Large SwiftUI struct leading to memory error - ios

I am still pretty new to iOS development. I have a (very?) large view that is causing a memory error. My body var looks something like this:
var body: some View {
ZStack {
ScrollView {
VStack {
ZStack {
VStack {
HStack {
// more stuff
// many more views
I added and removed views to confirm it was a problem related to having too many views. At some point, when I add another view, I get this (or similar) memory error:
Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=0x16cd27fc8)
The address seems to be different each time but always starts with 0x16, which leads me to believe it's a stack overflow... I found this answer/question where they have a very similar problem and were able to solve it by moving large structs to the heap. I am not certain how exactly to accomplish this, even after looking at the example provided in the answer.
My main thought is that there must be a better way to organize my body in the first place that I am just missing. Is using the heap really necessary for rendering a view with a lot of children? Any help or advice is appreciated.

body has a 10 View limit, break up body into as small custom subviews as possible (based on what let/#State vars each uses).

Use LazyVstack Instead Of Vstack it only loads the views we see on the screen.
var body: some View {
ZStack {
ScrollView {
//Vstack load the whole content at a time while LazyVstack load as its needed
ZStack {
VStack {
HStack {
// more stuff
// many more views


Matched Geometry Effect with AsyncImage iOS 15

Consider the following example:
struct ContentView: View {
#State var showSplash: Bool = true
#Namespace var animationNamespace
var body: some View {
ZStack {
if showSplash {
GeometryReader { geometry in
AsyncImage(url: URL(string: "")) { image in
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "SplashImage", in: animationNamespace)
.transition(.move(edge: .bottom))
.frame(width: geometry.size.width)
.transition(.move(edge: .bottom))
} placeholder: {
.onTapGesture {
} else {
ScrollView {
GeometryReader { geometry in
AsyncImage(url: URL(string: "")) { image in
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "SplashImage", in: animationNamespace)
.transition(.move(edge: .bottom))
} placeholder: {
.frame(width: geometry.size.width, height: 400)
.onTapGesture {
With a helper method here:
private extension ContentView {
func toggleSplashScreen(_ toggle: Bool) {
withAnimation(.spring(response: 0.85, dampingFraction: 0.95)) {
showSplash = toggle
This produces:
I noticed two things here that I would like to fix
The flashing white effect when transitioning between the two states.
I noticed since we are using AsyncImage, when showSplash changes the AsyncImages only sometimes hits the placeholder block. As a result, the transition becomes really choppy. I tested this with a static image from the assets file and the transition then became smooth. I also tried creating a Caching mechanism on the AsyncImage but still had issues with it hitting placeholder block sometimes.
Would love to hear any ideas :) Thanks!
There are a couple of things that I think you could do to improve this.
First, You are fighting a little bit against the way SwiftUI maintains a view's identity. One of the ways that SwiftUI determines when it can reuse an existing structure as opposed to recreating a structure, is by it's location in the view hierarchy. So when you toggle your structure you go from:
As a result, the system thinks these are two AsyncImage views and so it's rebuilding the view (and reloading the image) every time. I think that's where your white flashes come from since you're seeing your gray placeholder in the middle of your animation. If you could leave the scroll view in place, possibly disabling scrolling when it's not needed (if that's possible) then the OS could maintain the identity of the AsyncImage. (see
That leads to the second area of investigation for you. AsyncImage is wonderful in the convenience it gives you in loading content from the network. Unfortunately it doesn't make that communication faster. Your goal should be to have AsyncImage go to the network as few times as possible.
Right now, your resizing strategy focuses on resizing the image. That means that for every transition you're "hitting the network" (read putting your code on the slow, dusty, dirt road path). Instead of resizing the image, you should just load the image once (the slow part) and resize the view that is displaying it. The general idea would be to let AsyncImage load the image, then control how the image is animated by animating the frame of the view.
This is where I get less helpful. I don't know enough about AsyncImage to know if it's capable of implementing that strategy. It seems that it should be... but I don't know that it is. You might have to resort to downloading and storing the image as state separately from the view that presents it.
So my advice is to limit the number of times AsyncImage has to reload the network data. That involves helping SwiftUI maintain the identity of the AsyncImage so it doesn't have to reload each time the view is created. And, try to implement your animations and scaling on the view, not the image, because rescaling the image also requires a network reload.

