How to adjust the size of cells in a Manim table? - manim

I am trying to create a balance sheet animation with Manim. The problem is that if the text in one column is larger than the text in another, the sides of the balance sheet are off-centre. Adding spaces has not worked. Neither did using my_table.move_to(vertical_line.get_center()) nor using .shift().
White: T of balance sheet. Blue: Inner lines of the table.


Adding number to multiple cells in google sheets - without dragging corner or copying background color

I've tried to figure out multiple ways to do this. It seems like it should be simple enough but I haven't been able to figure out how to select multiple cells to fill them with the same number - without changing a preexisting background color that I have across some cells.
If I do the usual select the cell, drag the corner routine, I end up copying the background color in unintentional ways.
I literally just need the same number (.25) assigned to almost every cell.
=INDEX(SEQUENCE(5; 6; 1; 1)*0.25)
where 5 is row and 6 is column
Use this formula
=ArrayFormula(IF(ISNUMBER(RANDARRAY(COUNTA(A:A),COUNTA(1:1))), 0.25, ""))
COUNTA(A:A) is the number of columns in the range A:A.
COUNTA(1:1) is the number of rows in the range 1:1 the "header".
You can replace it with hard coded number
Example: 12 columns and 10 rows.
=ArrayFormula(IF(ISNUMBER(RANDARRAY(12,10)), 0.25, ""))

Google Sheets - Conditional Formatting - Counting In Reverse

I have a simple Google Sheet. On this sheet I am tracking a small budget. This includes the following:
Total budget
Expenses (as line items)
Total expenses
Remaining budget
What I am trying to do is setup conditional formatting so that the cell holding the Remaining budget changes colors based on the total being displayed. That part is straight forward. The issue I am running into is that the Remaining budget is displaying the Total budget minus the Total expenses.
The conditional formatting is assuming that this number is counting up instead of down. When I put the formatting rules in, they are displaying in reverse of what I am wanting.
Is there a way to have the conditional formatting do what its doing based on the numbers subtracting rather than adding?
I did try looking for someone else with this same question, but I didn't see anything that quite fit my issue.
I have shared the Google Sheet at the following link and allowed Editor rights on this link. You can find the Google Sheet HERE.
Based on my understanding, your main goal is to set the cell color to red when the budget left is zero, and change its color scale to green as the budget left increases.
You just need to change your Minpoint and Maxpoint number and color configuration.
As your budget runs out, it should change its color to red:
When your remaining budget is equal to your midpoint, it should change its color to yellow:
See my added sheet, "Erik Help." All I did was swap the order of your numbers (0, 600, 601) and then click on both the red and the green paint cans for the top and bottom and swap those (i.e., red for green, green for red).
ADDENDUM: Looks like "Ron M" explained this for you. I've implemented that in my added sheet. Please mark Ron's reply post as "Best Answer," since it will help future site visitors most, based on the visuals.

Sum of cells containing a formula in google sheets

I want the sum of values in a column. However I wish to ignore cells which do not contain a formula. I tried
But that did not work
if its a small range you can do:
This way might work for you.
I added a column with the following formula, which unfortunately also doesn't work as an arrayformula. But if you put this at the top of your column, beside the one you want to sum, and double click the "drag down" blue square on the bottom right corner of the cell, it will fill all the way down, provided you have no blank rows. Dragging down also works obviously.
This creates a column of zeroes and text formulas, which you can use as a filter for your SUMIF formula, as follows: (assumes data column is A1:A30, helper column is B1:B30. SUMIF is in C1)
Let me know if this is useful, or not.

Conditional formatting depending on the extreme values of each row

I'm trying conditionally to format a Google Sheets sheet with 1,000 or more rows. I have to colour it depending of the highest and lowest value of each row.
(Red=highest,green=lowest) I want to make the second example without having to write every row B1:F1,B2:B2, etc, because it is a large document.
In conditional formatting, you need to select B7:F9 and add a custom formula
then choose dark green fill colour.
Then add another rule
and choose light green fill colour.
Then repeat until you have a rule for each of the five colours.

MS-Word-2010 cross reference of math. equations gap in paragraph

I created a word document in version 2010. The mathematical equations are described by a number and written as follow.
a= b/c Eq.4.5
Now if I use equation number in text to refer towards a= b/c Eq.4.5 with hyperlink then whole
equation is appearing in text (as shown before in mid of sentence).
After reading into several blogs, I redefine number with 'insert bookmark' option by only selecting number 'Eq.4.5'.
Now if I use this bookmark in text to refer towards Eq.4.5 with hyperlink then a gap is
appearing in text (as shown before in mid of sentence).
Please can someone guide me how to remove this gap from text? as manually I can remove it but in print or update of document it appears again and again. If I switch on 'Show/Hide' option, it look like with small arrows as follows.
--> --> --> --> Eq.4.5
It appears the bookmark counts the 'tab's before the number too. (As that is what the small arrows indicate.)
Try remaking the bookmark and making sure you only have the number selected (by for instance using shift + right arrow key)
This can be done by using a table and a caption. The table is needed to separate the equation from the caption.
Make a table with invisible lines that is 3 columns wide and 1 row.
Edit the properties of the table so that the total table width is 100% width, and the columns are each 10%, 80%, and 10% width.
Set the Valign to the cells to be middle.
Add the equation to the center cell of the table.
Click on the right cell of the table and add a caption. Since the equation is in a separate table cell, the equation will not be considered part of the caption. If the caption is added to the table itself instead of appearing in the cell, then just highlight the caption and drag it into the cell.
Center the equation in its cell and it will be centered in the page.
Right-align the equation number and it will be right-aligned to the page
