaction
async function loadAccount(loadAccount)
var i = 2;
var factory = getFactory();
var NS = 'org.scsvault.history';
var account = factory.newResource(NS, 'Account', 'ACCOUNT_1');
account.accountType = 'CREDITCARD';
account.balance = 100;
account.openingbalance = 1000;
account.opendate = new Date(2017, i, i);
if (i % 2) {
account.approvalStatus = 'REQUEST_PENDING';
else {
account.approvalStatus = 'CREATE';
account.status = 'PENDING_APPROVAL';
account.creditlimit = i * 1000;
account.term_months = i;
account.encryptedDescription = account.accountType + ' from Chase';
account.apr = i;
return account;
Response Body:
"$class": "org.scsvault.history.LoadAccountTx",
"accountId": "ACCOUNT_1",
"transactionId": "09c9eb722fe3adda41fe0a4d1060ab4efff4c2ca9ad817a763dae81374123b4c"
To test further, I changed the code above to be a simple string return value and do not receive the test string back throught the REST API.
transaction LoadAccountTx {
o String accountId
* function to load account
* #param {org.scsvault.history.LoadAccountTx} loadAccountTx
* #returns {string} (
* #transaction
async function loadAccount(loadAccount)
return "This is a test string";
just adding to what #nicolapaoli wrote: this is fixed in Hyperledger Composer release v0.19.13 FYI - you do get the return value.
I had very similar issue. I've just opened an issue with general example on GitHub here with ref to this question and to the message on Rocketchat as well. Hope this will be fixed soon.

passing access token to Jira using OAuth Authentication

I am using OAuth authenication in Jira to test some methods in jira using JIRA Rest Java Client. I have got the access token using OAuth authenication that I need to pass on Jira URL. Here is all what I have got to get access token.
Token is 38ESi9IJW5u3vKDslPFtuV1ZtzDpr6zi
Token secret is cnDSL8oJyuoaQdRcFDwgHzLppSshQn9b
Retrieved request token. go to http://bmh1060149:8080/plugins/servlet/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=38ESi9IJW5u3vKDslPFtuV1ZtzDpr6zi
Access token is : 015CeJiH8cpI5R3OKpNco158kApq8YwV
Now I am passing that access token to Jira URL but I am getting an empty array. Please let me know where I am doing wrong or what changes do I need to incorporate into my code to make this thing work. Here is my code.
public void getAllIssueTypesUsingOAuth(JiraCQCredential jcqcred) {
System.out.println("Inside getAllIssuetypeAssociatedToProject for JiraAdapterImpl");
//String username = jcqcred.getUserName();
//String password = jcqcred.getPassword();
String jiraURL = jcqcred.getJiraUrl();
if (!jiraURL.endsWith("/")) {
jiraURL = jiraURL + "/";
try {
String accessToken = JiraAdapterImpl.getAccessToken(); // This method is giving me access token
URL url = new URL(jiraURL + "rest/api/2" + "/" + "issuetype?access_token=" + accessToken);
HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
httpConnection.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)");
httpConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(httpConnection.getInputStream()));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String line = "";
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
String issueTypes = sb.toString();
System.out.println("Issuetype associated to project are\n" + issueTypes);
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(issueTypes);
for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
JSONObject jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);
String issueNames = (String) jsonObject.get("name");
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (JSONException e) {
Its giving me an empty array like []
Hi After searching the little bit I finally managed to a find the solution to the above problem. After getting the access token just pass that access token to the makeAuthenticatedRequest(url, accessToken) method that will give you the resultant data which you want to retrive. Here url is the url which you want to hit to get the resultant data.
private AtlassianOAuthClient getJiraOAuthClient() {
final String baseURI = "http://bmh1060149:8080";
final String consumerKey = "hardcoded-consumer";
final String consumerPrivatekey = "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";
AtlassianOAuthClient jiraoAuthClient = new AtlassianOAuthClient(consumerKey, consumerPrivatekey, baseURI, "");
return jiraoAuthClient;
Here is the code to get Access Token
private String getAccessToken() {
AtlassianOAuthClient jiraoAuthClient = getJiraOAuthClient();
TokenSecretVerifierHolder requestToken = jiraoAuthClient.getRequestToken();
String authorizeUrl = jiraoAuthClient.getAuthorizeUrlForToken(requestToken.token);
String token = requestToken.token;
String tokenSecret = requestToken.secret;
System.out.println("Token is " + requestToken.token);
System.out.println("Token secret is " + requestToken.secret);
System.out.println("Retrieved request token. go to " + authorizeUrl);
String accessToken = jiraoAuthClient.swapRequestTokenForAccessToken(token, tokenSecret, "");
System.out.println("Access token is : " + accessToken);
return accessToken;
This is the method you call to retrieve the data.
public void getAllCommentOfIssueUsingOAuth() {"Inside getAllCommentOfIssue for JiraAdapterImpl");
AtlassianOAuthClient jiraoAuthClient = getJiraOAuthClient();
String accessToken = getAccessToken();
String url = "your Jira URL";
String responseAsString = jiraoAuthClient.makeAuthenticatedRequest(url, accessToken);
This will give you the resultant JSON data or XML data in resultantString.

