Telegraf Processor value to fieldname - time-series

I have points from my Input like these two:
http,Location=Foo Key="Humidity",Value=68 1659704523000000000
http,Location=Foo Key="Temperature",Value=24,1 1659704523000000000
But I have to store them like these:
http,Location=Foo Humidity=68 1659704523000000000
http,Location=Foo Temperature=24,1 1659704523000000000
I saw almost all of Processor plugin docs, but I still not sure it is possible to use field value as a field name. Isn't it?

I still not sure it is possible to use field value as a field name. Isn't it?
Yep! The starlark processor will do this. The 'pivot' example is what you are after.
The following will create a new field based on the values of Key and Value and then remove the original values:
source = '''
def apply(metric):
metric.fields[str(metric.fields['Key'])] = metric.fields['Value']
return metric


In custom Instrument, how can I include the duration in a value

I have a custom Instrument with a os-signpost-interval-schema that captures a "state" string. I would like the final plot value to be <state>: <duration>, but I don't know how to get the duration into the string.
My working schema is the following, which just stores the state itself in the column:
<title>State Interval</title>
I would like to change the expression in the column to (str-cat ?state ": " ?duration), but that fails with:
Variable '?duration' must appear in a pattern element to be used in a later expression.
I don't see any way to compute this later in the graph, lane, or plot. I've also tried explicitly creating a <duration-column>, but that doesn't seem to change anything.
The rest of the pieces include the table:
And the lane, which I would like to display as <state>: <duration> rather than just the duration:
This turns out to be impossible. Apple does not expose duration as a variable. It can be solved by writing a custom modeler, though this adds a lot of complexity.

Custom wireshark disector shows value but fieldname is not visible using lua

I am testing some network packets of my Organisation's product. We already have custom plugins. I am trying to add some some more fields into those existing plugins (like conversion of 2 byte code to a string and assign it to a field)
Thankyou in advance for reading my query.
Wireshark version : 2.4.5 (organization's plugins dont work on latest wireshark application)
Problem statement:
I am able to add field and show value, but fieldname is not displayed as defined.
I cannot share the entire .lua file but i will try to explain What i did:
Below is the image where I have a field aprint.type. this is a two byte field. In .lua file, for display purpose it is appended with corresponding description using a custom function int_to_enum.
I want to add one more proto field aprint.typetext which will show the text.
What I did:
Added a protofield f_apr_msg_type_txt = ProtoField.string("aprint.typetxt","aprint_type_text") (Tried f_apr_msg_type_txt = ProtoField.string("aprint.typetxt","aprint_type_text",FT_STRING) also)
Below the code where subtree aprint.type is shown, added my required field as subtree:add(f_apr_msg_type_txt, msg_type_string) (Below is image of code extract)
I am able to see the text but field Name is shown as Wireshark Lua text (_ws.lua.text)
Normally displaying strings based on numeric values is accomplished by a value string lookup, so you'd have something like so:
local aprint_type_vals = {
[1] = "Foo",
[2] = "Bar",
[9] = "State alarm"
f_apr_msg_type = ProtoField.uint16("aprint.type", "Type", base.DEC, aprint_type_vals)
f_apr_msg_type_txt = ProtoField.string("aprint.typetxt","aprint_type_text", base.ASCII)
... then
local msg_type = tvb(offset, 2):le_uint()
subtree:add_le(f_apr_msg_type, tvb(offset, 2))
subtree:add(f_apr_msg_type_txt, tvb(offset, 2), (aprint_type_vals[msg_type] or "Unknown"))
subtree:add(f_apr_msg_type_txt, tvb(offset, 2)):set_text("aprint_type_text: " .. (aprint_type_vals[msg_type] or "Unknown"))
I'm also not sure why you need the extra field with only the text when the text is already displayed with the existing field, but that's basically how you'd do it.

How do you get strip RTF formatting and get actual string value using DXL in DOORS?

I am trying to get the values in "ID" column of DOORS and I am currently doing this
string ostr=richtext_identifier(o)
When I try to print ostr, in some modules I get just the ID(which is what I want). But in other modules I will get values like "{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1256\deff0\nouicompat{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}} {*\generator Riched20 10.0.17134}\viewkind4\uc1 \pard\f0\fs20\lang1033 SS_\f1\fs24 100\par } " This is the RTF value and I am wondering what the best way is to strip this formatting and get just the value.
Perhaps there is another way to go about this that I am not thinking of as well. Any help would be appreciated.
So the ID column of DOORS is actually a composite- DOORS builds it out of the Module level attribute 'Prefix' and the Object level attribute 'Absolute Number'.
If you wish to grab this value in the future, I would do the following (using your variables)
string ostr = ( module ( o ) )."Prefix" o."Absolute Number" ""
This is opposed to the following, which (despite seeming to be a valid attribute in the insert column dialog) WILL NOT WORK.
string ostr = o."Object Identifier" ""
Hope this helps!
Comment response: You should not need the module name for the code to work. I tested the following successfully on DOORS
Object o = current
string ostr = ( module ( o ) )."Prefix" o."Absolute Number" ""
print ostr
Another solution is to use the identifier function, which takes an Object as input parameter, and returns the identifier as a plain (not RTF) string:
string identifier(Object o)
Returns the identifier, which is a combination of absolute number and module prefix, of object o as a string.
The optimal solution somewhat depends on your underlying requirement for retrieving the object ID.

InfluxDB templating query - referring to measuerments?

I'm trying to make templates for my dahboards, and I have problems when it comes to referring to measuerment names.
My variables:
Then I would like a variable that contains only values from a specific $space, which is actually a MEASUREMENT:
$app = SHOW TAG VALUES WITH KEY = "Application" WHERE MEASUREMENT =~ /^$space$/
Here I get a message: Template variables could not be initialized: error parsing query: found MEASUREMENT, expected identifier, string, number, bool at line 1, char 48
In the official example it is like this, though it refers to another tag:
$datacenter = SHOW TAG VALUES WITH KEY = "datacenter"
$host = SHOW TAG VALUES WITH KEY = "hostname" WHERE "datacenter" =~ /^$datacenter$/
I cannot find any info how to refer to MEASUREMENTS which would work. WHERE, WITH, etc.. Maybe is it not possible at all?
I found only this in the official tutorial, but this is for keys, not values.
SHOW TAG KEYS [FROM <measurement_name>]
I actually figured it out:
SHOW TAG VALUES FROM /^$space$/ WITH KEY = "Application"

How to acquire sqlform's field dynamically in web2py

my table:
Field('pass_rate','decimal(2,2)',notnull=True,default =0.00),
format = '%(title)s')
Insert a record into problem table by sqlform,how to acquire the result field of problem in sqlform dynamically.
def test():
for row in db(
record=db.problem(problemid) or redirect(URL('index'))
if form.process().accepted:
The last line I want to judge if the result field is equal to the defresult field.
The form.vars.result seems not change even I input another value into sqlform and the values insert before have fill the sqlform after I reloading the page. how to clear the sqlform? Thanks!
form.vars.result does contain the new value. The problem is that in form.vars.result==db.problem.defresult, you are comparing that value to a Field object rather than to the actual value from the record. Earlier, you have:
So, your equality test should be:
if form.vars.result == record.defresult:
