Rails Server crashes Chrome "No Data Received" - ruby-on-rails

I have loaded the 'stanford-core-nlp' gem and am trying to use it in my fledgling app.
However, every time I try to show the rendered text, I receive this error message from Chrome and the rails server exits, citing Trace/BPT trap: 5.
I have searched other similar Rails errors but can't find anything that seems to match my situation. The only thing I can think of is that the code below is causing some kind of issue?
def pos_tagger (text)
require 'stanford-core-nlp'
pipeline = StanfordCoreNLP.load(:tokenize, :ssplit, :pos, :lemma, :parse, :ner, :dcoref)
text = StanfordCoreNLP::Annotation.new(text)
newtext = pipeline.annotate(text)
return newtext
Should I - a newbie - back away from using this module and try something else?


CableReady (Rails) Basic case giving mystifying error message

cable_ready 4.5.0
ruby 3.0.2p107
This is a simple example from the basic tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5hA79vKE_E) I suspect the error I am getting is because either cable_ready or rails evolved a little and created a tiny incompatibility.
I get this error in the JS console:
It is triggered when in my controller I ask cable ready to:
cable_ready["timeline"].console_log(message: "***** cable ready post created")
Which leads to my timeline_channel to:
received(data) {
console.log("******** Received data:", data.operations)
if (data.cableReady) CableReady.perform(data.operations)
My interpretation is perform causes this line in cable_ready.js line 13:
operations.forEach(function (operation) {
if (!!operation.batch) batches[operation.batch] = batches[operation.batch] ? ++batches[operation.batch] : 1;
Is finding something in the received data that it doesn't like.
That's where my trail ends. Can someone see what I am doing wrong, or tell me what other code you'd like me to include?
Solution: downgrade the version of the cable_ready javascript library.
I previously (maybe a year ago) did this tutorial using CableReady 4.5, Ruby 2.6.5 and Rails 6.0.4 and it worked like a charm back then as well as today.
But today, I tried this tutorial again on a duplicate project--same versions of CR, Ruby, and Rails and now I get java console errors similar to yours.
TypeError: undefined is not a function (near '...operations.forEach...')
perform -- cable_ready.js:13
received -- progress_bar_channel.js:8
I looked at the output of yarn list and saw that cable_ready was version 5.0.0-pre8 on the bad project and it was 5.0.0-pre1 on the good project. The downgrade could be accomplished with yarn add cable_ready#^5.0.0-pre1 in the bad project folder and now both projects work.
FYI for other newbies like me trying to understand how CableReady works: This tutorial gives another example of CableReady, and was also fixed the same way.

Syntax error in library code when including matrial design using Rails + Webpacker + Typescript + Angular

In my rails app, I get a syntax error somewhere in a huge js file that is presumably generated by webpacker. But it seems to be some sort of angular/material code. If I don't include material design, the error goes away, so it seems to be related to material design. This is the part that causes the syntax error:
function instantiateSupportedAnimationDriver() {
return !(function webpackMissingModule() { var e = new Error("Cannot find module '#angular/animations/browser'"); e.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'; throw e; }())() ? new !(function webpackMissingModule() { var e = new Error("Cannot find module '#angular/animations/browser'"); e.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'; throw e; }())() : new !(function webpackMissingModule() { var e = new Error("Cannot find module '#angular/animations/browser'"); e.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'; throw e; }())();
Note that telling me how to fix the syntax error doesn't help me. This code is not in my control and I wouldn't know how to effectively patch it. Besides, it's a frequently used piece of code, I doubt that it has a syntax error, probably something in plumbing is incorrect.
Some context: I probably don't get all the mechanics right. I am trying to make the combination Rails + Webpacker + Typescript + Angular + Material work. It's quite tricky, I find nothing useful on it on the web and I seem to be pretty much the first one to do it. I saw some suggestions to make an api-only rails app, but I don't like that...
I never really figured out why this caused a syntax error in a seemingly unrelated file, but I had some "unmet peer dependency" warnings and when I fixed them, this went away.

Why does Corona give an error loading code that loads fine with lua?

I'm having problems with a specific line of code - building.transmitter:[operation](player, unpack({...})) that causes an error in Corona, yet this loads fine when it's run in Lua separately. I suspect it has something to do with the : being placed before the [operation] variable but I'm clueless why.
Specifically the module is written as,
local activate = {}
local function activate.transmitter(player, operation, ...)
building = player:getTile()
building.transmitter:[operation](player, unpack({...}))
return activate
The runtime errror that is appearing gives me
"error loading module from file, '<name>' expected near '['"
Edit - WOW! I didn't notice that when troubleshooting this in Corona I changed some of the lines of code to identify the problem. I then mistakenly tested the edited code in Lua and it ran fine. I didn't realize the code wasn't the original until siffiejoe pointed out the interpreter getting an error as well. Sorry for the mistake.
maybe Corona uses older version of Lua which does not support this syntax. You can try workaround instead of
building.transmitter:[operation](player, unpack({...}));
you can call
building.transmitter[operation](building.transmitter, player, unpack({...}));

Ruby on Rails jsonparse error

Already I have spent a lot time to resolve the issue but not getting the actual reason.
I have a issue during parsing the json, below is the my josn which i am trying to format.
ERROR: 757: unexpected token at '"{\"requestId\":\"2323423432\",\"bids\":\"[ {\\"adId\\":50000001, \\"bidNative\\":100,\\"clickPayload\\":\\"clickPayload-1\\", \\"impressionPayload\\":\\"236|458795|12345\\"}, {\\"adId\\":60000002, \\"bidNative\\":200,\\"clickPayload\\":\\"clickPayload-2\\", \\"impressionPayload\\":\\"236|458795|12345\\"}, {\\"adId\\":60000002, \\"bidNative\\":300,\\"clickPayload\\":\\"clickPayload-3\\", \\"impressionPayload\\":\\"236|458795|12345\\"}]\"}"'
actually wherever it shows 2 slashes there are actually 3, but i dont know why stack overflows editor shows like this.

Weird rails error while loading the application

I am having this bizarre error and I don't know what to do.
This code runs fine on my development and staging machine but crashes on production.
All I have to do is load the page or call script/server to trigger the following error:
Error message:
interning empty string
Exception class:
Full Stack trace: Code
Sorry for this short description, but this is all that i am able to show to you. =/
Thank you.
This could be because you have an invalid filename for a partial (a filename with two consecutive zeros).
For example
_partial..html.erb (invalid)
This blog post mentions this error:
