In custom Instrument, how can I include the duration in a value - ios

I have a custom Instrument with a os-signpost-interval-schema that captures a "state" string. I would like the final plot value to be <state>: <duration>, but I don't know how to get the duration into the string.
My working schema is the following, which just stores the state itself in the column:
<title>State Interval</title>
I would like to change the expression in the column to (str-cat ?state ": " ?duration), but that fails with:
Variable '?duration' must appear in a pattern element to be used in a later expression.
I don't see any way to compute this later in the graph, lane, or plot. I've also tried explicitly creating a <duration-column>, but that doesn't seem to change anything.
The rest of the pieces include the table:
And the lane, which I would like to display as <state>: <duration> rather than just the duration:

This turns out to be impossible. Apple does not expose duration as a variable. It can be solved by writing a custom modeler, though this adds a lot of complexity.


Telegraf Processor value to fieldname

I have points from my Input like these two:
http,Location=Foo Key="Humidity",Value=68 1659704523000000000
http,Location=Foo Key="Temperature",Value=24,1 1659704523000000000
But I have to store them like these:
http,Location=Foo Humidity=68 1659704523000000000
http,Location=Foo Temperature=24,1 1659704523000000000
I saw almost all of Processor plugin docs, but I still not sure it is possible to use field value as a field name. Isn't it?
I still not sure it is possible to use field value as a field name. Isn't it?
Yep! The starlark processor will do this. The 'pivot' example is what you are after.
The following will create a new field based on the values of Key and Value and then remove the original values:
source = '''
def apply(metric):
metric.fields[str(metric.fields['Key'])] = metric.fields['Value']
return metric

Variable to change label on thingsboard

I would like to see if they can help me with the creation of a variable, where I can change the labels of the MQTT message that is sent from my IoT devices, in order to make it easier and to select the correct parameters when creating a dashboard. .
This is the message received to my server.
[{"n": "model", "d": "iot-zigbee1783"}, {"n": "Relay", "ap": true}, {"t": "gateway", "ma": "0035DDf45VAIoT215"}]
What I want is to change the label "d" for "deviceIoT" and "ap" for "door sensor" also if it is possible to change the true or false of the door sensor for open and closed.
You can do this with the help of Thingsboards rule-chain.
There is also an official tutorial for this:
They use the transformation-rule-node called script to convert temperatures from [°F] to [°C].
While this is not your use case, it shows you how to handle incoming telemetry before it is saved to the database.
You could do a mapping of value-keys like this:
var theCustomizedMessage = {};
theCustomizedMessage['customizedKey'] = msg['originalIncomingKey'];
return {msg: theCustomizedMessage, metadata: metadata, msgType: msgType};
Keep in mind that this might be contra-productive since you have to update the rule-node scripts, when something changes.
As an alternative option you can rename the key labels in the widget configuration. This will not help your dashboard developers. But a documentation document will do :)
I strongly recommend against the replacement of boolean values with strings ('closed', 'opened'). This is a job for the widgets (e.g. their value format functions).

How to exclude multiple values in OData call?

I am creating a SAPUI5 application. This application is connected to a backend SAP system via OData. In the SAPUI5 application I use a smart chart control. Out of the box the smart chart lets the user create filters for the underlying data. This works fine - except if you try to use multiple 'not equals' for one property. Is there a way to accomplish this?
I found out that all properties within an 'and_expression' (including nested or_expressions) must have unique name.
The reason why two parameters with the same property don't get parsed into the select options:
/IWCOR/CL_ODATA_EXPR_UTILS=>GET_FILTER_SELECT_OPTIONS takes the expression you pass and parses it into a table of select options.
The select option table returned is of type /IWCOR/IF_ODATA_TYPES=>EDM_SELECT_OPTION_T which is a HASHED TABLE .. WITH UNIQUE KEY property.
The problem is that you cannot combine NE terms with OR. Because both parameters after the NE should not be shown in the result set.
So at the end the it_filter_select_options is empty and only the iv_filter_string is filled.
Is there a manual way of facing this problem (evaluation of the iv_filter_string) to handle multiple NE terms?
This would be an example request:
Normally I want this to exclude items with the category 'Notebook' and 'Smartphone' from my result set that I retrieve from the backend.
If there is a bug inside /iwcor/cl_odata_expr_utils=>get_filter_select_options which makes it unable to treat multiple NE filters of the same component, and you cannot wait for an OSS. I would suggest to wrap it inside a new static method that will make the following logic (if you will be stuck with the ABAP implementation i would try to at least partially implement it when i get time):
Get all instances of <COMPONENT> ne '<VALUE>' inside a () (using REGEX).
Replace each <COMPONENT> with <COMPONENT>_<i> so there will be ( <COMPONENT>_1 ne '<VALUE_1>' and <COMPONENT>_2 ne '<VALUE_2>' and... <COMPONENT>_<n> ne '<VALUE_n>' ).
Call /iwcor/cl_odata_expr_utils=>get_filter_select_options with the modified query.
Modify the rt_select_options result by changing COMPONENT_<i> to <COMPONENT> again.
I can't find the source but I recall that multiple "ne" isn't supported. Isn't that the same thing that happens when you do multiple negatives in SE16, some warning is displayed?
I found this extract for Business ByDesign:
Excluding two values using the OR operator (for example: $filter=CACCDOCTYPE ne ‘1000’ or CACCDOCTYPE ne ‘4000’) is not possible.
The workaround I see is to select the Categories you actively want, not the ones you don't in the UI5 app.
I can also confirm that my code snippet I've used a long time for filtering also has the same problem...
* <SIGNATURE>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | Instance Public Method ZCL_MGW_ABS_DATA->FILTERING
* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</SIGNATURE>
ASSIGN cr_entityset->* TO <lt_entityset>.
CHECK: cr_entityset IS BOUND,
<lt_entityset> IS ASSIGNED.
DATA(lo_filter) = io_tech_request_context->get_filter( ).
exporting it_select_options = lo_filter->get_filter_select_options( )
changing ct_data = <lt_entityset> ).

