R Forecasting Analysis Graph - time-series

I am doing a projection analysis and I saw this graph below.
Can anyone tell me please what packages we need to produce the graph?
Thank you :)
I am expecting to produce the graph for my projection. Thank you.


python code of underwater fusion techniques

I am writing python code for underwater image fusion enhancement algorithm(2012 paper and 2018 paper). i am not understanding logic of weight maps and pyramids present in the paper . so if anyone know please tell me.
Here are two implementations I found:
1. https://github.com/IsaacChanghau/ImageEnhanceViaFusion
2. https://github.com/ajit2704/underwater-image-enhancement

Mean Percentile Ranking (MPR) explanation

I am trying to use MPR as a metric to evaluate my recommendation system based on implicit feedback. Can somebody please explain MPR? I have gone through this paper
However, I can't seem to get an intuitive understanding.
Any help would be appreciated.
EDIT : I went through Microsoft's research on metrics for recommendation engine metrics
It is recommended that MPR is recommended when we're looking for one 'positive' result. Can somebody also explain why that is the case?
EDIT 2 :

What are the common algorithm to calculate similarity between zones of images

I have already tried mean squared error and cross correlation, but they don't give me that much of a good result. I'm doing that for Brain MRI. Thank you.
I have seen principal component analysis used to compare separate brain scan images.
This might be useful, but I am not entirely sure what you are trying to do with similarity between sones.

Log scale on gephi reports

I am new to Gephi, and I am computing a small world network. I want to plot reports from the statistical modules in gephi in log-log scale (otherwise it is hardly possible to see anything in the degree distribution).
I would like to obtain the raw data results to plot them on gnuplot, or just use the console in gephi to see them. I googled the issue and looked in the gephi forums but could not seem to find the answer.
Thanks in advance!
Go to the Data Laboratory and click on "export table". It will export a spreadsheet of the node attributes including the degree.

Visualize a Jena ontology model in Java

I would like to visualize an Ontology model created through Jena in Java. Is there an API which can help me out in this task ? Or at least a tutorial on the matter?
Thanks in advance.
You can use the JUNG API (http://jung.sourceforge.net/) to visualize the ontology as a graph.
Cytoscape (www.cytoscape.org/) is a great tool for graph visualization, and has been widely used by linked data repositories.