How to have 1 column in a multiple column list be of the same width w/out using a frame modifier of width so to retain flexibility

I have a list of entries that consist of multiple columns of UI with all except the first free to be uniquely sized horizontally (i.e. they’re as short/long as their content demands). I know with the first consistently sized column I can set a frame modifier width to achieve this, but I was hoping there is a better and more flexible way to get the desired behaviour. The reason being I don’t believe the solution is optimised to consider the user’s display size nor the actual max content width of the columns. That is, the width set will either not be wide enough when the display size is set to the largest, or, if it is, then it will be unnecessarily wide on a smaller/regular display size.
This is my current best attempt:
GeometryReader { geometry in
VStack {
HStack {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "cloud.drizzle").font(Font.title2)
.offset(y: 4)
VStack {
HStack {
.padding(.trailing, 4)
VStack {
VStack {
}.offset(y: -6)
}.frame(width: geometry.size.width/1.5)
HStack {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "cloud.drizzle").font(Font.title2)
.offset(y: 4)
VStack {
HStack {
ZStack {
Text("Mostly cloudy")
.padding(.trailing, 4)
VStack {
VStack {
}.offset(y: -6)
}.frame(width: geometry.size.width/1.75)
For me, this looks like:
As you can tell, 10 am is slightly wider than 9 am. To keep them as closely sized as possible, I’m including a cloud icon in it too, albeit with zero opacity. Ideally, 10 am would be sized the same as 9 am without needing a transparent cloud icon. More generally speaking, what would make sense is the widest HStack in this column is identified and then whatever its width is will be applied to all other columns. Keep in mind, my code above is static for demo purposes. It will be a view that is rendered iterating through a collection of rows.
You can use dynamic frame modifiers, such as frame(.maxWidth: .infinity) modifier to extend views so that they fill up the entire frame, even if the frame is dynamic. Here is an example that should help you get going:
struct CustomContent: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
VStack {
CustomRow(timeText: "9am", systemIcon: "cloud.drizzle", centerText: "Summary", temperature: "12°", percent: "25%")
CustomRow(timeText: "10am", systemIcon: nil, centerText: nil, temperature: "13°", percent: "25%")
VStack {
CustomRow(timeText: "9am", systemIcon: "cloud.drizzle", centerText: "Summary", temperature: "12°", percent: "25%")
CustomRow(timeText: "10am", systemIcon: nil, centerText: nil, temperature: "13°", percent: "25%")
.frame(width: 300)
struct CustomContent_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
struct CustomRow: View {
let timeText: String
let systemIcon: String?
let centerText: String?
let temperature: String
let percent: String
var body: some View {
HStack {
//Left column
HStack(alignment: .center) {
if let icon = systemIcon {
Image(systemName: icon)
.frame(width: 105, height: 60)
// Center column
ZStack(alignment: .leading) {
.frame(height: 0.5)
if let text = centerText {
// Right column
VStack {
Guided by, I accomplished this.
This is the piece of UI I want to make sure is horizontally sized equally across all rows with the width set to whatever is the highest:
HStack {
VStack {
}.frame(minWidth: self.maximumSubViewWidth)
The stack the above is contained in has an OnPreferenceChange modifier:
.onPreferenceChange(DetermineWidth.Key.self) {
if $0 > maximumSubViewWidth {
maximumSubViewWidth = $0
The magic happens here:
struct MaximumWidthPreferenceKey: PreferenceKey
static var defaultValue: CGFloat = 0
static func reduce(value: inout CGFloat, nextValue: () -> CGFloat)
value = max(value, nextValue())
struct DetermineWidth: View
typealias Key = MaximumWidthPreferenceKey
var body: some View
proxy in
.anchorPreference(key: Key.self, value: .bounds)
anchor in proxy[anchor].size.width
The link at the top best describes each’s purpose.