Issue with using int.parse() in Dart

I'm currently teaching myself the Dart language, and my first app doesn't seem to be working right. Here's the code that's causing trouble:
usrLoc = int.parse(query("#txtLoc").text);
When I try to run the app, it opens fine, but when I click the button that triggers this (and three other similar parses), the debugger stops and tells me "Source not found" for int._native_parse(), int._parse(), and int.parse().
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The text property for the specified element #txtLoc returns an empty string.
The parse method requires that:
The source must be a non-empty sequence of base- radix digits, optionally prefixed with a minus or plus sign ('-' or '+').
You can specify an onError named argument in your call to parse, which takes a callback that handles the invalid input. E.g., if you want the parse call to return the value 42 for all invalid input, you can do this:
usrLoc = int.parse(query("#txtLoc").text, onError: (val) => 42);
If you really expect the element to have some text, you can store the result of query("#txtLoc").text into a separate variable and verify the value. It would also be interesting to check what the real element type is or which tag is marked with id #txtLoc.
If you want to get the content of an input element, you should use the value property instead of text:

XSLT 2.0. Loop inside a Function

Hitting my wall here...
I've got the following data where a Primary Employee may have multiple dependents. I need to create a function that will match the Employee's SSN (ab:SSN) against the Dependent_SSN and determine if one of them is a 'Spouse'. If so, then we'll return the Dependent_SSN of the 'Spouse'.
If not, we'll move on and return the next non-'Spouse' Dependent_SSN.
I'm trying to create a function as I think I'll need this more than once. The code snippet resides inside of an existing template that is doing other looping functionality.
I've tried this but Oxygen returns an error:
<xsl:function name="ab:PQB">
<xsl:param name="EE_SSN">
<xsl:for-each select="/ab:Report_Data/ab:Report_Entry[ab:Employee_ID=$EE_SSN]/ab:Report_Data/ab:Report_Entry[ab:Employee_ID=$EE_SSN]ab:dependents/ab:Dependent_SSN">
The Error returned is :
"Engine name: Saxon-PE
Severity: fatal
Description: Unexpected token name "wd:dependents" beyond end of expression"
I know I need to test the higher level SSN against looping through the dependents, but like I said "I'm against my wall" :)
Data is here:
<ab:Relation ab:Descriptor="Spouse">
<ab:Relation ab:Descriptor="Child">
<ab:Relation ab:Descriptor="Child">
<ab:ID ab:type="Related_Person_Relationship_ID">Child</ab:ID>
<ab:Relation ab:Descriptor="Child">
<ab:ID ab:type="Related_Person_Relationship_ID">Child</ab:ID>
Thank you to any advice!
You might want to define the type of the input parameter and the type of the function result and then you should write a function body returning a value of that type. Currently your description sounds rather procedural, that is not going to work with XSLT/XPath.
As for the error, I think in the path /ab:Report_Data/ab:Report_Entry[ab:Employee_ID=$EE_SSN]/ab:Report_Data/ab:Report_Entry[ab:Employee_ID=$EE_SSN]ab:dependents/ab:Dependent_SSN you need one more slash /ab:Report_Data/ab:Report_Entry[ab:Employee_ID=$EE_SSN]/ab:Report_Data/ab:Report_Entry[ab:Employee_ID=$EE_SSN]/ab:dependents/ab:Dependent_SSN to have a syntactically correct path. That should avoid the syntax error you get but is not likely to return the result you want.
