When will the app show popup notification ?
I have a developed a webview application , everything works fine except the notification .It does not show any kind of notification popup over the display or in lockscreen .
*All permissions were given
but it is yet to publish in play store , now we are just testing as an apk file .
Can someone please explain when will the app show notification ?
when the user interacts using my application , its has to popup the message
this question is duplicate but still i need help on this question because i use one of VPN app that app shows an alert if i close the app while connecting to the server, i'm also need to do same type of work while i'm connected to server in app. i need to restrict the user to keep the app open if user press home button then need to notify user to keep open the app for his online status.
for iPhone, you can't forbid user press home button.
Maybe if you app enter background, you can push a local notification, notify user, keep your app online. I think this is a good idea. 😆
I'm Just setting up push notifications for my app. They've been working welll on android for months and they display a toast when they come in while the app is open. I've been trying to enable them on ios and they're coming through in the background perfectly but when the app is open I can't read the content of the message. What I'm receiving is this:
My guess is that the content is somehow stored in the gcm.message_id but I don't know how to access this. It seems like something that should be straight forward but I can't for the life of me figure it out!
Im developing an app that uses Ibm Mobile First Push Notification on iOS.
My question is how do i detect the app is open or navigate to, when user click on the notification banner at notification centre?
I know WL.Client.Push.onMessage does the trick. But this function is being fired too when the app is at foreground and a notification is received.
Is there a different function?
Thanks in advance.
In all cases (app closed, opened, etc...), there is a single function/callback that is called to process the incoming notification.
If I understand your scenario, you want to perform a different action with the notification, depending if the app is opened or not? Perhaps you can resolve this by setting boolean flags during runtime or assign "IDs" to the various app screens and check for the values of these and act upon them accordingly?
I am creating an IOS application that makes use of PUSH notifications. When I send a PN, I send data to my application. IF my app is not active, I can then click the notification in the notification center to update the data in the app. However, IF I do not click the notification and I just resume the app via the launch screen, the app does not update correctly. Is there a way to update the apps pending notifications even if I don't press the notification center button and I just resume the app from the launch icon?
I have been scouring the internet with no luck. I have also tried to put the notification in a NSMUtable Array in the application delegate with no luck.
thank you in advance.
Without you having a list of notifications that the app can download from the server you won't have a consistent solution so that is the best bet.
If you turned on background fetch for your notifications then the app could maintain a list of the received notifications, but this approach would fail for any notifications coming in after the user had force quit the app.
I'm looking for a way to set up an iMessage after a user clicks my app's notification. Is there any way to do it directly, or would the notification have to open my app and then open MFMessageComposeVC? If I can only do the latter, how can I distinguish the user opening my app from a notification vs from clicking the icon? Could I pass information into my app, such as who to send the message to?
Thanks in advance.
Is there any way to do it directly, or would the notification have to open my app and then open MFMessageComposeVC?
No, it will have to open your app first which in term will open MFMessageComposerVC.
If I can only do the latter, how can I distinguish the user opening my app from a notification vs from clicking the icon?
Yes, if the user opens the app from the notification, the application:didReceiveRemoteNotification will be executed. If the user opens in the traditional way, the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions will be executed, the launchOptions dictionary will contain your notification info.
Could I pass information into my app, such as who to send the message to?
Yes, you can pass information to your app through Push Notifications.
For further information, you you can refer to this tutorial,which even though is for iOS 6, it explains how Notification work and is a good starting point for you.