This defines a new key, sets the default to zero, and as new values get added, takes the widest
This view is just an empty (Color.clear) background, but with our new preference set to its width. We’ll get back to that clear background part in a moment, but first: there are several ways to set preferences, here, we’re using anchorPreference. Why?
Well, anchorPreference has “No Overview Available” so I don’t actually have a good answer for that, other than it seems to be more reliable in practice. Yeah, cargo-cult code. Whee! I have a hunch that, what with it taking a block and all, SwiftUI can re-run that block to get an updated value when there are changes that affect layout.
Another hope I have is that this stuff will get better documented, so that we can better understand how these different types are intended to be used and new SwiftUI developers can get on board without spending all their time on Stack Overflow or reading blog posts like this one.
Anyway, an anchor is a token that represents a dimension or location in a view, but it doesn’t give you the value directly, you have to cash it in with a GeometryProxy to get the actual value, so, that’s what we did — to get the value, you subscript a proxy with it, so proxy[anchor].size.width gets us what we want, when anchor is .bounds (which is the value we passed in to the anchorPreference call). It’s kind of twisted, but it gets the job done.
maximumSubViewWidth is a binding variable passed in from the parent view to ensure the maximumSubViewWidth each subview refers to is always the the up-to-date maximum.
ForEach(self.items) { item, in
ItemSubview(maximumSubViewWidth: $maximumSubViewWidth, item: item)
The one issue with this was there was an undesired subtle but still noticeable animation on the entire row with any UI that gets resized to the max width. What I did to work around this is add an animation modifier to the parent container that’s nil to start with that switches back to .default after an explicit trigger.
.animation(self.initialised ? .default : nil)
I set self.initialised to be true after the user explicitly interacts with the row (In my case, they tap on a row to expand to show additional info) – this ensured the initial animation doesn't incorrectly happen but animations go back to normal after that. My original attempt toggled initialised's state in the .onAppear modifier so that the change is automatic but that didn't work because I’m assuming resizing can occur after the initial appearance.
The other thing to note (which possibly suggests although this solution works that it isn't the best method) is I'm seeing this message in the console repeated for either every item, or just the ones that needed to be resized (unclear but the total number of warnings = number of items):
Bound preference MaximumWidthPreferenceKey tried to update multiple
times per frame.
If anyone can think of a way to achieve the above whilst avoiding this warning then great!
UPDATE: I figured the above out.
It’s actually an important change because without addressing this I was seeing the column keep getting wider on subsequent visits to the screen.
The view has a new widthDetermined #State variable that’s set to false, and becomes true inside .onAppeared.
I then only determine the width for the view IF widthDetermined is false i.e. not set. I do this by using the conditional modifier proposed at
func `if`<Content: View>(_ conditional: Bool, content: (Self) -> Content) -> TupleView<(Self?, Content?)> {
if conditional { return TupleView((nil, content(self))) }
else { return TupleView((self, nil)) }
and in the view:
.if(!self.widthDetermined) {
I had similar issue. My text in one of the label in a row was varying from 2 characters to 20 characters. It messes up the horizontal alignment as you have seen. I was looking to make this column in row as fixed width. I came up with something very simple. And it worked for me.
var body: some View { // view for each row in list
HStack {
.fixedSize(horizontal: true, vertical: false)
.frame(width: 110.0, alignment: .trailing)

