In the restful app I am implementing error handling, but I cannot see the error message being displayed in the frontend UI. Instead, I only see a different error message from the framework.
Although I can see that my custom error message error message being propagated to the frontend it appears to be subsequently overwritten with a different message from the framework.
So I am not sure if this is something with the versions I work with (ABAP-1909 and UI5-1.96.12) or it is my implementation issue.
Implementation type: Unmanaged scenario.
ABAP version: S/4 Hana On Prem 1909
UI5 Version: '1.107.1'
Code snippet:
APPEND VALUE #( %cid = <fs_lsi_create>-%cid
uuid = ls_lsi_crt-uuid
) TO failed-incidents.
%cid = <fs_lsi_create>-%cid
%key-uuid = ls_lsi_crt-uuid
%msg = new_message( id = 'ZLSAPP_MSG'
number = 001
severity = if_abap_behv_message=>severity-error
v1 = <fs_lsi_create>-name )
uuid = ls_lsi_crt-uuid ) TO reported-incidents.
I was expecting to see the error message in a popup on the frontend application, but I see it only in the debugger console, it doesn't appear in the error popup screen.
I tried official schema-registry-confluent example (consumer/producer) with my local installed confluent 4.0.0, it can send "sensor" avro message when send post request and receive in listener, but when I use kafka-avro-console-consumer tool shipped with confluent 4.0.0 to view avro message sent, the tool raised the following error (a). I also tried to consume avro message sent by kafka-avro-console-producer tool (and the message can be shown correctly in kafka-avro-console-consumer tool) , it reported the following error (b). Doesn't the given example support confluent 4.0.0? Many thanks!
(a) kafka-avro-console-consumer error =>
ERROR Unknown error when running consumer: ($:107)
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error deserializing Avro message for id -1
Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Unknown magic byte!
(b) listener error =>
org.springframework.messaging.converter.MessageConversionException: Could not read JSON: Invalid UTF-32 character 0x51473863 (above 0x0010ffff) at char #1, byte #7); nested exception is Invalid UTF-32 character 0x51473863 (above 0x0010ffff) at char #1, byte #7)
at org.springframework.messaging.converter.MappingJackson2MessageConverter.convertFromInternal( ~[spring-messaging-5.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar!/:5.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT]
Every time there is a MessageConversionException it simply means that the provided Message Converters could not convert Message. . . and rightfully so as we can't handle every scenario, only the common ones.
So, you should implement custom Message Converter (either from scratch or extending one of the existing ones).
Here is more info on how to define custom Message Converter
Up until now, my Rorativa (latest stable version - 1.6.1) has been working beautifully in my MVC project.
My code was originally
return new Rotativa.ActionAsPdf(string.Format("PrintPage/{0}", id));
and I get a nice happy pdf version of my page
But now I want to do some more advances stuff, so I do this
return new Rotativa.ActionAsPdf(string.Format("PrintPage/{0}", id))
CustomSwitches = "--print-media-type --footer-html " + Url.Action("Footer",id)
and then when I do I get this error
Qt: Untested Windows version 6.2 detected!
QMetaObject::invokeMethod: No such method WebCore::SocketStreamHandlePrivate::socketSentData()
Error: Failed loading page http:///Invoice/Footer?page=1§ion=Account Queries VAT No.
0&title=Ben Dover-Invoice No:
A0120852&subsection=MATERIALS&frompage=1&subsubsection=&topage=2&doctitle=Ben Dover-Invoice No:
A0120852&webpage=http://localhost:2066/Invoice/PrintPage/386&time=01:01:59 PM&date=2015/01/06
(sometimes it will work just to ignore this error with --load-error-handling ignore)
Error: Failed loading page http:///Invoice/Footer?page=2§ion=Account Queries VAT No.
0&title=Ben Dover-Invoice No: A0120852&subsection=TOTAL R
1รก850.70&frompage=1&subsubsection=&topage=2&doctitle=Ben Dover-Invoice No:
A0120852&webpage=http://localhost:2066/Invoice/PrintPage/386&time=01:01:59 PM&date=2015/01/06
(sometimes it will work just to ignore this error with --load-error-handling ignore)
QPaintDevice: Cannot destroy paint device that is being painted
pure virtual method called
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
terminate called without an active exception
I tried following the suggestion and add --load-error-handling ignore this removes the error, but my footer doesn't load
We have the same problem on the project. Additionally report work on localhost but not in production server. Solution for the problem is to add route, so the static IP address will be represented as local on the server.
On some servers that can not be added for some reasons so we add Microsoft loopback adapter to do the same thing.
After that everything works perfectly.
Quickfixj is rejecting the following logon message:
The actual log entry for it is:
20140704-11:24:22.316 ERROR [QFJ Message Processor] quickfixj.errorEvent - FIXT.1.1:XXxUSxXX->XXxVENUExXX: Rejecting invalid message: quickfix.FieldException: Tag appears more than once, field=1407: 8=FIXT.1.1^A9=184^A35=A^A34=77086^A49=XXxVENUExXX^A52=20140704-11:24:22.308^A56=XXxUSxXX^A1128=9^A58=RFA:f718fdb8-2ed3-4e0b-965f-4305188d06f9^A98=0^A108=4^A553=USRC^A554=test234^A789=7806 9^A1137=9^A1407=100^A1409=0^A10=093^A
Tag 1407 doesn't appear more than once though. We're using Quickfixj 1.5.3. With a FIX Version 5.0 SP2 - EP100 data dictionary. I can't see any issues with the data dictionary entries. The Logon message fields are all flat (except for the optional MsgTypeGrp which is not being used). Have tried with ValidateFieldsOutOfOrder as both Y and N. Config entries are:
# Only the SP2 version supported
# Endpoint
Anyone have any ideas what could cause this. It couldn't be because there is '1407' in today's date?
Whenever Solr fails executing a query for some reason it returns an error message and an error code. I would like to handle such errors in Blacklight. Right now, when receiving an error from Solr, the user gets a 500 internal error. As a developer I can see that what happens is an RSolr::Error::Http in CatalogController#index with the following line of code as the source of the problem:
res = blacklight_solr.send_and_receive(path, :params=>solr_params)
Is it possible to customize the error handling so that I can at least display an indicative error message to the user instead of the unhelpful 500 internal error?
Open file lib\blacklight\catalog.rb. The function rsolr_request_error(exception) is responsible to handle Solr errors. The exception parameter is an RSolr::RequestError and it represents the error from Solr. In order to handle the error by displaying the message from Solr just add the following inside the else:
error_status = eval(exception.response[:body])['error']
if !error_status.nil? and !error_status['msg'].nil?
flash_notice = error_status['msg']
flash_notice = I18n.t('')
If you wish to display a different message then assign a different message to flash_notice. If you wish to handle the error differently then this is where to do so.
I have loaded the 'stanford-core-nlp' gem and am trying to use it in my fledgling app.
However, every time I try to show the rendered text, I receive this error message from Chrome and the rails server exits, citing Trace/BPT trap: 5.
I have searched other similar Rails errors but can't find anything that seems to match my situation. The only thing I can think of is that the code below is causing some kind of issue?
def pos_tagger (text)
require 'stanford-core-nlp'
pipeline = StanfordCoreNLP.load(:tokenize, :ssplit, :pos, :lemma, :parse, :ner, :dcoref)
text =
newtext = pipeline.annotate(text)
return newtext
Should I - a newbie - back away from using this module and try something else?