WSO2 Identity Server - Oauth 2.0 - Sign-off Example for Java

I wrote a Java based sign-off routine (token revocation) for an Oauth2 authentication flow. See below the code implementation following the cURL protocol instructions in the manual described [ here ]. The program code compiles and works without error message, but after the log-off the user accounts still remains in a connected state under the WSO2 dashboard query.
See below the Servlet class that triggers the log-off function:
class SignoffServlet extends HttpServlet {
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException,IOException {
String accessToken = (String) req.getSession().getAttribute("access_token");
System.out.println("Start Logoff processing for revoke of the token: " + accessToken);
URL url = new URL (Oauth2Server + "/oauth2/revoke?token="+accessToken);
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
// new encode with Apache codec (for Java8 use native lib)
String userCredentials = clientId + ":" + clientSecret;
String basicAuth = "Basic " + new String(new Base64().encode(userCredentials.getBytes()));
connection.setRequestProperty ("Authorization", basicAuth);
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8");
connection.addRequestProperty("token", accessToken);
connection.addRequestProperty("token_type_hint", "access_token");
//connection.setRequestProperty("token", accessToken);
// connection.setRequestProperty("token_type_hint", "access_token");
InputStream content = (InputStream)connection.getInputStream();
BufferedReader in =
new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (content));
String line;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
System.out.println("Logoff finished sucessfully");
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Logoff failed, error cause: " + e.toString());
System.out.println("Logoff finished sucessfully");
// return the json of the user's basic info
String html_header = "<html><body>";
String myjson = "<br>Logoff completed sucessfully";
myjson += "<br><br><b><a href='./index.html'>Back to login page</a></b><br>";
String html_footer = "</body></html>";
String mypage = html_header + myjson + html_footer;
Advice about what to change in the Java code to activate the sign-off function for Oauth 2.0 is welcome.
Thanks for detailed explanations about the difference between authorization and authentication in Oauth2. See below the code that is able to revoke the valid Oauth2 token:
class SignoffServlet extends HttpServlet {
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException,IOException {
String outputl = "";
String accessToken = (String) req.getSession().getAttribute("access_token");
// testing .. inhibu acivate this line: // revoke accessToken = "abc";
System.out.println("Start Logoff processing for revoke of the token: " + accessToken);
// URL url = new URL (Oauth2Server + "/oauth2/revoke?token="+accessToken);
// URL url = new URL (Oauth2Server + "/oauth2endpoints/revoke");
URL url = new URL (Oauth2Server + "/oauth2/revoke");
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8");
// new encode with Apache codec (for Java8 use native lib)
String userCredentials = clientId + ":" + clientSecret;
String basicAuth = "Basic " + new String(new Base64().encode(userCredentials.getBytes()));
basicAuth = basicAuth.replace("\\r", "");
basicAuth = basicAuth.replace("\\n", "");
connection.setRequestProperty ("Authorization", basicAuth);
// send data
// String str = "{\"token\": \"" + accessToken + "\",\"token_type_hint\":\"access_token\"}";
// example of JSON string "{\"x\": \"val1\",\"y\":\"val2\"}";
//byte[] outputInBytes = str.getBytes("UTF-8");
//OutputStream os = connection.getOutputStream();
//os.write( outputInBytes );
// os.close();
//send request
DataOutputStream wr = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream());
wr.writeBytes("token=" + accessToken);
// end of new method
InputStream content = (InputStream)connection.getInputStream();
BufferedReader in =
new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (content));
String line;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
// System.out.println(line); // for debug only
outputl += line;
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Logoff failed, error cause: " + e.toString());
System.out.println("Logoff finished successfully");
// return the json of the user's basic info
// customized Apache HTTP GET with header - Claude, 27 August 2015 reading user information
// ===============================================================================================
String tokeninfo = "";
String infourl = Oauth2Server + "/oauth2/userinfo?schema=openid";
StringBuilder infobody = new StringBuilder();
DefaultHttpClient infohttpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); // create new httpClient
HttpGet infohttpGet = new HttpGet(infourl); // create new httpGet object
// get some info about the user with the access token
String currentToken = (String) req.getSession().getAttribute("access_token");
String bearer = "Bearer " + currentToken.toString();
infohttpGet.setHeader("Authorization", bearer);
try {
HttpResponse response = infohttpclient.execute(infohttpGet); // execute httpGet
StatusLine statusLine = response.getStatusLine();
int statusCode = statusLine.getStatusCode();
if (statusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
infobody.append(statusLine + "\n");
HttpEntity e = response.getEntity();
String entity = EntityUtils.toString(e);
} else {
infobody.append(statusLine + "\n");
// System.out.println(statusLine);
} catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
tokeninfo = infobody.toString();
infohttpGet.releaseConnection(); // stop connection
// User info lookup is done fetching current log status of the token
if (tokeninfo.startsWith("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request")) {
tokeninfo = "Token " + currentToken + " was revoked";
String html_header = "<html><body>";
String myjson = "<br>Logoff completed successfully";
myjson += "<br>Current Userinfo and Token Status";
myjson += "<br>" + tokeninfo + "<br>";
myjson += "<br><br><b><a href='./index.html'>Back to login page</a></b><br>";
String html_footer = "</body></html>";
String mypage = html_header + myjson + html_footer;
// to print signoff screen for debug purpose
// resp.getWriter().println(outputl);
Above doc has been mentioned the way to revoke the access token.Access token revoking and sign-off from OAuth2 authorization server are two different process. As an example; in Facebook, you can revoke the access token which are given for different applications. But it does not mean that you are sign-off from FB or any other application which you already login.
OAuth2 is not an authentication mechanism. It is authorization framework. It does not contain standard way to sign-off from authorization sever. However, there is some custom way which you can use to sign-off (terminate the SSO session in WSO2IS) from WSO2IS which can be used. But, it must be done using the end user's browser (not using the back channel) by calling following url. Please check last part of this for more details
