I am writing python code for underwater image fusion enhancement algorithm(2012 paper and 2018 paper). i am not understanding logic of weight maps and pyramids present in the paper . so if anyone know please tell me.
Here are two implementations I found:
1. https://github.com/IsaacChanghau/ImageEnhanceViaFusion
2. https://github.com/ajit2704/underwater-image-enhancement
I have used OpenCV library to for Stereo Camera Calibration and disparity map estimation. I used the tutorials available in OpenCV 3.3.1 documentation. For example, for disparity I have used the code from the following link:
It is working but I can't find detils of what is happenning in the functions used in the code such as left_matcher->computer or createdisparityWLSfilter. I want to read the theory behind these fucntion. So here I am looking for a good link or suggestion for that. I came across the following book:
But I am not sure if this is the correct resource to read about details of opencv function.
Any help is appreciated.
today I found this paper "Real-Time Line Detection Through an Improved Hough Transform Voting Scheme" from here http://www2.ic.uff.br/~laffernandes/projects/kht/. This one is published on 2007 so I just wonder if opencv is using it or not? If not, then why?
Thank you.
If you find a random computer vision paper on the internet, assume it's not implemented in openCV. This has mostly to do with limited time of the contributors of openCV.
I do see that they provide the source code (both in mathlab and C++), so it should not be that difficult to implement it in openCV.
Source code of this paper in C++, Matlab and Python.
OpenCV provides SVD decomposition, but I cannot find general QR decomposition in its library. Is there any alternative to achieve this?
This is an old question, but for the sake of completeness (and because google took me here), here's the answer using OpenCV --
OpenCV has the solve() function, which can be invoked with a flag specifying the matrix inversion method to be used. Use the flag DECOMP_QR to perform a QR decomposition.
As someone mentioned 3 years ago, this is an old question (lolz)
But QR decomposition is very much possible in OpenCV. In 3.2 it can be done using cv::decomposeProjectionMatrix, as documented here: http://docs.opencv.org/trunk/d9/d0c/group__calib3d.html#gaaae5a7899faa1ffdf268cd9088940248
Note: I recognize I'm really answering for a specific case of QR decomposition (that on a projection matrix), but that doc page says that this function is based on RQDecomp3x3, which could be used for the generic RQ decomposition.
I'm answering this now as all of the answers that pop up when googling this are wrong in saying that it's not possible.
You can use a matrix library like Newmat11 http://www.robertnz.net/nm11.htm#qr
I have seen numerous examples and sample code for detecting emotions from a human face. I am in desperate need of some algorithm to change expressions. I am a new OpenCV learner. I am also confused if this image manipulation can be done using opencv ? Can functions such as warpaffine() be used for this ? If shall be grateful if someone can guide me in steps how to perform this eg. input a neutral face emotion and convert it to smile ?
Try using FaceAPI, it is free to use for non-commercial purposes and works brilliantly. It is well documented and easy to use.
I am involved in a project regarding image processing where I need to extract features of a given image. I am supposed to do that using wavelets and curvelets. But I cannot find any source where I can fully understand them. I have downloaded several journals and publications but couldn't figure out exactly how features are extracted using them.
Can someone explain how its done. Any tutorial that easily explains them is also welcome.
Thanks in advance.
If you are interested in image processing, you musst know the existance of the library OpenCV. This is the most usefull library for image processing.
In This library there is an implementation of Haar Wavelet transform, maybe that could interest you.
For all this kine of algorithms there is another powerfull source of data. That is Matworks File Exchange. This web page is a matlab open source platform. If you don't use matlab, you can see source codes provided on this web site to understand how does wavelet and curvelet works.
For example, this project may interest you :