What is the correct way to pass touches through a view to those below it?

I have a SwiftUI view that is displayed over other views, and have found that using Color.clear like this below seems to allow touch interactions to pass through to anything under it:
var body: some View {
VStack {
HStack {
.overlay(GeometryReader { proxy in
Color.clear.preference(key: MyCustomHeightPreferenceKey.self, value: proxy.size.height)
Is this the correct way to make touches pass through to the views below, or it this just a coincidental quirk/bug in SwiftUI behaviour that Apple might fix/change as swiftui matures?
If not, what is the correct way to pass the touches through?
You can pass through touch events without use a clear color like this:
var body: some View {
.allowsHitTesting(false) // <--- Passes through gestures
Asperi mentioned this solution in a comment above, and you can also find a good blog about this topic here:

Correct way to layout SwiftUI (similar to Autolayout)

I'm struggling to layout views effectively with SwiftUI.
I am very familiar with UIKit and Autolayout and always found it intuitive.
I know SwiftUI is young and only beginning so maybe I expect too much, but taking a simple example:
Say I have a HStack of Text() views.
| Text("static") Text("Dynamic") |
When I have dynamic content, the static Text strings jump all over the place as the size of the HStack changes, when Text("Dynamic") changes...
I've tried lot's of things, Spacers(), Dividers(), looked at approaches using PreferenceKeys (link), Alignment Guides (link)
Closest to an answer seems alignment guides, but they are convoluted.
What's the canonical approach to replicate Autolayout's ability to basically anchor views to near the edge of the screen, and layout correctly without jumping around?
I'd like to anchor the static text "Latitude" so it doesn't jump around.
There are other examples, so a more general answer on how best to layout would be appreciated...
With Autolayout it felt I chose were things went. With SwiftUI it's a lottery.
Example, showing the word "Latitude" jump around as co-ordinates change:
Example, code:
HStack {
Text(verbatim: "\(self.viewModelContext.lastRecordedLocation().coordinate.latitude)")
I'm really struggling when my views have changing/dynamic context. All works OK for static content as shown in all of the WWDC videos.
Potential Solution:
Using a HStack like this:
HStack(alignment: .center, spacing: 20) {
Text(verbatim: "\(self.viewModelContext.lastRecordedLocation().coordinate.latitude)")
The result is nicely anchored, but I hate magic numbers.
As you've somewhat discovered, the first piece is that you need to decide what you want. In this case, you seem to want left-alignment (based on your padding solution). So that's good:
HStack {
Text(verbatim: "\(randomNumber)")
That's going to make the HStack as wide as its containing view and push the text to the left.
But from you later comments, you seem to not want it to be on the far left. You have to decide exactly what you want in that case. Adding .padding will let you move it in from the left (perhaps by adding .leading only), but maybe you want to match it to the screen size.
Here's one way to do that. The important thing is to remember the basic algorithm for HStack, which is to give everyone their minimum, and then split up the remaining space among flexible views.
HStack {
HStack {
HStack {
Text(verbatim: "\(randomNumber)")
The outer HStack has 2 children, all of whom are flexible down to some minimum, so it offers each an equal amount of space (1/2 of the total width) if it can fit that.
(I originally did this with 2 extra Spacers, but I forgot the Spacers seem to have special handling to get their space last.)
The question is what happens if randomNumber is too long? As written, it'll wrap. Alternatively, you could add .fixedSize() which would stop it from wrapping (and push Latitude to the left to make it fit). Or you could add .lineLimit(1) to force it to truncate. It's up to you.
But the important thing is the addition of flexible HStacks. If every child is flexible, then they all get the same space.
If you want to force things into thirds or quarters, I find you need to add something other than a Spacer. For example, this will give Latitude and the number 1/4 of the available space rather than 1/2 (note the addition of Text("")):
HStack {
HStack {
HStack {
HStack {
Text(verbatim: "\(randomNumber)")//.lineLimit(1)
HStack {
In my own code, I do this kind of thing so much I have things like
struct RowView: View {
// A centered column
func Column<V: View>(#ViewBuilder content: () -> V) -> some View {
HStack {
var body: some View {
HStack {
Column { Text("Name") }
Column { Text("Street") }
Column { Text("City") }

SwiftUI: How can I restrict the tappable area of a view when presenting a modal(actually not modal) view over a main view?

I am developing an app based on a Tabview with three TabItems. Each TabItem is a List and I would be able to show a kind of modal view over those Lists. The problem becomes when I can not call a Sheet as modal view because Sheets are almost full windowed. I need some kind of bottom modal view, so I create a View that I present over a List with higher ZIndex. It seems to work until you click in the tabbar and select another TabItem having deployed the "modal" view. The error is:
[TableView] Warning once only: UITableView was told to layout its
visible cells and other contents without being in the view hierarchy
(the table view or one of its superviews has not been added to a
window). This may cause bugs by forcing views inside the table view to
load and perform layout without accurate information (e.g. table view
bounds, trait collection, layout margins, safe area insets, etc), and
will also cause unnecessary performance overhead due to extra layout
So, I would like as solution to restrict the tappable area to the "modal" view area. ¿Is there a way to achieve this?
Probably you have some condition state depending on which you present your "modal-like" view, so depending on the same condition you can disable below TabView, like below
TabView {
// ... tabs content here
Update: Here is a demo of approach that I meant (tested with Xcode 11.3+)
struct TestTabViewModal: View {
#State private var selectedTab = 0
#State private var modalShown = false
var body: some View {
ZStack {
TabView(selection: $selectedTab) {
VStack {
Button("Show Modal") { self.modalShown = true }
.padding(.top, 40)
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "")
Text("2").tabItem {
Image(systemName: "")
if modalShown {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)
.frame(width: 320, height: 240)
.overlay(Button("CloseMe") { self.modalShown = false })
